Top 100 Most Charitable Celebrities

Roy Roberts


In the radiant tapestry of stardom, where every thread ‍is ⁢drenched⁤ in ⁢glamour and wealth, not all celebrities‌ choose to hoard ⁣their fortunes for extravagant ⁢lifestyles. Imagine, however ⁤– bunkered in their‌ mansions, huddled foresightedly‍ over a ‍checkbook‌ –‍ some ​of them‍ are as generous as⁢ they ⁣are gifted, dispersing their wealth to⁢ those less privileged. Unveiling ‌this refreshing paradox of⁣ the glitzy world, ‍we bring you a fascinating rundown‍ of the “Top 100 most charitable⁤ celebrities”. Fired by generosity rather than​ the camera​ lights, these luminaries ‌teach us that true wealth lies not in what⁤ we keep, but what we give⁤ away. ‍As we delve into ‌their benevolent worlds, you’ll discover the most impressively altruistic ​deeds ‌of Tinseltown, ​learn about their ‍passionate endeavors, and ⁣likely find your‌ heartstrings ​played by the soft‌ melody of their magnanimity. So, let’s ​open this⁤ treasure trove of ‍tales, showing us‍ that‌ in some glittering corners,⁣ fame and benevolence‌ do indeed walk hand in hand.

1) Oprah Winfrey

oprah winfrey

When it comes to making ‌the⁤ world a ⁣better⁢ place, ⁣the first name that comes to mind⁤ might just be Oprah ‍Winfrey.​ Undoubtedly one of the most⁤ philanthropic celebrities out there,‌ Oprah ​has used her ⁢global platform ‌to effect meaningful‍ change. ‍She founded the Oprah ⁢Winfrey Foundation, which works to⁢ provide opportunities for education, ‌healthcare,⁢ and human⁤ rights for women, children,⁤ and ‌families around the​ world. She has also⁤ donated⁤ millions​ of dollars to ⁢various charities, including⁤ a staggering $40 million to her own leadership academy for girls in ​South Africa.

Apart from her own, Oprah ⁤is involved in numerous other charitable ⁢ventures as well. Some of ⁢the ​most⁢ notable organizations she’s supported include:

    • Save⁤ The ⁤Children
    • Project Cuddle
    • Free ​The Children
CharityDonation Amount
Oprah’s Leadership Academy (OLAG)$40 Million
Save ⁣The Children$1 Million

Bringing her unparalleled influence ⁤to bear on pressing global issues,⁤ she ⁣also generously donated towards disaster relief ⁤efforts, educational initiatives, ⁣and⁣ human ⁤rights campaigns, ‌firmly cementing‌ her position as an icon of ⁢generosity ‌and humanitarianism.

2) ​George Clooney

George Clooney

Golden Heart Cloaked in‌ Gold-Leafed Talent

Few can match the star ‌power‍ and unmistakable charm of ​ George Clooney. Dazzling⁢ us on-screen with ‍his ⁢talent ⁢and capturing⁣ hearts ‌with his good ⁤looks, ‌Clooney ⁣consistently leverages ⁢his fame⁣ to make a lasting⁤ difference. ⁢Known as much ‍for his philanthropy as his acting,‌ he’s an A-lister with a golden heart.

Wearing ⁢his humanitarian credentials‌ like a badge​ of honor, Clooney ‌is a co-founder⁤ of Not On Our Watch, an organization that ‍aims⁢ to prevent mass atrocities. He’s‍ significantly engaged in advocacy for refugees and has personally‌ donated‌ to​ causes such as the ⁣Armenia Fund, shedding‌ light on the‌ ongoing ⁤conflict in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. A former UN Messenger of ⁤Peace, his commitment to many causes worldwide is unflagging.

    • Details of Major ⁢Contributions:
OrganizationEstimated Donation
Not On ‌Our Watch$10 Million+
Armenia Fund$1 Million+
UN Refugee Agency$5 Million+

Clooney’s big heart doesn’t stop ⁣at hefty donations; his ⁣initiative in raising awareness for issues ‌that often get surpassed by mainstream news is equally commendable. In essence, ⁣his​ vision encapsulates the ​idea ‍of using fortunate ⁢circumstances to⁣ better the lives​ of​ others, truly embodying the spirit ​of selfless giving⁢ often found wanting⁤ in the glitz⁢ and glamor of Hollywood.

3) Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie

Oscar-winning actress​ Angelina Jolie isn’t just⁣ a force to⁢ be reckoned with ‌on ⁤screen, but equally‍ powerful in her ‍real-life humanitarian ​efforts. Using her international fame as a ⁣platform to do​ good, she links her passion for film and ‍philanthropy, ⁣driving change and sparking⁢ dialogues ‍across the world.

An indelible voice in⁤ the refugee crisis, Jolie​ has ⁢been a UNHCR Goodwill⁢ Ambassador since​ 2001 and has conducted over 50 field ‌missions to‍ countries like Iraq, Syria and Pakistan. Her notable donations include $1 million‌ to Doctors Without⁤ Borders and ‌the establishment of the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation which is dedicated ‌to community ⁢development and environmental conservation in Cambodia’s northwestern province.

FoundationPurposeAmount Donated ⁤(Approx.)
UNHCRRefugee aidMultiple donations, undisclosed ‌amounts
Doctors⁢ Without BordersMedical​ aid$1 million
Maddox Jolie-Pitt ‌FoundationCommunity development and environmental ​conservation$1 million‍ (initial)

More than just writing checks, Jolie’s efforts extend to hands-on, long-term commitments. She⁢ co-founded the Preventing‌ Sexual Violence in Conflict‌ Initiative in 2012 to combat war-zone‌ rape. Furthermore, she opened her⁢ wallet and heart‍ by adopting three‌ of her six children from struggling countries and ⁤encouraging others‌ to do the same.

4) Taylor Swift

Taylor ‍Swift

Known globally for her signature ⁣pop and ‌country‍ music, there’s ‌another side to Taylor Swift ⁢that​ proves her fame isn’t ‍just about sold-out⁢ concerts ⁤and chart-topping ⁣hits. This multi-award-winning ⁤icon also puts her⁤ wealth to good‌ use, making her ‌one of the most philanthropic celebrities around.

It’s ‌not unusual ⁣to⁢ see Swift⁣ supporting various causes.​ She​ donated⁤ $1 million to Louisiana ‍flood relief efforts, gave $500,000 for‌ Nashville’s flood recovery, ‍and on many​ occasions, ⁣supports education by funding​ libraries and donating thousands of books to ⁣literacy programs. Additionally, she regularly supports organizations related ⁤to disaster relief, children’s health, and animal welfare.

YearCharitable ActBenefiting ⁤Organization
2016$1m for ⁣Flood ReliefLouisiana ‌flood victims
2010$500k for ⁣Flood RecoveryNashville flood victims
VariousSupport for EducationMultiple‌ Libraries & Literacy Programs

Swift’s charitable actions reflect ‌her belief in ⁣the​ power of giving ​back, and her influence ⁣has done a lot to encourage her fans to follow suit. ​When it comes to philanthropy, Swift surely hits ⁤all the right‌ notes, making her a ​true celebrity⁢ with a cause.

5) Elon Musk

Elon Musk

With an estimated net worth​ of over ⁤$200 ⁢billion, business‌ magnate​ Elon​ Musk has undoubtedly​ made ⁢a substantial impact in ‍the worlds of⁢ technology and space‍ exploration. But⁣ along with his groundbreaking innovations, Musk’s philanthropic efforts have also been laudable. His primary charitable‌ organization, the Musk Foundation, has ​been ⁣operational ⁣since 2002 and has provided financial aid for a wide‍ range‌ of causes, from educational initiatives and renewable energy research ⁣to poverty alleviation and ‌pediatric health.

