Meghan Markle Movies And TV Shows You Can’t Miss

Are you ‌curious about the fascinating ​journey Meghan Markle took before she​ became the‌ Duchess ⁢of Sussex? From​ courtroom dramas to romantic comedies, her diverse portfolio⁢ has‌ helped⁣ shape her into⁢ the multifaceted individual she⁣ is today. ⁤In this article, “Meghan Markle Movies And ⁢TV Shows,” we’ll explore 10-15 of her most memorable roles,‍ showcasing the breadth of her acting talent. Whether you’re an avid ​fan or⁣ a newcomer to her work, you’ll discover intriguing ​details and perhaps even stumble upon a new favorite watch. Buckle up for an enchanting trip⁣ through Meghan’s cinematic and television adventures!

1) Suits (TV Show, 2011-2018) ⁢- Meghan Markle’s character, Rachel Zane, is undoubtedly the most recognized role of her acting ​career


Known as the quick-witted and determined paralegal, Rachel ‍Zane, Meghan Markle captivated audiences with‍ her compelling performance over seven‍ seasons on “Suits.” Her ⁣character’s journey ⁣from a talented paralegal to a competent lawyer was both inspirational and relatable, showcasing both her professional and personal struggles. Rachel’s storylines often intertwined ‍with ⁢the key dynamics of the series, including her passionate relationship with the show’s protagonist, Mike Ross,‌ and her resolve to break free from⁣ her ​father’s towering legal shadow.

    • Character Development: Rachel evolved from a supporting role into a central​ figure in⁢ the show’s legal and interpersonal dramas.
    • Iconic‍ Moments: Whether confronting her father’s ​expectations or ‍navigating her romance with‌ Mike, Rachel’s ⁢moments were integral to the ⁢show’s emotional‌ depth.

Some‍ highlights from the⁢ show:

SeasonKey Moment
Season​ 2Rachel discovers Mike’s secret
Season ​5Rachel and Mike get engaged
Season 7The couple’s memorable wedding


2) Horrible Bosses (Movie, 2011) -⁢ Although it was a ‍small role in this humorous ⁢hit,⁢ Markle ⁢shined as Jamie, a FedEx employee

2)⁢ Horrible Bosses (Movie, ⁣2011) - Although it⁢ was a ‌small⁢ role in this⁣ humorous hit, Markle shined⁢ as Jamie, a FedEx employee

Meghan Markle’s brief yet ⁤memorable appearance in this popular 2011 comedy showcased ​her knack for infusing life into even ​the‌ smallest roles. Playing Jamie, a diligent FedEx‌ employee, ⁢Markle added a burst of charisma to the ⁤film.⁢ The storyline‍ revolves around three friends ​planning⁣ to get‌ rid of their unbearable bosses, and although Markle’s screen time was ⁣limited,‌ every scene with her felt refreshingly engaging and fun.‍ Her​ character provided a subtle yet⁢ valuable spark, contributing to the overall lighthearted and ⁤satirical tone‌ of the movie.

In this cameo, Markle’s screen presence stood​ out amidst a star-studded‌ ensemble cast.⁤ The brief interaction she​ had with⁣ the⁢ main characters was enough‌ to leave a lasting impression on ‌the audience. Despite not being a central figure, her performance ‍as⁤ Jamie ensured that she was remembered for her ‌effortless charm ⁢and relatable portrayal⁤ of a​ day-to-day employee. Here are ⁢some details of her⁢ role:

    • Role: Jamie
    • Occupation: FedEx Employee
    • Screen Time: Approximately 2 minutes
    • Film’s Theme: ​ Dark Comedy

3) Remember​ Me (Movie, 2010) ‌- Markle portrayed Megan, a⁤ bartender ‍in this ‍unexpected ⁣love ‌story starring​ Robert Pattinson

3) Remember⁢ Me (Movie, 2010) -‍ Markle portrayed Megan,​ a bartender in this unexpected love story⁤ starring‍ Robert Pattinson

Remember ⁣Me (Movie, 2010) saw Meghan⁢ Markle in the role of Megan, a ‍bartender who adds a ⁢touch of authenticity⁣ and warmth ⁣to the⁢ film’s New‍ York City setting. While⁣ the spotlight in this romantic drama is on⁣ Robert Pattinson’s and Emilie de Ravin’s characters, Markle’s cameo is memorable for its genuine and⁢ relatable presence. Her ⁢scenes, though brief, contribute to⁤ the film’s exploration of love, loss, and the enduring connections that shape ‍our lives.

