Surprising TV Shows Cancelled 2024: What Didn’t Make the Cut

Welcome to our⁤ time capsule that’s about to dive into⁤ the flux of ⁢2024’s ​TV landscape. A universe where ​show’s lifelines​ were abruptly severed, ⁣storylines‌ hung in ‍timeless ‍suspense,⁢ and characters were silenced into two-dimensional ‍oblivion. We’re dusting off the archives ‍and unearthing⁢ the surprising TV shows cancelled 2024. Come with ⁢us on⁣ this ⁣wild journey featuring intriguing ​plots‌ that couldn’t outwit the treacherous game of ratings, and charismatic characters who ‌couldn’t ⁤charm their way into another season.

This ⁤list offers a tantalizing ‍glimpse ‍into ⁤the ⁤behind-the-scenes machinations and the ⁤public’s⁢ unfathomable tastes in prime-time ‍entertainment. Whether‌ you’re a ⁤TV epicurean,​ a⁤ bona fide critic or just a curious passerby, join us to uncover⁤ the ​intricate⁢ forces⁣ that ‍shaped our ⁤screens in ‌that fateful year.⁣ We promise intrigue, drama, and‌ a reminder or two‍ of​ shows‍ you had forgotten​ had disappeared‌ into⁤ the ⁣ether. ⁣So, strap in ⁢and⁢ let’s rewind!

1) Asphalt Angels ‍- Despite the initial buzz around ⁣this ⁤gritty drama exploring⁤ the complex lives ⁤of a‍ motorcycle gang, falling ⁤viewer ratings led to its abrupt cancellation midway through its⁢ first ⁣season

1) ⁤Asphalt Angels -​ Despite the ‍initial buzz around this gritty drama exploring the‌ complex lives of ‌a motorcycle gang, falling viewer ‍ratings ⁢led to‌ its abrupt cancellation midway through its first season

When Asphalt Angels made its television debut ⁤in early 2024, it was initially ‌hailed as a revolutionary series. ‍The gritty drama, spotlighting the tumultuous existence of a motorcycle‍ gang, was lauded for its intricate ​storytelling, ⁢unique ⁤character development, and‌ superior ‌production ‍value. Each episode was a ⁣roller coaster of ⁤emotions, gripping audiences ⁢with the ‌dark world of criminal‍ life ​and⁤ sparking intense⁣ debates⁤ about morality and‌ brotherhood.‍

Yet,​ despite the early enthusiasm, ⁣the show fell into a ratings nosedive. Rapidly, the ⁤fan base ⁣dwindled for reasons that remain a‍ mystery to ardent followers. Some⁣ attribute the falling viewership to the​ show’s ⁤intense⁤ nature, ​accusing it of being too raw and⁢ gritty for mainstream ⁤audiences. Others argue that the⁣ show’s complex narrative ⁤structure was⁢ overwhelming ‍for some viewers, leading ⁤to ⁤a lack of⁢ suspense and excitement.

    • Episode One: The Arrest – Vouched as one of the best premier‌ episodes of the year. The​ brewing storm of a gang‌ leader’s arrest formed the core plot.
    • Episode Six: The Betrayal ​- This⁤ was deemed⁢ a game-changer, showcasing​ the ‌intense⁢ volume of treachery within‌ the ⁢gang.
Series TitleDebutViewer RatingsReason⁤ for Cancellation
Asphalt Angels20248.5/10 (First Episode)
4.2/10 (Last Episode)
Declining Viewer Ratings

Despite the abrupt‍ cancellation of Asphalt Angels that left​ many of its viewers in suspense,‍ the show’s ‍group of devoted fans are holding on to hope for a revival. As we ​move ​further ⁢into the digital age,‌ streaming platforms are ‌becoming​ increasingly⁢ popular, offering ​opportunities‍ for Asphalt Angels ‌ to ⁤ride ⁣again.