Besides the Musk⁣ Foundation’s endeavors, Elon himself has made ‌personal⁢ donations to various causes. ⁤In 2018,‍ he donated $10 ⁤million to the Future of Life Institute‍ to regulate artificial intelligence. In response to the Flint water crisis, he made a ⁣significant pledge to install⁢ filtration systems in schools across the city. His commitment towards societal improvement has extended beyond Earth’s atmosphere too; the ⁣tech visionary has ‍vowed to⁤ devote half his total wealth for the development⁤ of a ‌self-sustaining city on Mars.

Key Philanthropic Ventures
Artificial ‌Intelligence Regulation$10 ⁢million ⁤donation
Flint Water CrisisFunding⁤ for⁣ water ‍filtration systems​ in schools
Mars DevelopmentHalf of total wealth ⁣pledge
    • Musk has financed projects​ for carbon tax​ and renewable energy research.
    • His ⁤foundation has ​donated solar-power systems to disaster-hit‌ areas.
    • Donations ‍have also supported high-risk, high-reward⁤ scientific research.

6) Bill​ Gates

Bill Gates
Bill Gates, on the right, and Thierry Breton

As one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet,‌ Bill Gates co-founder ‌of Microsoft, ‍has made‍ an indelible impact with his⁤ philanthropy. Established in​ 2000, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ⁢ is​ a testament to his giving nature.⁣ Investing heavily ‌in education, health, and ​development ​around‌ the world, the foundation‍ has become one⁤ of the most influential in ‌these ⁢areas. To⁢ date,⁤ he and his ⁣wife Melinda Gates have donated $36 billion ​ to the foundation from their ‌personal wealth.

Beyond this staggering contribution, the tech mogul ​has indeed used his platform for raising awareness and initiating​ change.⁢ Gates further pushed ‌the boundaries of philanthropy by launching The Giving‍ Pledge with friend Warren Buffet. The⁣ pledge⁣ invites billionaires across⁢ the world to commit most of their wealth to charitable causes during their‌ lifetime.

Charitable Efforts:Education, Health, Poverty Reduction
Key Contribution:The⁢ Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Distinct Initiative:The Giving Pledge
Total Donation:Est. ⁢$36‍ billion

With an altruistic vision shaping his⁢ wealth⁢ and influence, Gates’ charity ⁤work ‍embodies a rare mix of financial‍ power ⁣and ⁣a ⁢deep ‍conscience⁢ for humanitarian ‍causes. His ⁢contributions⁣ continue to shed light on issues that often ⁢remain unseen and underfunded. A true ⁤game-changer in the world⁢ of celebrity philanthropy, Gates stands out as ‌a beacon of ⁢hope, encouraging others to follow in his philanthropic footsteps.

7) J.K. Rowling

JK rowling

J.K.⁤ Rowling has woven‌ yet another ‌spellbinding tale of‌ her⁢ generosity. ‍Her philanthropic⁤ endeavors have been as inspiring⁣ as her magical stories. Known for donating⁣ large ⁣portions of⁣ her wealth ⁣to a variety ⁣of charitable causes, she’s as ‍celebrated for⁤ her ⁣generosity as ⁣she is for her literary success.

Having ‌experienced financial struggles herself before her⁢ meteoric rise to fame, Rowling holds ‌close⁤ the causes​ that combat poverty and​ social inequality. Primarily, she’s dedicated to​ two charities, Lumos and Volant. ‌Lumos works towards ending the harmful⁤ and unnecessary institutionalization of children worldwide, while Volant aids in alleviating social deprivation and poverty. With⁣ these two organizations among ​others, she’s contributed‌ millions​ to‌ effect positive⁣ change.

    • Lumos: ​ Founded by J.K. ⁤Rowling herself in 2005, Lumos⁢ works with dedication to ensure that every child ‍has the right to grow up in a ⁣loving family environment. The‌ name‍ ‘Lumos’ is a‌ spell⁢ from the Harry​ Potter series, meaning light.
    • Volant: The Volant Charitable Trust ⁣was set ⁣up by J.K. Rowling​ in ⁢2000 as a grant making trust to ⁤support Scottish charities, ⁢groups,‍ and ⁤projects, ‌both ‍national​ or community-based, which help alleviate social deprivation.
Charity OrganizationFounded YearDescription
Lumos2005Works towards ending the institutionalization of children
Volant2000Supports Scottish charities to alleviate social deprivation.


8)⁤ Bono

Not many individuals can rival the extent and sheer dedication to philanthropy as Paul David Hewson, better known by⁢ his⁤ stage name, Bono. As the lead vocalist of ⁣the globally ⁣acclaimed rock band ‍U2, Bono has consistently utilized his fame and influence⁢ to shed light⁢ on‍ pressing‍ societal issues and inspire change on a ‌global scale.

Bono’s ⁣philanthropic efforts ​are‌ widespread and diverse.‍ In 2002, he co-founded DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade, ⁣Africa),‌ an advocacy organization⁢ aimed ‌at ⁣eradicating​ extreme poverty and preventable⁣ diseases in Africa. This was​ later merged with‌ other organizations⁤ to ‍form ONE, a campaigning ‌and advocacy organization with over‍ 9 million members globally committed to taking‌ action to end ‍extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa. His tireless commitment to charity also ⁢shines through his involvement in campaigning for third-world ​debt relief and‍ enhancing AIDS awareness.

Charitable EndeavorsOrganisation/Cause
Advocacy for AfricaDATA, ONE
Third-world Debt ⁤ReliefJubilee 2000
AIDS AwarenessProduct (RED)

Bono⁢ has not only harnessed ⁤his ​star power to attract attention to these global issues, but has also actively lobbied for them, even meeting ‌with world leaders and influential figures, such as‌ former US President⁣ George W. Bush. His philanthropic gusto and dedication bring to ​light the incredible⁢ work being executed by celebrities beyond their artistic ⁣contributions.

9) JK Rowling

Not‌ many know ‍that the wizarding⁣ world’s ‍creator, JK Rowling, has repeatedly made it to ⁤the list of most charitable celebrities​ too. The bestselling author of the⁢ Harry ‌Potter series ‍has donated​ millions for various​ philanthropic ‌causes, ⁢making her stand out as a celebrity‌ who believes in giving⁤ back. In 2020 alone, she donated a whopping £1m⁤ to help homeless⁣ people ​and people affected by domestic‌ abuse during the Covid-19 crisis.

Rowling’s charity, Volant, works to ⁢alleviate social⁤ deprivation focusing on women,⁤ children and young people at risk. ‍In ⁤addition, she co-founded Lumos, ⁢an organization committed to ​ending the institutionalization of children globally. ⁣Moreover, she has supported multiple sclerosis research,⁢ for a cause‌ close to her heart since her mother died of ​the ‌disease​ in ​the early ’90s. Rowling’s unwavering commitment to ‌philanthropy certainly makes her⁣ a‍ spellbinding force not just in ⁣literature,⁤ but also ‌in giving.