In the film, Megan’s character offers more than⁣ just a drink ‍at the bar – she provides⁢ a brief‌ respite and perspective for the protagonists, making ⁣her involvement ⁣pivotal ‍to the narrative. Markle’s natural chemistry and engaging performance, even ​in ‍a supporting⁢ role, hint at the star power that later defined her career. Below is‍ a quick reference to some key details ⁢from the movie:

Release Year2010
RoleMegan,‌ the bartender
GenreRomantic Drama
Co-starsRobert Pattinson,‌ Emilie de Ravin
    • Director: Allen Coulter
    • IMDB Rating: ⁣7.1/10

4)‌ Castle (TV Show, Episode ⁤“Once Upon a‍ Crime”, ⁢2012) – In this ​mystery-drama,⁣ Meghan appeared as ⁤a character ⁢named Charlotte Boyd/Sleeping Beauty

4) Castle (TV Show, Episode “Once Upon a Crime”, 2012)‍ - In⁢ this mystery-drama, Meghan appeared ​as ​a character named Charlotte Boyd/Sleeping Beauty

One of ‍Meghan Markle’s intriguing yet⁤ lesser-known roles came in the form of a guest appearance on the popular mystery-drama TV ⁣show, Castle. In‍ the 2012 episode titled “Once‍ Upon a Crime,” Meghan portrayed ⁣a character named Charlotte Boyd, who also masquerades as‌ Sleeping ‌Beauty. ‍Stepping into a​ world where fairytale ​fantasies meet ⁤gritty detective ‌work, Meghan’s character becomes embroiled in a⁢ murder investigation that involves a series ‌of victims dressed ⁢as⁢ iconic​ storybook characters.​ The character of Charlotte Boyd/Sleeping Beauty brings an element‍ of‌ whimsy and mystery to the episode, showcasing Meghan’s versatility as an actress ⁢in balancing dark and light tones.

As the plot thickens, Meghan’s ‌portrayal of Sleeping⁣ Beauty ⁤turns out to⁤ be a pivotal key in solving the ⁢case. Her character offers the sleuthing ⁣duo of Detective Kate ‍Beckett and⁢ novelist Richard Castle more than just a⁣ pretty face; she plays a crucial role in⁢ the⁣ unraveling mystery. This performance, though limited in screen ⁤time, is memorable for its blend of intrigue and grace, adding a sprinkle⁢ of fairy dust ⁤to the⁢ otherwise grim canvas ⁢of crime-solving.

Castle“Once Upon a Crime”‍ (2012)Charlotte Boyd/Sleeping Beauty



In the 2009 episode “Johari⁤ Window” of⁤ the popular⁢ science fiction series Fringe, Meghan​ Markle stepped into⁤ the role of Junior FBI Agent Amy Jessup. ⁣As part ⁢of the complex and ​enigmatic “Fringe Division,” ‍her character dives‍ into the​ show’s⁤ rich narrative that ⁢intertwines government conspiracies and unexplained phenomena. Although her role‍ wasn’t a series regular, Meghan’s portrayal left a mark on fans who praised her​ seamless ​integration into the fringe sciences world. Her character helps⁢ lead investigators on a ​peculiar case in⁤ a town whose residents ⁢harbor dark, twisted ‍secrets—a⁤ perfect episode for showcasing⁣ her potential​ in a suspenseful setting.

Fringe continues ⁤to be a beloved series among sci-fi enthusiasts due to ‍its intricate storyline and ​dynamic characters. Meghan’s guest appearance was a testament to her versatility as ⁣an actress, fitting right ​into a plot that involves everything from ⁣warped realities to mutated townsfolk. ⁣Her portrayal ⁣of Agent Jessup added a ⁤layer‌ of ​grounded determination that complemented the show’s investigative​ drama. This episode stands out not just⁤ for ⁢its‍ mystery but also⁣ for the fleeting yet impactful‍ presence​ of Meghan Markle.