2) Marshmallow Dreams – The whimsical sitcom about a group of friends running a dessert ⁣bar‌ in Portland was cut ⁣short ‌after its second‍ season due to creative​ differences between the production‍ team and the⁣ network

2)​ Marshmallow Dreams - The⁢ whimsical sitcom about a group of ​friends running a dessert bar in ⁤Portland was cut short after its ‌second season due ⁤to​ creative differences between the production ‍team and the network

Despite only running for two short seasons, Marshmallow‍ Dreams ‌managed to win⁤ the hearts ‍of​ many viewers. The ‍whimsy, ‍engaging ⁣storylines, and deep character development⁤ made it ​a‌ standout among other sitcoms. Set in Portland, the series focused on⁣ a group of friends who joined forces​ to run a‍ dessert ‌bar. ⁢What set⁢ it ⁣apart was its adorable infusion of ‌intricate desserts ⁤and ​heartwarming ‌friendship. As viewers, we ⁣got to not only​ see ⁢these scrumptiously delightful creations but‍ also the dynamics between characters facing everyday challenges and their passion for desserts.

Unfortunately, Marshmallow ​Dreams was cancelled after its‌ second season⁤ owing to creative⁣ discord between⁣ the production team​ and⁤ the network.‌ It was a blow to fans everywhere ⁢who had grown‌ attached ‍to the show’s‍ quirky charm and ⁢relatable⁣ characters. Rating stats showed a steady viewer-base growth, reflecting its growing popularity.

CharacterProfessionFamous Quote
JennyPastry Chef“Life is short, eat dessert first!”
MarkManager“Running a​ dessert‍ bar isn’t just about sugar, it’s about creating memories.”
LizBarista“There is no ‌problem a ⁢good cupcake and coffee ⁢can’t solve.”

Who can⁣ forget the ‌earnestness⁤ of Jenny, ⁢the group’s pastry chef, or the⁤ practical wisdom of Mark,⁤ the bar’s manager,⁣ or the warm-hearted ⁤Liz, the barista. ⁣These⁣ characters became more than just that‍ –⁣ they ​turned​ into our friends, our inspirations, and reminders of the ⁣importance ⁣of chasing our dreams, no ⁤matter how​ ‘sugary’ they might ​be. Many⁣ felt that Marshmallow Dreams didn’t receive the⁣ closure it deserved, and⁣ its abrupt cancellation left fans hoping for a⁢ comeback or a ‍suitable conclusion.

    • Jenny’s innovative dessert ‌recipes that‍ became⁣ a ⁢Monday night staple ‍for ​many households.
    • Mark’s balanced approach to running ​a ‍business ‍and maintaining friendships.
    • Liz’s ⁢goofy nature and ⁣wise-beyond-her-years ‌advice served ‍with every cup of ⁣coffee.

Fans globally are still ​hopeful that the show might return ⁢or⁤ maybe ‌a ‍streaming platform⁣ could give it another shot. The​ subtle blend of humor, friendship and dessert ⁣in Marshmallow Dreams proved​ to ‍be the perfect recipe for a comfort⁢ watch that is sorely missed.

3) Re-Genesis ⁢- This high-concept​ sci-fi series‌ promising an‍ innovative take on the ​post-apocalyptic genre couldn’t ‍live up​ to​ the expectations ​and was dropped after its initial ⁣2024 run

3) ‍Re-Genesis ⁣- This‍ high-concept sci-fi series promising ⁢an innovative take⁤ on ​the ⁢post-apocalyptic genre‍ couldn’t live ⁢up​ to the ⁢expectations and was dropped after its initial 2024 run

Touted as the next big thing in post-apocalyptic storytelling, ‌ Re-Genesis generated​ plenty ‍of⁢ hype ​with its promises of innovation and a fresh​ perspective on a​ well-trodden⁣ genre. Despite the involvement​ of ​critically acclaimed showrunners ⁢and a ⁣stellar cast,‌ the series struggled​ to​ achieve ⁢satisfactory viewership⁣ numbers. ⁢Its convoluted ‌plotlines, weak⁤ character development, ‌and the failure to fully realize⁣ its ambitious high-concept premise eventually led ⁢to its cancelation after ⁣the ‍inaugural 2024⁣ run.

The series was visually ‌stunning, leveraging cutting-edge special ⁢effects to ​bring to ‌life ⁣a post-apocalyptic world ​that⁢ was equal parts ‌terrifying‌ and ‍enthralling. However, audiences found the storyline ⁤difficult to follow, and the lack of‍ relatable characters made it hard ​for‍ viewers to engage with the narrative.‍ The ⁤show’s ratings plummeted and it ⁢couldn’t⁤ recover from the ​initial backlash. A substantial ‌amount of⁢ fan petitions were made for its renewal but‌ it wasn’t enough ⁢to ‌save Re-Genesis from destructive reviews and ‌eventual oblivion. Despite​ its short life, Re-Genesis ⁤acted‌ as a‌ sobering reminder ‍for future productions‌ of the importance ⁤of narrative clarity and⁤ character connection within‌ the realm of high-concept storytelling.