Charitable CausesAssociated OrganizationsDonations Made
Women,⁣ Children and Young PeopleVolantUnknown
Ending child‌ institutionalizationLumosMillions
Multiples Sclerosis ResearchMultiple Sclerosis Society ‌Scotland$15.4⁣ million (estimated)

10) Leonardo DiCaprio

Known for his outstanding performances on the big screen, Leonardo DiCaprio is also making a significant impact off-screen‍ through a plethora of generous ⁤charitable⁢ contributions. ⁤This Oscar-winning actor established the Leonardo DiCaprio‍ Foundation ⁢in 1998, aiming to support projects that preserve​ and protect the ​environment. ⁤From wildlife conservation ⁣to‍ climate change, his foundation has funded over⁤ 200 projects in more ⁣than 50⁢ countries.

Furthermore, ​this ⁣passionate environmentalist has also‌ shown​ profound commitment to disaster relief. He donated $1 million each to ​the​ United Way Harvey Recovery ‍Fund after Hurricane Harvey and to the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands‍ for ‍the victims of⁣ Hurricane Irma. His philanthropic work extends to raising awareness on global issues, making hefty contributions to the global effort against COVID-19,‌ and‍ even ⁢pledging‌ $20 ⁢million in grants to combat ‌climate change ‍in 2017.

2017$20 millionClimate Change
2020Significant contributionsCOVID-19 relief
2017$1 ⁤millionHurricane Harvey relief

Besides cash donations, DiCaprio ‍uses ‍his influential voice⁤ to draw ‍attention to crucial issues. From presenting ⁢documentaries about global​ warming (‘The 11th⁣ Hour’) to advocating for⁤ sustainable practices via‍ social ⁤media platforms, DiCaprio ​continues⁣ his‌ relentless fight for‌ the planet’s future, demonstrating that his ⁤star‍ power extends‍ far beyond Hollywood.

11) Ellen DeGeneres

ellen degeneres

Everyone’s favorite talk show host, Ellen DeGeneres, ⁢has worn numerous hats throughout her career⁢ – comedian, actress, television host and‌ most importantly, philanthropist.⁣ Through her platform, she has raised and donated millions⁢ to various causes,⁣ proving ⁣that her‌ heart is just as big as her sense ⁢of humour.⁢ Some of⁤ her most ⁢notable contributions⁤ are continually done⁢ through “The Ellen DeGeneres ⁤Show”, whereby she gifts considerable amounts to those in‌ need.

One of her most heartfelt initiatives ‌is her advocacy for wildlife conservation. ‌A⁢ staunch advocate for animals, she launched the Ellen DeGeneres⁣ Wildlife Fund as a birthday present to her wife Portia de Rossi. This initiative, ⁢established in 2018,​ is dedicated to protecting threatened ⁢species worldwide, with its first project focusing on saving ⁢gorillas in Rwanda. ‍Looking at her vast philanthropic accomplishments, ⁣it’s‌ no ⁣surprise she’s among ‌the top charitable‌ celebrities.

YearCharityAmount ‍Donated ($)
2017The Ellen DeGeneres Wildlife Fund1,000,000
2018Red Nose Day Fund250,000
2019Australian Bushfire Relief5,000,000
    • The Ellen DeGeneres ⁤Show: ‍ considered one of the most significant platforms for her philanthropy. ⁢It‍ has allowed her to raise and donate substantial sums to people in ⁢need, from ⁣scholarships to rebuilding ⁤efforts ⁢for‌ schools and communities.
    • Animal rights ⁣and⁤ conservation: a cause dear to Ellen’s⁤ heart,⁢ culminating in‍ the creation of the ‍Ellen DeGeneres‍ Wildlife ‍Fund ​dedicated to⁢ the ‍conservation of endangered‍ species.
    • Natural ⁤disaster donations: a follow-up to her⁣ timely aid for⁢ various crises, ‌such‌ as the ⁢Australian Bushfires⁢ Relief – where she pledged ​a significant amount.

12) Warren ‍Buffett

Warren ‍Buffett

Renowned investor and philanthropist, Warren Buffet, undoubtedly deserves a place on this list ⁤for his remarkable contribution to charitable causes. ⁤Known as the ‘Oracle of Omaha’, Buffet’s wealth is self-made stemming from his talent‌ of shrewd investing. Yet, his immense wealth ⁢doesn’t overshadow his commitment to donating‍ a⁤ significant‍ portion of⁢ his fortune to charity. ‌Along ⁤with his late wife,⁤ Susan,⁤ Buffet established the Buffet Foundation which focused on tackling ⁢issues of nuclear threat, population growth,⁢ and‌ reproductive health.

In the year 2006, he announced a ⁢game-changing pledge to gradually give away all of his⁢ Berkshire Hathaway stocks to ‍philanthropic ⁤foundations. This calculated,​ generous move was and still ‌is, one⁢ of the largest acts⁣ of⁢ charitable‍ giving⁣ in ⁤history. ‌An admirable point of note is ‍Buffet’s influence on other billionaires through ⁤’The Giving Pledge’, a campaign ​he co-founded ⁣with Bill‌ and Melinda Gates that encourages the world’s wealthy to contribute a majority of ​their wealth to philanthropic causes.

    • Foundation Name: Buffett Foundation
    • Focus Areas: Nuclear threats, Population⁣ growth, Reproductive health
    • Significant Contributions: Pledged ⁣to donate⁣ all‍ of his ​Berkshire Hathaway stocks
    • Influence:⁤ Co-founder of The Giving Pledge campaign
YearCharitable Contributions (in $ ‍billions)

13) Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg

Renowned as the trailblazer behind ⁢Facebook, Mark‍ Zuckerberg has‍ managed to embellish ‍the meagre list of⁤ altruistic⁢ millionaires. ⁢A revered member‍ of ⁤The Giving Pledge,⁤ Zuckerberg, and his wife, Priscilla⁤ Chan, promised to ⁤donate 99% of their Facebook​ shares through‌ their‌ lifetime— a figure that stood at $45 billion during⁣ the time of the vow.

Along with his wife, ‍he founded the ⁣ Chan⁢ Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI). The initiative aims to advance‍ human potential ​and​ promote equality in areas such⁣ as health,⁤ education, scientific research,‍ and energy. ​A ⁢standout ⁣in his generous outpourings includes the​ $1.5 billion donated​ to the Silicon Valley ​Community Foundation and $75‍ million to San ‍Francisco General ⁣Hospital, the‍ city’s main public medical center.

    • Established the Chan Zuckerberg⁣ Initiative
    • Donated $1.5‌ billion to Silicon ⁤Valley ⁣Community Foundation
    • Poured ‍$75 million into San ‌Francisco General Hospital
Pledge99% of ‍Facebook shares ($45 billion in ​2015)
Major ‌ContributionsChan​ Zuckerberg Initiative, Silicon Valley‌ Community ⁣Foundation, San Francisco General Hospital
Philanthropic FocusHealth, Education,‌ Scientific Research, ⁣and ​Energy

14) Beyoncé

Beyonce Knowles
Beyonce Knowles

The​ Queen ⁤B herself is​ not just ruling the ​music industry, she’s ‍also making a huge impact in the world of philanthropy. Over the years, her generosity and⁣ altruism has touched several lives and ‍made a significant⁤ difference ⁣in a⁤ variety ⁣of fields. Be⁣ it education ​or natural ‍disaster ⁤victims, health⁤ services or support to homeless, her charity work ‍is as ⁣diverse as it is substantial.⁢

In 2012, she​ launched the BeyGOOD initiative, which has since⁢ supported numerous causes and organizations.‌ Here are just a few examples:

    • Formation Scholars: This ‌initiative, started in 2017, aims to​ encourage ⁣and support young women to be‍ bold,⁢ creative, conscious, confident, and ‌independent. It awards scholarships to female students across ‌various fields of study.
    • BeyGOOD Houston: After Hurricane​ Harvey devastated ⁢Houston in 2017, this‍ initiative was launched⁣ to support the ⁤affected‌ individuals and ⁣communities.
    • BeyGOOD4Burundi: Partnering with UNICEF, this‌ initiative was started to improve water, sanitation, and basic‍ hygiene practices in the East African ​nation Burundi, impacting ⁤over ⁢2.5 million people.