FringeJohari WindowAmy Jessup


6) CSI: NY (TV ⁣Show, ⁤Episode “Second ‍Chances”,​ 2006) -⁣ Markle made a brief appearance in this beloved criminal drama as ‌Veronica⁢ Perez

6) CSI: ⁢NY (TV Show, Episode “Second‍ Chances”, 2006) ⁤- Markle ⁤made a brief appearance‍ in this beloved⁤ criminal drama as ‌Veronica ⁢Perez

In the 2006 episode “Second Chances” of CSI: NY, Meghan Markle ‍made a brief yet ⁢memorable ⁤appearance⁢ as Veronica ​Perez.‌ This episode is⁤ part of the beloved ‌criminal drama’s third season, ⁣showcasing Manhattan’s elite team of forensic investigators‍ as ⁢they unravel complex crimes. As Veronica ‍Perez, ⁤Markle‍ adds ‌nuance to the story, playing a‌ character intricately woven into ⁤the mystery the​ CSI team must solve. ​While ⁢her screen time might be limited, her part in this crime procedural is a fine example of the diverse roles she tackled early in‌ her career.

Markle’s cameo in CSI:⁣ NY ‌illustrates her‍ versatility, effortlessly sliding into a crime ⁤thriller setting. ‍Below is a quick character profile of Veronica Perez,⁢ highlighting key aspects ⁣of ‌her role in the⁤ episode:

Episode“Second Chances”
RoleVeronica Perez

For fans and followers of her⁣ career, her ​role in CSI: NY acts as a small but telling‌ piece of the puzzle, representing⁢ her early ‌stride in⁢ the entertainment industry.

7) ​A Lot like ‍Love (Movie, 2005) – A​ small but memorable ⁤role of Meghan’s was the‍ character‌ Natalie ⁤in this romantic‍ comedy-drama

7) A Lot like Love (Movie, 2005) - A small but memorable role of Meghan’s was the character Natalie in⁣ this romantic comedy-drama

In the romantic comedy-drama “A Lot like Love,” Meghan Markle takes on the role of Natalie, ‍adding her touch of charm even in this small yet memorable part. The film, starring Ashton Kutcher ​and Amanda Peet, revolves around the ⁣journey of two people⁣ who keep crossing paths over the years, exploring the evolution of their relationship. Though‍ Meghan’s screen‌ time⁤ is limited, her portrayal⁣ of Natalie‍ is a delightful ⁤addition that subtly complements the main storyline.

As ​part⁤ of an ensemble cast, Meghan brings warmth and authenticity to her character, which​ doesn’t go unnoticed. Her appearance in “A Lot like Love” might not have ⁤been a‌ leading role, but it showcased her ability to ​shine through even ​in minor⁢ roles, hinting at the star potential that she would ​later ‍fully realize. ⁣Check out the key ⁢details ‌about the movie below:

MovieA Lot like Love
GenreRomantic Comedy-Drama


8) Deal or No​ Deal (TV Show, 2006-2007) – Early ‌in‌ her⁢ career, Markle ⁣worked as one of the briefcase​ models in this exhilarating game⁤ show

8) Deal or No ​Deal (TV Show, 2006-2007) - Early in her career, Markle⁣ worked as one of the briefcase models in this exhilarating ⁢game show

Early in ⁢Meghan Markle’s career, ​she⁢ took on a role that required‍ charm, poise, and a bit of luck as‌ one of the briefcase models on ​the exhilarating ‍game show⁤ Deal or No Deal. From 2006 to 2007, ​Markle stood among the glittering⁣ collection of models that held potential fortunes in briefcases, making every episode a whirlwind of suspense and excitement. As ​briefcase number 24, she was part of​ a ​pivotal element of the show’s format that‌ kept⁢ contestants and viewers on the edge ‍of their ⁣seats, wondering if they would walk away⁣ with a life-changing sum of ​money or ‍end up with a modest consolation prize. This role, though ⁣not as intellectually challenging as some of her ‌later work, pushed⁣ her into the spotlight and showcased her ability to captivate an ⁣audience.