ShowGenreRunReason ⁢for ⁤Cancelation
Re-GenesisPost-Apocalyptic, ‍Sci-fi2024Poor plotline execution ‍and weak character development
    • Despite promising innovative narratives, Re-Genesis ⁢failed‍ to meet viewer’s expectations.
    • The series⁢ suffered⁢ from ‍complex⁢ plotlines that made‌ it hard for audiences to follow.
    • Weak character ‌development added to the ⁢list of negatives that led ​to its⁤ early cancelation.

4) Gallant Chronicles – Though ⁢targeted⁣ towards a young⁤ adult ⁣audience, this fantasy ‌series about a ⁤group ⁤of ⁤teenage knights failed to capture ​enough viewer interest, and was ultimately ‍cancelled ‍after a single season

4) Gallant ‍Chronicles - Though​ targeted towards ​a young ‍adult⁤ audience, this fantasy series about ​a group of teenage knights failed to ⁣capture⁢ enough viewer interest, and was ultimately cancelled after a single season
Gallant Chronicles was indeed⁢ a noble attempt‌ to engage⁣ the minds of⁣ young adults. The series ⁣delved into the‌ adventures ⁣of a cohort of teenage ‌knights, ‌hailing⁢ from different social strata‌ and backgrounds, and anointed with the ‌task of saving their kingdom. Each knight had their ‌own ‌unique backstory that evolved ‍through the series, making for ‌a diverse⁢ and colourful cast. ​Unfortunately, despite ⁤such​ an enthralling⁣ plot,‌ the ⁤series ⁢faced a premature end‌ owing to disappointing viewership.

The key elements ‍the series aimed at incorporating,⁢ included:

    • Heroic ​teenage-knight ‍adventures
    • Strong characterization
    • Diversity in protagonists
    • Charming mix of​ medieval aesthetics ​& modern dialogue

The table ‌below illustrates the dwindling ‍ratings and viewer interest ‍over the ‍course⁣ of ‌its short run:

EpisodeRatingViewership (millions)

Gallant Chronicles thus stands as a testament to‍ the fact that even the bravest of‌ knights‌ and⁤ the ⁣most intriguing of tales can sometimes fail to captivate ​the audience. ⁣However,​ despite its untimely cancellation, the series’ evocative storytelling and ⁣crisp portrayal of‌ the ⁣magnificent Medieval era are⁣ aspects that are⁣ still cherished by its niche fan base.

5) ‍Law & Disorder – ‍This satirical ⁢take on the procedural cop⁣ genre ⁤received mixed reviews from critics and⁢ lukewarm response from audiences, leading to its⁤ cancellation after just one season

5)⁣ Law &​ Disorder - This‌ satirical take on the⁢ procedural cop ⁤genre received mixed reviews ‍from critics and⁣ lukewarm response from⁣ audiences, ⁤leading to⁤ its cancellation after just one season
Designed ‍to poke fun ⁢at the traditional ​law enforcement⁤ television series, Law & Disorder swept onto our screens⁣ in 2024 with a mission to ​satirize.‌ Unfortunately, both⁣ critics and fans⁢ had a lukewarm response⁢ to this bold experiment,⁢ leading to its early‍ demise after a⁣ single season.

The show attempted to breathe⁤ life into the overworked genre by⁣ injecting‌ an element ‌of ⁤comedy ‍and absurdity into​ the ⁤procedural ‌cop narrative, ⁤boasting a fools’ gallery of​ hilariously inept characters.⁣ For instance, Officer⁤ Bumble, ⁢the show’s‍ main protagonist, was a law ⁤enforcement⁤ stereotype‌ turned⁣ on​ its head, seemingly‍ more adept at creating chaos ​than solving⁤ crimes. Yet, ‌viewers ⁣weren’t ⁣entirely sold on its‍ slapstick humor and took issue with⁢ the shallow character ‍development⁤ and the show’s inability to balance comedy ⁢with the seriousness⁤ required from a cop drama.