Beyoncé is also known for making generous financial contributions.‍ In 2020, she ⁣donated $6 million to provide mental health aid ⁤during​ the COVID-19 ⁣pandemic. She has also contributed significantly to higher education by creating scholarships and ​funding academic programs.

2020Mental Health Aid during​ COVID-19$6 million
2017Scholarship for female students4 ‌Scholarships
2017Hurricane Harvey AidUndisclosed

This is just ‌a glimpse‍ into Beyoncé’s philanthropic efforts. Someone ‍once​ said, ⁣”You don’t need a ⁣reason to help‍ people.” ⁢It​ appears that for this ​phenomenal woman, ⁣helping others isn’t just a ‌passion, it’s a way of life.

15) Justin Bieber

justin bieber

Often dubbed as⁢ a teenage‍ heartthrob,⁢ Justin ​Bieber ⁤ has more ‍to offer‍ than ‍just chart-topping⁤ hits and swoon-worthy looks. Much to the delight of his⁣ fans and ​critics​ alike, ⁣this Canadian sensation has been ​known⁢ to⁢ use his star power ‌for⁣ magnanimous‌ causes as well, marking his ⁣name as one of ⁣the most charitable celebrities in ‍Hollywood.

Among⁢ his impressive roster of ⁢philanthropic works, his association ‌with Pencils of Promise stands ⁣out. ⁤He has managed to contribute substantially‍ to the non-profit ⁤organization ‌that builds schools for children ⁣in developing nations. Bieber ⁣has not only donated a portion of his‍ concert ‍proceeds to ‌the organization ‍but also visited regions such‍ as Guatemala to⁣ physically assist‌ in the construction of⁣ schools.

“The‌ feeling of giving back ​is ⁣priceless, whether you’re a ⁤celebrity​ or not. Always give back!” – Justin Bieber on ⁢his philanthropic efforts. ⁤

YearPhilanthropic ActBeneficiary
2010 ​- PresentRegular⁢ ContributionsPencils of Promise
2011Part of⁢ Proceeds from Christmas album ‘Under the Mistletoe’Charity Pencils of Promise,‌ Boys​ & Girls Clubs Of​ America, etc.
2013Pledge from target practice, in⁢ collaboration with Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationRotary’s Polio ⁤Eradication efforts

Working towards nipper causes, Bieber’s initiative‌ #Giveback ‌ included personal ‍donations and driving funds⁣ for child hunger and ‌education. Through ‍his association with the⁤ Make-A-Wish Foundation, he has also fulfilled the wishes of many terminally ill children,⁣ rightfully earning his spot​ on this‌ list of ⁣benevolent⁤ bigwigs.

16) Richard ⁣Branson

Richard ⁣Branson

Known worldwide⁤ for⁣ his⁤ adventurous spirit and iconic Virgin brand, the English business magnate Richard Branson has proven to be an equally resolute‍ philanthropist.⁤ For Branson, giving back is​ not just about​ writing cheques; ​he uses his time⁢ and influence​ to drive change on both global ⁤and local scales.

Branson is one of the ⁣high-profile contributors​ to The‍ Giving ‌Pledge, a commitment by‍ wealthy individuals to donate more⁣ than ⁢half of their wealth to philanthropy during⁢ their lifetime or in their will. Aside from ‍his personal commitment, ‌Branson founded⁣ Virgin Unite, the non-profit foundation of ⁣the Virgin Group, which ⁢combats global ‌challenges like ⁤climate change,⁢ global⁢ conflicts, and ⁢healthcare. He also created ‍the Elders, an independent‍ group of global⁢ leaders working together for‌ peace ‌and human rights, which⁣ was ⁣founded⁤ in partnership with Nelson​ Mandela.

In ‍addition to having a wide-spanning ‍philanthropic portfolio, Branson ‍also ‍emphasizes‌ that businesses should be​ a force for good.⁣ Here’s a⁢ look​ at some ‍of ⁢the impacts Branson has made with his charitable efforts:

Virgin‍ UniteSolving big issues from climate change⁢ to​ drug policy reform
The EldersPromoting peace and human rights ‌globally
The ⁢Carbon War‍ RoomInitiating business solutions that ⁤reduce carbon ‍emissions

Through his charismatic leadership, innovative‌ spirit ‍and generous contributions, Branson continues to​ prove that ⁤business​ and philanthropy go hand in⁣ hand, impacting positively⁢ on countless lives worldwide.

17) Serena Williams

Serena Williams

Recognized worldwide for her incredible⁢ skill on the ⁢tennis court,​ Serena​ Williams ⁤is equally ⁢passionate ⁣about ⁣serving her ‌community off‍ the court. With⁣ a ​philanthropic spirit as big​ as her tennis game, she has used her ‍platform to advocate ⁣for numerous worthy⁢ causes and organizations. In 2016 Serena was‍ named a UNICEF Goodwill ⁣Ambassador, reinforcing her⁤ commitment⁣ towards changing⁣ the world for better.

The Serena Williams Fund is a ‍testament to her generous ⁤heart. Launched in 2014, this venture‍ supports organizations that ⁣foster⁤ community violence prevention and ⁢fund ⁤education. Serena’s fund​ has⁣ built schools in Uganda, Zimbabwe and Jamaica. Serena⁤ is also actively‌ involved​ with the Equal Justice Initiative, a non-profit⁢ organization committed to⁤ ending mass incarceration and challenging⁢ racial injustice. ‍One cannot overlook​ her⁢ efforts⁤ towards breast cancer awareness, in which she‌ serves​ as ⁤an ambassador ⁣for the ‌ Pink Ribbons ⁢campaign.

UNICEF2016Goodwill Ambassador
Serena Williams Fund2014-PresentBuilding Schools & ⁢Community‌ Violence Prevention
Equal Justice InitiativeOngoingEnding Mass Incarceration and Racial Injustice
Pink RibbonsOngoingBreast Cancer​ Awareness Ambassador

18) Paul ​McCartney

Paul ​McCartney

Most known for his legendary contribution to ⁤the world ⁤of music as a member of​ the iconic band, The Beatles, ⁤Sir Paul McCartney has⁤ proven to be a‍ philanthropist at heart, using his vast wealth and⁢ influence‍ to effectuate⁤ positive social change. Over the ⁤years, McCartney ‌has ⁤donated to numerous charities ​and ⁤causes, reinforcing ​his ⁤status as one of the industry’s most charitable celebrities.

One of ⁢the institutions ⁣that benefit a lot from McCartney’s benevolence is the Power to Be International, an initiative that⁢ empowers youths through education and‌ skill-based​ programs. Additionally, McCartney is a proud supporter of the Adopt-A-Minefield⁢ initiative, a project aimed at defusing landmines ‌in war-stricken⁢ countries. He‌ has also ⁢offered his financial assistance ⁣towards ‍other health, human rights, and animal welfare organizations.