Her ​stint⁢ on ⁢”Deal or No Deal” offered an early glimpse of her‍ on-screen charisma which would later contribute to her success in acting. Behind the glamour and ⁣excitement of the show, Markle⁣ remained ⁢grounded and focused, using the experience as a‍ stepping stone in her burgeoning career. While this⁤ role didn’t require ⁣dramatic acting skills, ‌it​ did demand a knack‌ for presence, timing, and a relatable vibe—qualities⁣ Markle perfected ⁣and carried into her‍ later, more substantive roles. This period‍ in her journey ‌is a testament ⁤to ⁣her dedication and the varied stepping ‍stones that shaped her path to ⁣becoming a well-known​ actress and eventually, ⁣a⁤ member of the ‍British‌ royal family.

9) 90210 (TV ​Show, ‍Episode “One Party ‍Can Ruin Your Whole Summer”, 2008) – Meghan had ‍a guest appearance as Wendy, a high‌ school student in ​this iconic teenage drama show

9) ⁣90210 (TV Show, Episode “One Party Can Ruin Your Whole Summer”, 2008) ‌- Meghan‌ had a guest appearance‍ as⁣ Wendy, a high school student in this iconic teenage drama show

In the glitzy ⁤and⁢ often dramatic world of 90210, Meghan Markle made a⁤ memorable⁣ guest appearance in ‌the⁢ episode titled “One Party‍ Can Ruin Your Whole Summer”. Portraying Wendy, a high school student, Meghan seamlessly fit into ‌the fabric of this ⁣beloved teenage drama. As Wendy, she added a layer ‍of⁣ authenticity to‍ the ​high school dynamic, mingling with the show’s central characters and becoming part of the storyline that captivated audiences. ⁣The role may have been brief,‌ but ⁣it showcased Meghan’s⁣ ability to ‌step into the shoes of everyday characters and make them memorable.

Her character, Wendy, was ‍enveloped in ⁤the‌ quintessential teenage experiences ‌portrayed⁣ by 90210. The episode was​ packed with⁢ the usual mix ‌of high⁢ stakes, emotional⁢ roller-coasters, and the trials and tribulations of​ high school life.​ This experience allowed Meghan to deliver a performance that not only⁤ highlighted her acting skills⁣ but also connected with a younger audience, many of⁢ whom might have‍ gone ‍through similar high school drama. Here’s a quick look at Meghan’s ‍role:

WendyOne Party Can Ruin Your Whole Summer2008
    • Quick Fact: ‍ Meghan’s role as​ Wendy predates her more notable performances, marking an early ‍point in her journey to stardom.
    • Impact: ‍ This brief stint on 90210 remains a touchpoint ⁢for⁤ her early acting⁣ career, reflecting her versatility and appeal.

10) Knight⁣ Rider (TV ⁤Show, Episode “Fight Knight”, 2009) – In‍ this thrilling action series, she⁤ took on the role of ⁤Annie Ortiz

10) Knight Rider (TV ⁤Show, Episode “Fight Knight”, 2009) ⁣- In this thrilling​ action series, she took on the ⁢role ‌of‌ Annie Ortiz

Before becoming the Duchess ⁣of‍ Sussex, Meghan ⁣Markle‍ made ‌a guest ⁣appearance in the iconic TV ⁤series Knight Rider. In the 2009 episode titled “Fight Knight”, she portrayed the character Annie​ Ortiz.⁢ This series revival brought ‍the beloved talking car KITT back into action, offering a nostalgic​ yet modern twist. Meghan’s role ⁤as ⁢Annie allowed her‍ to​ step into the ⁢adrenaline-pumped ‍world ‍of covert missions and high-speed ​chases, delivering a performance that melded charisma and​ intensity ​perfectly.

    • Episode Title: Fight Knight
    • Year: 2009
    • Role: Annie Ortiz
    • Character Traits: Feisty, Courageous, ⁢Determined
    • Series Highlight: High-octane​ stunts and action sequences

Set against the‍ backdrop‍ of​ a shadowy government organization, Meghan’s character became​ an ‌integral part of unraveling a mystery filled with danger and deception. The episode showcased ⁢her ⁢ability to handle action-oriented roles with​ ease, making a‌ memorable mark ⁤in this well-loved series. Below is a simple overview of her appearance:

ShowKnight Rider
RoleAnnie Ortiz
EpisodeFight Knight


11) The Apostles (TV Movie, 2008) – Meghan plays as a⁢ character named⁢ Kelly Calhoun in this TV drama movie

megan movies

In the 2008 TV⁤ drama movie ‌”The⁣ Apostles,” Meghan Markle takes on⁣ the role of Kelly ⁣Calhoun, infusing the character​ with her innate ⁤charm and grace. This made-for-TV film revolves around ⁢deep emotional conflicts and complex relationships, giving Meghan an ample stage to showcase her acting prowess.​ The narrative ‍pulls viewers into a whirlwind of drama and suspense, and Meghan’s portrayal of Kelly adds a nuanced layer to‌ the storyline, making it memorable for audiences.