CharacterCritic’s​ Review
Officer ⁣Bumble“A ⁤comedy casualty rather ‍than a comedic⁣ hero.”
Sergeant Sloth“An embodiment ⁤of every lazy cop⁢ cliché.”
Detective Ditz“An exaggerated parody ‌who ‌undermines the ⁤show’s credibility.”

Despite ⁢the misfire,​ it can’t be⁤ denied‍ that ‌ Law & Disorder was brave in ​its attempt‌ to offer⁤ something ‌unique. Following the cancellation ‍of this quirky series, ⁤it leaves⁢ us pondering an important question:‍ Can a⁣ procedural⁣ cop show thrive with a comedic‍ twist? Law & Disorder’s brief run⁣ suggests a difficult path ⁢ahead, but who knows what​ the future holds for⁣ this genre fusion?⁣ Let’s keep our eyes on the screen, perhaps, for the next ⁢brave show that dares⁣ to mix law enforcement banter‍ with earnest‌ crime ⁢solving ‍in a world in ⁢dire need‌ of some laughs.

6) Sonnet Vale – ⁣This contemporary adaptation‍ of various Shakespearian plays, set‌ in⁣ a small town, ​failed to​ secure ​the expected ⁢viewership, resulting in its cancellation at the end ‍of ⁤its ‍inaugural season

6)‌ Sonnet ⁣Vale - This⁤ contemporary adaptation of various Shakespearian plays, set⁤ in a small⁤ town,​ failed to⁣ secure‍ the expected viewership, resulting in its cancellation ⁣at⁢ the end ‍of⁤ its inaugural‌ season

Despite the intriguing​ premise of Sonnet Vale, the‌ show failed to⁢ live up​ to its expectations. The series ⁢attempted to use the timeless ‍works of Shakespeare as a⁣ backdrop⁤ to a modern-day drama⁤ set in​ a⁤ quaint little‍ town. With ⁣adaptations of ​Romeo ⁣and Juliet ⁤to Macbeth⁣ and King Lear, one ‍might⁣ have‌ expected ​a captivating blend of classic⁢ and contemporary, but unfortunately, the series couldn’t ​garner a significant viewership.

The acclaimed cast​ included‌ Oscar nominee⁤ Helena Clifton as Lady Macbeth and promising newcomer Max Rhodes as⁤ Romeo. ⁤However, beyond ​the star-studded cast and⁣ innovative ⁤concept, critics believed‍ that the weak plotlines‍ and⁢ lack of ​depth in characterization led ⁣to its downfall. The inaccuracies and oversimplifications of⁤ Shakespeare’s original⁢ texts ​were ⁤also pointed out as factors affecting the show’s ⁤popularity. Despite⁢ a few standout performances,⁣ the show was‍ cancelled at the end ‌of its ⁢first season.

CastCharacterOriginal Play
Helena CliftonLady MacbethMacbeth
Max RhodesRomeoRomeo and Juliet
Helen ⁣MerriweatherJulietRomeo and Juliet
Noah GrayMacbethMacbeth

Fans of⁢ the show ‌have​ signed petitions hoping for a​ resurrection of the show on a different network, but there’s no news on‍ this ⁣front yet.⁢ It’s a shame that the ambitious and potentially riveting Sonnet Vale ⁣ turned ⁣out to be⁤ a disappointment, proving once again ‍that even the most ⁤promising ​concepts can struggle without ⁤the right​ execution.

7) Cookoff: Celebrity Edition -​ Ratings took a ⁢nosedive during the second season of ‍this celebrity-based cooking competition show — a clear sign for‌ producers that‍ viewers tastes had ⁢changed

7) Cookoff: Celebrity Edition -⁤ Ratings took a ​nosedive during the second ‌season of this celebrity-based ​cooking competition show — ‌a⁢ clear sign for producers that viewers tastes had changed

“Cookoff: ‍Celebrity Edition” ushered in with a lot of buzz and ostensibly, a brilliant concept⁤ that ⁤married our fascination with ⁤celebrities ‍and our inherent love for ⁤food. In‌ its​ inaugural season, this reality cooking competition snagged impressive ratings, blending the allure⁢ of ⁤celebrity chefs battling it out in the​ kitchen ⁢with the thrill⁤ of unpredictable outcomes. ​The novelty​ of the idea and the charming ⁤way it ⁣melded ​celebrities with culinary challenges appeared to ​rivet viewers.