In ⁢2012, he donated ‍a special edition Gold ​Disc Recording of The Beatles‍ song “Love Me Do” for ‌auction, raising funds for the Manchester⁢ Royal⁣ Infirmary. Furthermore, McCartney ​is ⁤renowned⁢ for his passionate advocacy for vegetarianism, having supported⁣ PETA for decades ​and launching his campaign “Meat-Free Mondays” ​ in the⁤ year ​2009.

Charity⁣ CauseContributions
Power to Be InternationalFunds and support for skill-based programs
Adopt-A-MinefieldFinancial ⁣support⁣ for defusing​ landmines
Manchester Royal InfirmaryAuctioned special edition Gold Disc Recording
PETADecades of financial and​ public advocacy
Meat-Free MondaysLaunched and promoted the⁣ vegetarian ‍campaign

No doubt, Paul McCartney’s long track record ​of⁢ charitable donations⁤ and advocacy‌ makes him one​ of the ‍most ‍charitable celebrities in the world. Beyond the fame and‌ fortune, ‌he engages in ⁢efforts that have a meaningful impact on⁣ various sectors of ‍the society, truly ⁤embodying the spirit of‌ giving.

19) Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep

Meryl ‌Streep ‌is⁢ not only a⁢ lauded actress, but ⁣also⁤ a champion of numerous philanthropic causes. Streep ⁢uses her⁢ influential platform‌ and financial resources to make​ a significant ‍impact on many social and environmental causes.⁣ She strongly believes in giving back to society, and⁢ her charitable‌ endeavors ‌are as noteworthy​ as ‍her‍ impressive acting career.

Streep, alongside⁤ her husband,‍ Don Gummer, established the Silver Mountain Foundation for ⁣the ‍Arts. The foundation supports various charitable ⁣organizations, helping them ⁢fund their programs.⁣ From 2003 to 2017, the foundation ⁢reportedly dispersed over $1 million ⁣ each year ​to a​ wide variety of nonprofits, showcasing Streep’s​ consistent commitment to​ philanthropy over the years.

She⁢ is also committed to several other charitable⁢ organizations and initiatives. These ⁤include Stand Up⁤ To Cancer,⁤ Women for Women International ⁢ and the National Women’s History Museum.⁢ Her⁢ philanthropic reach extends‍ beyond the shores ‌of America,⁢ supporting global⁢ charities like WHO’s Solidarity Response Fund ‍supporting Covid-19 relief measures, and Oxfam, an‌ organization‌ dedicated ⁣to battling poverty ⁣worldwide.

Charitable ⁤OrganizationCauses Supported
Silver Mountain Foundation for the ArtsSupporting Artistic‍ Endeavors
Stand Up ‍To⁢ CancerCancer⁣ Research
Women for Women ⁢InternationalWomen​ Empowerment
National⁢ Women’s History⁣ MuseumWomen’s History
WHO’s ⁢Solidarity⁣ Response FundCovid-19 Relief ​Measures
OxfamPoverty Alleviation


20)⁢ Sean ‍Diddy Combs

Sean ‍Diddy Combs

Revered as one of the music industry’s ⁤biggest moguls, Sean ‘Diddy’ ‌Combs doesn’t ‌just ⁤make it a priority ‌to produce ‍hits;‌ he‌ makes giving⁢ back a ‍top priority too. From his humble beginnings,⁣ Diddy ‌has always affirmed the value‍ of​ education. Through various charitable efforts,⁤ he has put his immense wealth to good use. ⁤With an estimated net‍ worth of $740 million, ‌Diddy has turned his⁢ life⁤ story into a⁤ philanthropic legacy.

In 2016, ⁣Combs ⁢donated $1 ⁣million to ​his alma mater, ‍ Howard University, to​ establish the Sean Combs ‍Scholarship Fund which aids students who ‍are financially incapable to pay their tuition fees. Additionally, through his non-profit‌ organization, Daddy’s House Social Programs, Combs has been ⁢providing inner-city youth ​with programs on educational life ​skills and self-esteem enrichment since 1995. Furthermore, ‍in 2004, he ran in ​the ‍New York City Marathon to raise ‍money for the educational​ system⁢ of the city and ⁤successfully raised ‍$2 million.

Charitable⁣ InitiativesAmount Donated/Raised
Sean Combs Scholarship Fund$1​ million
New York City Marathon ​(2004)$2 million

From his⁢ efforts, it⁢ is clear that​ Combs strongly believes in significant societal contributions. His charities ‍focusing on education reassures⁣ us that such celebrities do care, inspiring ⁢others to follow in ‌his⁣ footsteps to give back.⁣ His story is a testament to how​ influential individuals can make a difference ​with their fame and wealth. Indeed,‍ Combs deserves ‌his place⁢ in the list of top 10 most charitable⁢ celebrities.

21) ‌Rihanna


Barbadian ‌singer, performer, ‍and businesswoman, Robyn ‍Rihanna Fenty, better ​known to the public as just Rihanna,​ is renowned not only for ‍her powerful vocals and catchy ⁤tunes ​but⁣ also for her charitable works. She established the Clara Lionel Foundation (CLF) in 2012, named in ‌honor of her grandparents, to improve quality of life for communities globally in the areas of⁣ health, education,‍ arts and culture. The ⁤foundation’s most notable work includes funding a state-of-the-art‍ center for oncology and nuclear medicine‍ at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Barbados.

On top ⁤of her work ‌with the CLF, Rihanna has⁢ shown ‍incredible benevolence⁤ through other ways. She made a substantial $5 million donation to various organizations around the world⁣ offering‍ Coronavirus relief. And,‍ in 2020, she was awarded the NAACP President’s Award for ⁣her philanthropic efforts. ‌ Humble and compassionate, she continuously uses her ⁢influence ‍to make a​ significant difference in the world.

Organisation/ InitiativeContribution
Clara Lionel FoundationFunding for healthcare,‍ education and arts
Covid-19‍ Relief$5 million‌ donation
Education ‍Partnership with Global⁣ Citizen and​ Head ⁣of⁤ StateAdvocacy ⁢for‍ education rights


22) ⁤Sir Elton⁣ John

Sir Elton⁣ John

Sir Elton John, known for⁣ his hit songs like “Candle in the Wind” ⁤and “Rocket Man”,⁢ isn’t ⁤just⁤ a rockstar on⁢ the stage but also⁢ in the realm of philanthropy.‍ Having established ⁢the Elton John‌ AIDS Foundation in 1992, he has since donated over $400 million to fund ⁣research initiatives worldwide​ and provide⁢ support to people ‍living with HIV/AIDs. ‌This isn’t the only cause‍ close to​ Elton’s heart, he also supports a number⁣ of other charitable organizations dedicated to cancer research, ⁤environmental concerns, ‍and providing ⁤aid⁣ to the homeless.

Snapshot​ of Elton John’s Philanthropy
Charitable ​CauseOrganizations SupportedDonations (approx.)
HIV/AIDS research & supportElton John AIDS Foundation$400⁤ Million
Cancer ‍researchMultiple​ organizationsData not available
Environmental concernsMultiple organizationsData‍ not ⁤available
Homeless ​aid supportMultiple organizationsData not available

Not only is Elton a generous individual, but he has also ⁢leveraged ⁣his status‍ and influence to mobilize others ‍in support of these causes. ​He hosts ⁢annual galas and auctions, using the proceeds‌ to fund the charitable endeavours of his Foundation. With a ‍heart⁢ as grand ​as‍ his music, Elton John truly embodies the spirit of giving back, making him‌ a shining example for⁣ both his⁣ fans‍ and fellow celebrities.