Don’t miss out on this hidden gem from Meghan’s earlier ⁤career. Here’s a snapshot of her role:

Kelly Calhoun2008TV Movie
    • Genre: Drama
    • Run Time: ⁣ Approximately 90 minutes
    • Key ‍Themes: Emotional conflicts, relationships

12) The Boys​ and‌ Girls Guide to Getting Down (TV Movie, 2011) – A‌ comedy film where Meghan played the role of Dana

12) The Boys and Girls⁢ Guide to⁢ Getting Down (TV Movie, 2011) - A⁤ comedy film where Meghan played the role of Dana

Meghan‍ Markle​ diverts from her usually regal roles to star in the⁣ irreverent⁤ comedy TV movie,​ The Boys ⁤and Girls Guide ​to Getting Down. In this cheeky and vibrant film, ⁣Meghan channels the character Dana, navigating the​ whimsical and often chaotic nightlife⁤ of Los Angeles. The movie follows a day-in-the-life narrative, exploring ⁣the‍ quirky​ antics ​and misadventures of young Angelenos in pursuit of fun and scandal. ⁢Meghan’s portrayal is both humorous and relatable, adding ‌a captivating charm to the ensemble cast.

The satirical take on the ⁢social scene introduces ⁣audiences to​ an array of colorful characters and laugh-out-loud situations, all the ⁢while providing some invaluable (and humorous) tips for a night out. Here’s⁤ a quick look at Meghan’s ⁢character Dana in the context of the film:

Character NameDana
Role​ TypeSupporting
Movie GenreComedy, Satire


13)⁤ Daters ​Handbook ⁣(TV Movie, 2016) ⁣- Right before her engagement⁣ to Prince Harry, Markle starred in ​one this ⁤romantic comedy about⁤ the complicated world of dating

13) Daters Handbook (TV⁣ Movie, 2016)⁣ - Right before her engagement to Prince⁣ Harry, Markle starred in one‍ this romantic comedy about the complicated world of dating

Just a year before her whirlwind⁤ romance‌ captured the world’s attention,⁣ Meghan Markle starred in the Hallmark Channel ⁤movie Daters Handbook. This charming ​romantic comedy, released in 2016, brought Markle into the‍ spotlight in a⁣ role that mirrors the complexities of modern⁢ dating. She​ portrayed Cassandra Barber, a ​successful ⁤businesswoman⁣ who turns ‍to a ⁢self-help book to navigate ⁣her‍ romantic entanglements. The film⁤ explores the humorous⁢ yet heartwarming journey of ‍finding love,⁤ making ​it a delightful ⁣addition to Markle’s acting repertoire.

In true Hallmark fashion, ⁣ Daters Handbook ⁣features amusing mishaps, endearing characters, and the quintessential​ choice between two different but ⁢equally appealing suitors.⁢ Alongside Markle, the movie stars Kristoffer ​Polaha and ​Jonathan Scarfe,‍ who​ bring charm and chemistry to‌ their‌ roles. The ⁤film is a gentle reminder‍ of the trials and triumphs⁢ of dating and​ the importance⁢ of following⁤ one’s heart. For ‌fans of romantic comedies and Meghan Markle, this movie is a must-watch.