However, by‌ the ⁣time ⁤the second season‍ rolled out, the‌ magic had seemingly fizzled out.⁣ A plummeting viewership⁢ and a noticeable dip in audience⁣ interest had​ the ‍executives worried. ⁣With ratings‌ nose spinning,⁢ it quickly ⁢became clear that ⁤the audience had moved on, finding ⁣the show less appetizing. The⁤ inevitable cancellation⁤ was announced ⁣shortly after, leaving many wondering where ​it went ⁤wrong.

Name of ⁢ShowFirst Air ⁢DateCancellation Date
Cookoff: Celebrity⁢ Edition20232024

Perhaps,‍ the viewers simply craved a ⁢more relatable cooking show, or maybe they wished to see more accomplished ⁣or aspiring chefs,​ instead of celebrities. Regardless ⁢of the reason, the ⁢”Cookoff: Celebrity Edition” stands‍ as an‍ exemplar ‍of the fickle nature ‌of network television ratings,⁣ and a poignant​ reminder ‍that viewer preferences ⁣can change almost as quickly‍ as ⁣the dishes whipped⁤ up in ⁤a timed cooking challenge.

8) Mad Dash -‌ The action-filled heist series couldn’t​ compete with ‍similar high-budget productions and was⁣ left⁤ behind in⁣ the race, as⁤ networks decided to axe it after the initial season

8)‍ Mad Dash ⁢-‌ The action-filled ‍heist​ series couldn’t compete ⁤with similar​ high-budget ⁢productions‌ and was ‍left behind⁢ in the race, ‍as networks ​decided to axe it after the initial season

Launched amidst significant fanfare,⁢ Mad Dash,‍ unfortunately, ⁤seemed to⁤ run out of gas a⁣ lot sooner than anticipated.​ The series, which snugly deposited viewers into ​the middle of high stakes heists filled with ‍pulsing action⁢ scenes​ and cunning ‍plot lines, was expected to⁢ become​ a new ⁢favorite among adrenaline junkies. However, it fell‌ short in ​the ‍competition against similarly‍ themed, high-budget ⁣prodigies. The decision to cancel​ this​ series came as ⁤a shock to ⁢viewers⁣ who⁣ were already hooked on the⁣ story and left them ⁤hanging ‌at the edge of their seats, craving⁢ for what could have been an ​incredible season two.

Even⁤ though Mad ‌Dash delivered heart-racing action and complex character arcs, ⁢it couldn’t​ seem to⁣ gather enough traction among viewers. Questions among critics about‍ the show’s‌ originality and its⁤ ability ⁤to⁣ keep pace with other​ mega budget⁤ productions might have further led to its​ early⁣ demise. Here are some statistics highlighting the performance of the show:

Viewers Rating6.5/10
Total Viewers Season 14 Million
Critical ReceptionMixed-To-Negative

Regardless of⁤ its shortcomings, Mad ‌Dash ​indeed managed to⁤ cultivate ‌a ⁤cult following among‍ a ⁤niche segment of viewers who found⁣ the⁣ fast-paced, thrilling plotlines intriguing. The outstanding cliffhanger at the end of season one still ⁣remains⁣ a ​point of discussion amidst ⁣these fans, who‌ continue to hold out hope for the series’s revival.

9) All About Alice -​ Viewers ⁤said ​goodbye to this quirky coming-of-age show ‍about an awkward teen named Alice, as lackluster​ ratings led to its early cancellation

9) All About Alice - Viewers said goodbye to this quirky ⁤coming-of-age show about ‍an awkward teen named⁢ Alice, ‌as lackluster‍ ratings ​led to ‌its early cancellation

All⁣ About Alice bowed out of the television ⁤scene in 2024, due⁣ to disappointing ratings‌ that didn’t meet the expectations⁢ of the producers. Known for its awkwardly addictive protagonist, Alice, a teenager trying to navigate the​ turbulent tides​ of high ‌school,⁢ the show endeared itself to ⁣a niche audience. ⁢Coupling‌ a charmingly relatable protagonist ⁢with the ‌unavoidable angst⁣ of ⁣teenage life, the show tried to ‍capture the true essence of coming of ​age in⁣ a world⁤ that⁢ constantly shifts beneath one’s feet. Despite ⁣its unique⁢ premise and engaging‍ storylines, the show ultimately couldn’t draw in the wider‌ audience it needed to sustain it.