23)‌ Jennifer⁢ Aniston

jennifer aniston
jennifer aniston

Jennifer Aniston ‍ has ​not only stolen our⁤ hearts as Rachel Green ‍in the beloved series “Friends,” but has also shown her immense compassion and dedication to philanthropy. Aniston is a founding ⁣member of the Detroit Creativity Project, ‌an initiative seeking ​to‍ improve the lives of students in the Detroit public school ⁣system through ⁤improvisational theater. She is​ also a notable supporter of St. Jude’s ⁣Children Research Hospital and frequently makes appearances in their holiday campaigns ⁢to rally for donations.

In addition to ​these ⁢charities, ⁤her generosity has ‍extended to a ⁣number of other⁣ public⁣ and​ private projects. To demonstrate:

    • The Rape, Abuse & ⁢Incest National Network: Aniston has been a ⁤dedicated supporter and has made ‌generous donations to this organization which helps survivors of‍ sexual⁢ assault.
    • Doctors Without Borders: Expressing her ⁣admiration ⁢for the⁢ work this organization does, she ‍has‍ extended financial support multiple times.
Name of the CharityRole
Feeding AmericaGenerous Donor
Stand Up To⁤ CancerPublic ‌Supporter and Donor
Friends of El ​FaroActive ⁣Member and⁤ Donor

Jennifer’s ⁢contributions extend well beyond her significant⁣ financial donations. In⁣ the spirit of true philanthropy, she also donates her time and influence to uplift these charities,​ champion their causes and drive awareness and support from the public. With irresistible charm and⁢ an‌ unwavering commitment to giving ‌back, Jennifer Aniston is a true icon⁣ of celebrity philanthropy.

24) ‍Will Smith

will smith
will smith

When⁢ it ​comes to charity, ⁣ Will Smith is not one to be left behind. Along with his wife Jada Pinkett Smith, they⁢ have founded the⁣ Will and Jada Smith ‍Family Foundation. This charitable organization focuses on urban inner-city youth⁢ and family ⁤support⁤ and has‌ given generously to various schools⁣ and ‌other educational programs. Additionally, Smith ‍is known⁣ for his⁣ high-profile donations to causes such as disaster relief efforts and⁤ Parkinson’s​ disease​ research.

Prominent Work:

Also‍ notable ⁤is Smith’s⁢ involvement in Project‌ Zambi, which supports children orphaned⁢ by AIDS ⁢in Africa.⁢ In ⁢one striking‌ show of‍ generosity,⁣ Smith and his family auctioned ‍off ​clothes from his own wardrobe to raise funds for the project. Smith has repeatedly stated that⁢ giving back is not ‌just a responsibility, but a privilege, making ⁢him a​ standout figure ⁣in Hollywood’s philanthropic scene.

CelebrityCharitable ‌FoundationCause Focused On
Will SmithWill and Jada⁢ Smith Family FoundationUrban ​inner-city youth, Family Support

25) David Beckham

In the realm of⁤ sports ⁢and philanthropy, David Beckham ‌holds a paramount position. He is internationally ​renowned not​ just for ⁣his illustrious football career and enviable style quotient, but also for ⁢his exemplary ⁣humanitarian work. Co-founder of the Malaria‌ No‌ More⁤ UK Leadership Council,⁤ Beckham leverages his ⁤popularity to generate​ awareness about ​the⁢ deadly disease. He ⁢has also been ⁢active in promoting child welfare, ⁣vehemently ​campaigning against ⁢child​ malnutrition ​and​ violence in ⁤his capacity as ⁣UNICEF’s Goodwill ⁢Ambassador.

The‌ soccer ⁤icon⁢ has‍ also been‍ instrumental in several fundraising initiatives. Through‌ the 7 Fund, a campaign launched ​by Beckham in ​collaboration with UNICEF, he is‌ committed ‌to ⁢safeguarding ‌and providing⁤ essential resources to children ⁢from seven of​ the⁤ most disadvantaged regions around the globe.‍ Apart ‍from ⁢this, Beckham is⁢ an active part ‌of Positive View⁢ Foundation, a charity ​focused on enhancing the lives⁤ of disadvantaged youth⁣ through photography. It’s evident that‌ Beckham’s charity⁣ work is as​ diverse ⁤as ⁢it is significant.

Charity‍ Initiatives by David ⁣Beckham
Malaria No⁣ More UK ‌Leadership Council
UNICEF​ Goodwill Ambassador
7 Fund (In⁣ collaboration⁤ with UNICEF)
Positive View Foundation

26)‍ Bill and Melinda Gates

Bill and Melinda Gates

Coming in at number ‍ten⁢ on this list​ is none other than the power⁣ philanthropic couple, Bill and⁢ Melinda‌ Gates. Known worldwide⁣ for their technological contributions through ​Microsoft,⁤ they’re equally famed for their‌ benevolent endeavors. The ​couple established the‍ Bill & ​Melinda‍ Gates Foundation ‍in 2000, aimed at enhancing healthcare ​and reducing ‌extreme poverty⁢ globally.‍

“The world’s problems ⁣are our problems”

Their compassion extends‌ beyond borders‌ as they’ve pledged‌ a staggering $4.6⁢ billion in⁣ grants‌ for various⁤ causes in 2015 alone. Their significant contributions in the ‍fight ⁣against Polio, funding ‍for research into Malaria, and improvement‍ in educational resources in disadvantaged communities ⁤have been tremendous. The couple is clearly ‍doing ‍their part‌ in making the world a ⁢better place one ‍grant at a time.

Here ​are ‌some of their notable contributions:

    • Education: More ⁣than $6​ billion has been spent to ‍improve ‍America’s schools and colleges.
    • Global ​Health: Approximately $15.6 billion has been pledged to tackle​ diseases like malaria, polio,​ and HIV ​in developing nations.
    • Global Development: ⁣Nearly $4⁤ billion has been directed towards ensuring better financial ‌services for the world’s poorest citizens.
Bill and Melinda ‍Gates’ Major Donations
YearAmount (in ‌Billion $)Category
20131.5Global Health
20181.4Global Development

Their unprecedented commitment⁢ to charitable giving serves as an inspiration to ‌all. It is ⁤a resounding testament that fortune and empathy can indeed coexist. The Gates’⁤ future ⁣plans reveal an intention​ to ⁢leave the ​majority of ⁢their wealth to charity,⁣ further⁢ solidifying​ their position in ⁤the philanthropic ​realm.

27) Alicia ⁢Keys

Alicia ⁢Keys

Multitalented artist Alicia⁤ Keys proves she’s as golden-hearted ​as her voice is golden. ⁢This⁢ Grammy award-winning singer⁤ and ⁢songwriter consistently⁤ uses her⁣ fame to shine a spotlight⁢ on⁢ important causes and give back to those⁢ in need. She is an avid supporter of the ‍non-profit ‍Keep ⁤a Child Alive, which provides assistance to‌ African children and ⁣families‌ affected⁣ by⁤ HIV/AIDS.‍ In addition,‌ she helped in founding⁤ the We ‍Are Here Movement,‌ encouraging the global community ⁤to‌ fight for equality and justice. ‍

Acts of‌ generosity are not‍ just limited⁢ to these foundations. In 2005,⁣ Alicia Keys personally visited African countries hard-hit by ‌HIV/AIDS and has ​since raised millions⁤ to help the cause. She also contributes ⁣to Frum Tha⁤ Ground Up, a motivational organization⁢ that inspires young people in underserved communities across ⁢America. She’s a true⁣ representation that fame comes with responsibility, and she’s owning up to it.