GenreRomantic Comedy
Release Year2016
StarringMeghan Markle, Kristoffer Polaha, Jonathan Scarfe


14) The Tig (Blog,⁤ 2014–2017) – It‌ isnt a traditional screen⁣ appearance, but Meghan Markle ‌ran a lifestyle blog, sharing‌ thoughts on travel, food, fashion, and beauty

14) The Tig (Blog,​ 2014–2017) - It isnt ‍a traditional ⁣screen ​appearance, but‌ Meghan Markle ran a lifestyle blog, ‌sharing thoughts on travel, food, fashion, and beauty

During her acting career, Meghan Markle also ventured⁣ into the world of lifestyle blogging. From 2014 to ⁣2017, she ran‌ a personal blog called The Tig, named after ⁤her favorite wine, Tignanello. Through this platform, Meghan shared⁣ her musings and experiences on‍ a variety of topics,​ including travel, food, fashion, beauty, and self-care. She built a ​community of⁢ readers‍ who looked ‍forward to‌ her regular posts filled with‍ inspirational content, favorite recipes, and beauty tips. Her love for storytelling and connecting with people ‍was evident​ in ‌every⁣ entry she penned,​ making her blog a beloved online destination ⁣for many.

Although ​ The Tig wasn’t a traditional screen appearance, it⁤ offered⁢ a unique glimpse into Meghan’s personal life and⁣ interests outside ​of her acting roles.‍ For fans wanting to know more about her off-screen personality, The Tig ⁤ was an excellent source. Meghan’s recommendations were trusted and her voice authentic, creating a deep and meaningful connection with​ her audience. Here’s a⁤ quick look ⁢at ‌some ‌of the lifestyle‌ categories she‌ covered on her‍ blog:

    • Travel: Tips‌ and ⁣experiences from‌ her global adventures.
    • Food: Personal recipes and ‍favorite dining spots.
    • Fashion: Style ⁢guides and fashion ‍inspiration.
    • Beauty: Reviews of her favorite products and beauty routines.
Lifestyle CategoriesContent Highlights
TravelGuides ⁢and destination highlights
FoodRecipes and restaurant reviews
FashionWardrobe tips‌ and trends
BeautySkincare routines and product favorites

15) When Sparks Fly (TV Movie,⁣ 2014) – ⁤In this Hallmark‌ Channel ​Original, ⁤Meghan portrayed Amy Peterson, a big-city journalist ⁤who returns to her hometown

15) When Sparks Fly ⁣(TV Movie, 2014)⁢ - In this Hallmark Channel Original, ​Meghan portrayed Amy ‌Peterson, a big-city journalist who returns ‌to⁢ her hometown

‍ In When Sparks Fly, we see Meghan Markle ​step ⁤into the role ‌of Amy Peterson, a savvy journalist ‍who swaps her bustling city life⁤ for ⁤the quaint charm of her small hometown. As the narrative unfolds, Amy is reunited with her old flame, and sparks—both the figurative and literal kind—begin to fly. The⁢ film⁣ does a stellar job​ of capturing the magnetic nature ⁢that Markle brings to her characters, making ⁣it a heartwarming tale of rediscovery and rekindled romance set against a picturesque backdrop.

The story is as endearing as⁣ it is ‌nostalgic, allowing Markle to showcase her versatility as ​an actress. Whether she’s navigating professional challenges⁢ or rekindling old⁢ friendships, her performance ‍is a delightful mix of humor, vulnerability, and strength.‌ Fans of the ⁣film⁣ rave about‌ its charming storyline and engaging characters. Here’s⁤ a quick look at ‌some‍ notable⁣ elements:

    • Location: Picturesque small-town setting
    • Theme: Rediscovery and rekindled love
    • Co-stars: Christopher Jacot

To Wrap It Up

And so, we⁤ reach the‌ finale of our ​cinematic​ journey through ​Meghan Markle’s illustrious career. From suits to silver screens, Ms. ​Markle’s commanding presence and undeniable talent has given us ⁢memorable performances in innumerable “Meghan ⁣Markle Movies ⁢and TV ⁢Shows.” This⁢ royal figure, with her intriguing life off-screen matched ⁤by her versatile roles on-screen, truly personifies a modern woman’s ⁢fairy tale. As‍ her star ​continues to rise in myriad ways, ​we look forward to seeing⁣ her future‌ endeavors, reminding us that every role is a story, and every story is a glimpse‌ into⁤ the artistry that she contributes to ‍the world of entertainment. ⁢Until our next‌ listicle, let’s continue to celebrate and examine ⁣the many facets of figures‍ who ⁢imprint‌ their unique ‍stamps⁣ in the annuls of film and​ television history – just ⁣like Meghan Markle.



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