Riddled with heart-warming and heart-wrenching engrossments like Alice’s first love, her​ struggles⁤ with body image,‌ the pressure of grades,‌ and the navigation of complicated friendships, each episode was a ⁤bittersweet experience. It⁤ was ⁢also a rarity in that ⁢it presented ⁤a refreshingly honest ⁣perspective of teenage ​life without downplaying its joys and tribulations.

All About Alice Statistics
Number ⁣of Seasons2
Number ‌of Episodes29
Average Viewers ⁢per ⁣Episode500,000

Embodying the ⁤spirit (and awkwardness) of teenage life, All About Alice offered a storyline that took viewers on a roller-coaster of emotions. Fans ​of offbeat humor and⁣ poignant narratives mourn ⁢its premature ⁤departure,⁢ hoping it⁣ one day finds enough⁣ of an ‍audience ​to support ‌a​ revival – ⁤a series​ reboot ⁢isn’t entirely unprecedented. For⁢ now, Alice and her⁣ idiosyncratic world must ​take their final curtain call.

10)⁣ Tomorrow’s Hope – Despite​ the all-star cast‍ and compelling storyline about​ trying⁤ to build utopia, ​this ​high-budget mini-series struggled to ⁣attract ⁤viewership, and was cancelled after its first season in ⁣2024

10) ⁢Tomorrow’s ⁢Hope ⁣- ⁤Despite⁣ the ⁣all-star cast ⁤and compelling storyline about trying to build utopia, this ⁣high-budget mini-series ‍struggled to attract ‍viewership, and ⁢was cancelled after its first season⁤ in 2024

Filled with promise ⁤and potential, Tomorrow’s​ Hope aimed to ‍explore the complex ⁢and challenging‍ journey of building‍ a utopia in a ⁣captivating mini-series. Behind the ⁣scenes ​of this‌ ambitious project⁢ was a diamond-studded ​source​ of‌ talent. From its‌ Grammy-winning directors to⁢ its⁢ all-star cast, this high-budget⁤ mini-series ⁢had an army of Hollywood ​heavyweights‌ on its side.⁤ Sadly, however, all this ⁣firepower wasn’t enough to save​ the show, which was axed after⁤ just​ one season in ‍2024.

It wasn’t due to a⁣ lack of creative effort. The​ show’s ⁢plotline offered a fresh and nuanced‍ approach to conventional dystopian ‍narratives, ​focusing instead on the technicalities⁢ and ⁤tribulations involved in​ building‌ a‌ ‘perfect’ society. It⁤ offered viewers an⁢ insight​ into the colossal effort​ required to ‌construct utopia,​ a ⁢concept ⁣usually confined ⁢to epilogues and daydreams. Its diverse cast portrayed a wide range⁤ of characters, each‍ with their‍ distinct story of striving for ⁤a better tomorrow. ⁢Alas,⁣ despite these ⁤commendable ⁣elements, the show failed to ​enchant the ‍wider audience.

Show NameGenreFirst AiredFinal Episode
Tomorrow’s ‍HopeDrama/Sci-fiJanuary 2024May 2024
    • Directed‌ by:​ Two-time ⁤Grammy winner
    • Main cast: Hollywood A-listers
    • Theme: Building a utopia
    • Seasons: One

One can’t help but feel⁣ a pang of regret for what Tomorrow’s Hope aimed to achieve, ‍and for what it could have become had it remained on ‍the‍ air.⁣ Even so, it⁤ serves ⁣as a reminder that ‍a star-studded cast​ and high-concept storytelling ⁢are not always enough ⁤to guarantee ‍a⁢ show’s ⁢success.

Wrapping Up

As we bid farewell to‍ surprising TV shows cancelled 2024, let us remember the moments that brought us laughter, tears, ⁣and‍ suspense. Though their time on screen may⁣ be over, the⁣ impact ‌they’ve left on our hearts will always remain. Here’s to hoping for ‌new ‍beginnings and ‌exciting adventures in the ⁢world ​of television. Until then, let’s⁢ cherish the memories created‍ by ⁤these dearly‍ departed shows. Let ⁣the binge-watching continue!



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