Charity OrganizationDescription
Keep a Child AliveAids ⁣African‍ children ​and ​families affected by HIV/AIDS
We Are Here MovementFights ⁢for⁢ equality and ‍justice globally
Frum Tha Ground‍ UpMotivates young people in underserved​ communities in⁣ America


28) Keanu Reeves

While ⁣many‌ know Keanu Reeves ⁣ for his roles in blockbuster hits such as “The Matrix” trilogy ‌and the “John Wick” ​series, off-screen he shows leading role qualities in the realm of philanthropy.⁢ Known to keep a ​low ⁤profile regarding his charitable actions, his⁣ kindness isn’t flaunted but resonates loudly amongst those he assists, making him‌ one of the most charitable celebrities in Hollywood. From supporting⁤ children’s ‍hospitals and cancer research, to funding ⁤private charities, he‌ demonstrates⁣ a‌ strong⁣ sense of⁣ giving back.

Famously generous, Reeves secretly founded an organization that supports ‍children’s hospitals and ‍cancer ⁤research. Without attaching⁣ his​ name to it, he lets his actions⁢ speak for themselves. On top of this, Reeves donates millions of dollars to numerous charitable organizations as well as individuals in need. For instance:

    • He gave $80 million ‌of​ his $114‍ million earnings from ‘The Matrix’ sequels to ‍the special effects and makeup staff.
    • He ‌bought Harley Davidson motorcycles ⁤for the stuntmen team of ‘The⁢ Matrix’.

Furthermore, he set ‍up a cancer charity without attaching⁣ his ⁢name to it, remaining humble ‍about his benevolent ‌achievements.

Charity SupportedType ⁢of Support
SickKids FoundationDonation
Stand⁣ Up To CancerDonation

his discretion ⁤and quiet generosity⁣ marks Reeves as a true philanthropist, showing that ‌fame and fortune have not distorted his moral compass.

29) ⁢Prince Harry and⁣ Meghan​ Markle

Prince Harry and⁣ Meghan​ Markle

The Duke and ⁣Duchess ⁤of​ Sussex, better known as ⁢Prince Harry ‌and Meghan⁣ Markle, may not be ⁣typical ​Hollywood stars, ⁣but their philanthropic efforts⁣ certainly​ qualify them as some of the most generous celebrities. Their commitment to charitable⁢ work is unwavering and their influence is global. From mental health‌ to racial ⁢equality, their range of causes is diverse and impactful.

In 2020,⁢ they launched ‌ Archewell, their⁢ non-profit organization aimed at⁤ “building compassionate communities ​online and off” in ‌a way ​that uplifts​ and unites humanity. The couple‌ also undertook various ⁢initiatives ⁤and collaborations⁣ to ⁤help communities affected ​by‌ COVID-19.⁣ In ⁣fact, in lieu of gifts for ​their son Archie’s second birthday ⁣in May 2021, they requested donations to ⁤support ⁣vaccine equity.

Philanthropic Highlights

    • Launched Archewell Foundation, a global community-based platform.
    • Donated over ⁤$130,000 ⁤to CAMFED, an⁢ African girls’ education charity, in ⁢honor⁤ of Prince Harry’s 36th birthday.
    • Championed numerous‌ mental health organizations, including Heads Together and Mind,⁢ and projects like Time to Change and Mental Health First⁢ Aid England.
    • Supported⁢ COVID-19 ⁢relief efforts ⁢through various ‌partnerships ‍and initiatives, ⁤including Project ‍Angel Food.
Charity‌ / OrganizationDescription
ArchewellGlobal community ⁢platform to drive ‍cultural‍ change towards ⁢inclusiveness and equality.
CAMFEDAfrican educational charity focused‍ on girls’ empowerment.
Heads TogetherMental ⁣health ⁢initiative spearheaded by the Royal Foundation of The Duke and ⁤Duchess of‍ Cambridge and The Duke and Duchess of ‍Sussex.
Project Angel FoodNon-profit organization preparing and ⁤delivering ⁤healthy ⁣meals to feed​ people⁢ impacted ‍by serious illness.


30) Priyanka Chopra Jonas

Priyanka Chopra Jonas

Basking in the limelight for her laudable acting prowess, this multi-faceted Indian actress ⁣possesses a heart ‍full of benevolence too. Through her philanthropic initiatives,​ she has made exceptional contributions not just ‌in her homeland, but across borders.⁣ Apart from donating hefty ⁣sums‌ to various charitable institutions globally, she has pledged her support to UNICEF, becoming their Goodwill Ambassador for Child Rights.

Her altruistic actions are not ⁢just confined to monetary⁤ assistance. Her focus on education, health,‍ and‌ environment showcase her comprehensive approach towards⁤ philanthropy. Her​ NGO, The⁤ Priyanka ‍Chopra Foundation for Health and⁢ Education, works diligently to‌ provide support to underprivileged kids ‍in terms⁣ of education and health. Below is a‍ summary of her charitable‍ contributions:

2016Girl Up Campaign$50,000
2018Assam Floods$78,000
2019Education in EthiopiaTrip with⁤ UNICEF
2020Covid Relief Fund$100,000

The above table highlights ⁢some of her major contributions.‌ However, her‌ giving spirit is not⁢ limited to these initiatives. ⁤She has also⁣ made a‍ significant difference ⁢in the lives ‌of many by ‍ providing ‍financial support to families⁢ affected by unfortunate incidents and ​backing various ​environmental causes. Truly, her⁤ compassion⁢ and generosity enhance her stardom, marking her⁤ as one of the most charitable​ celebrities.

31) Hugh Jackman

hugh jackman

Making​ the‍ switch‍ from the glitz ⁢and⁤ glam of Hollywood to the fields of philanthropy with ⁤ease, Hugh Jackman ⁣has ⁣become a‌ celebrated figure off-screen‌ due to ​his generous contributions to various causes. The talented actor, known for⁢ his charismatic portrayal of Wolverine in the X-Men series, has been just as impactful in his charitable‌ endeavors, working ‍tirelessly to ​make the world a better place.

Being ​an ambassador ‍for ​World⁢ Vision since ‌2009, Jackman has ‍journeyed ‌to places like Ethiopia and India to understand the problems faced by the inhabitants in their daily lives. He is⁢ also ⁤the founder of Laughing Man Coffee,⁤ a company‌ initiated to ⁣provide ​fair prices for farmers ​in developing countries. Moreover, significant proceeds​ from the company go⁢ towards educational ⁢scholarships ‌and community ‍development.

Charitable FocusActions
World Vision AmbasadorVisited Ethiopia ​and India to understand their challenges and contributions⁤ to improving their⁤ quality ⁣of life
Founder of Laughing Man CoffeeProvides fair prices for‌ farmers in developing countries and contributes significant profits ‍towards education scholarships and ​community development.

Not⁢ stopping⁤ there,⁢ the Australian-born actor uses his high-profile platform to raise awareness⁤ and generate ‌funds to fight numerous issues. Among these include climate change, poverty, and children’s rights. He‌ also supports the ‍ Broadway Cares/Equity Fights ‌AIDS ​organisation through⁣ his ⁢performances, demonstrating his willingness to merge his⁢ work with his⁣ philanthropic efforts. With‌ his‌ enduring altruism, Hugh Jackman truly embodies what it means⁤ to be a celebrity with a purpose.

32) Shakira


Internationally‍ acclaimed, ⁣Grammy-winning singer, ⁢ Shakira, born ⁣Shakira Isabel Mebarak ‍Ripoll is a vocal advocate‌ for education, recognized for ⁢her relentless charitable ⁤efforts around ‍the globe. Beyond her⁤ mesmerizing ⁤vocals and well-rounded⁢ belly dancing skills,⁣ Shakira is a philanthropist‍ at heart. She ‍established ⁤the‌ Pies ⁤Descalzos (Barefoot) Foundation in her ‍native Colombia when ⁤she was only ⁤18 years old.‌ The foundation focuses‍ on providing quality education⁢ to ⁤children living in extreme poverty. Since its initiation, five schools have been ‍built impacting more than 70,000 ‌children ‌and their families.

Shakira took her passion for education on a global scale‌ and served as a UNICEF‍ Goodwill Ambassador to ensure every child has the right to quality education. She has also engaged in several philanthropic collaborations including a partnership with ⁤ the World Food Programme to ⁢tackle ‍childhood hunger.‌ Contributing multi-million‌ dollar donations to various charitable causes, her generosity is often overshadowed by her famed ⁢singing career.⁤ With her poignant philanthropy ‌efforts, the superstar has ⁣earned her place in the world not just as a celebrated music artist but ⁤as an influential advocate for education ‍and children’s ​rights.

Charity FoundationFocusYears Active
Pies ‍Descalzos FoundationEducation and Poverty Alleviation1997-Present
UNICEFChildren’s‍ Rights and Emergency Relief2003-Present
World Food ProgrammeChildhood Hunger2003-Present


33) Sandra ‌Bullock

Sandra ‌Bullock

Remembered ⁢by‍ many ⁣for her phenomenal performances​ in movies like ‘The Blind Side’ and ‘Gravity’, ‍her talent in⁢ acting is as commendable⁣ as ‍her philanthropic spirit.‍ Sandra Bullock has ‌time⁣ and‍ time again ⁣opened her heart and wallet to​ aid those in ⁢dire ‌need. Her kindness stems not from a place of obligation ​but a genuine desire to help‌ people and ⁣make the world​ a ⁤better place.

One of ⁢her ‍significant ⁣donations was towards the Red Cross, where she donated ⁤a ‌staggering ⁢$1 million during numerous ​tragedies such as the⁢ 9/11 attacks, tsunami in Indonesia, and earthquake in ‍Haiti. In fact, ​her‍ donations to the‍ Red Cross alone have ⁢totalled up to $6 million. Bullock did not stop there; she continued ‍stepping forward ​to aid humanitarian causes such as ‌the Warren ‍Easton Charter High School ⁢ in New Orleans ⁣following Hurricane Katrina, ⁢restoring the school and ‌setting up scholarships.

Charitable‍ ActDonation
Red ‌Cross (Multiple Occasions)$6 Million
Warren Easton Charter High ⁣School$1 Million+

She⁢ also stretched‌ a helping hand ​towards the Art + Practice Foundation, ‌a ⁤charity that encourages education‍ and culture for foster youth and ‌the community ‍in ⁤South LA. In addition,⁢ she assisted in the establishment of Austin’s ⁢ Kind Clinic, a clinic providing sexual health services without⁣ bias. Bullock’s ​financial ‍contributions​ and involvement in these remarkable organizations just goes to⁤ show that‍ her‍ unwavering commitment to social improvement is much‍ more than just ⁣monetary – it’s sincere, heartfelt, and impactful.

    • Charitable Donations: Red⁤ Cross, Art + Practice Foundation, Warren‌ Easton High School, ‍Kind Clinic
    • Total Donations: $10 Million+

34) Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato

A global celebrity having‍ an​ enormous influence and popularity, Demi ⁣Lovato surely‍ knows how to ⁣do ⁣more than‍ just music – the American singer, songwriter, and actor uses their voice for igniting positive ​change. Being ⁢open about their own struggles⁤ with mental health as ‌well as substance abuse, Lovato aims to destigmatize mental health ​and push for better ⁣mental health support, especially amongst young⁤ people.

As a part of their philanthropic⁢ endeavors, Lovato started the Lovato Treatment Scholarship Program. To honor ​their ‌late ​father, the program funds treatment services for those ​battling mental health and addiction issues. But that’s not all, ⁢Lovato has been part of ⁣various‌ charitable campaigns and has ⁤performed at numerous⁣ charity concerts.

Charitable​ PublicationsCo-author of‌ the book “Staying Strong: ​365⁣ Days‌ a Year”
Advocacy EffortsFighting against bullying,​ supporting ‍LGBTQ+⁤ rights
Awards for PhilanthropyReceived ⁢inaugural ‘Rule Breaker’ Award at⁢ the‌ 2015 Billboard Women in Music event

Moreover, they‌ have ⁣been‍ an outspoken ⁤advocate for those dealing​ with eating disorders​ and self-harm, sharing ‌their own personal​ experiences⁤ to‌ inspire and ‌uplift. So, whether it’s through‌ lending ⁢their voice⁣ to worthy causes, fundraising, or simply being vocal about their​ journey, Lovato’s dedication to making a difference is⁣ truly commendable and sets an ⁣amazing example⁤ for millions of fans worldwide.

35) Bruno ⁢Mars

Bruno Mars

Master ​of pop and philanthropy, the Hawaiian native, performs‌ as⁢ his heart fulfills with ‍songs,⁢ but he⁣ also⁢ applies the same passion⁢ into making⁢ the world a better space.​ His musical embodiment ranges ‍from reggae, to R&B,‌ to ⁤pop and soul, but his ‌generosity knows no bounds. The⁣ ‘Just‍ The Way ‌You ⁢Are’ ⁤singer has practiced numerous⁤ acts of philanthropy throughout his ⁢illustrious career.

He stunned the audience at the⁣ Michigan concert in ‌2017 by announcing⁤ a⁤ donation of $1 million from ​the show’s proceeds to help ‌victims of the Flint water crisis. His graciousness ⁣was seen⁢ again‍ when he ‌donated 24,000 Thanksgiving meals ⁤to the Salvation ⁤Army Hawaiian and Pacific⁣ Islands Division in 2018, affirming that he never forgets his roots.​ Further, he joined⁢ the⁣ all-star benefit concert for the victims of the Marjory Stoneman​ Douglas High ‌School ‌shooting in ‌2018, reinforcing his commitment for social ​causes.

YearCharitable Act
2017Donation of $1 million ‍for Flint water ‍crisis victims
2018Donation of ‌24,000 Thanksgiving meals in⁣ Hawaii
2018Performance in all-star ⁤benefit ⁣concert for school ⁤shooting victims

From his heartwarming tracks ⁤to his philanthropic acts, one gets the sense that Bruno Mars channels ​his stardom to ⁣not only ⁣entertain but also empower and uplift.
His⁢ deeds ⁣show that there’s more to the​ Grammy award-winning singer than his vibrant stage persona and ⁢powerful voice. He’s a living⁣ inspiration that love,⁣ kindness, and generosity can create beautiful music, beyond the concert stage.

36) Emma ‍Watson

emma watson

The Harry​ Potter star⁣ is not⁣ only a skilled actress but ​also a passionate philanthropist. Emma​ Watson is ⁣known for her ⁤efforts in championing equal rights⁣ for ‌women.‌ Her involvement ⁢with the HeForShe campaign as a UN‌ Women Goodwill‌ Ambassador has ​made ⁢a massive⁢ impact on a‌ global ⁤level, advocating gender​ equality‌ worldwide. Through her ⁢outspokenness and​ belief, Watson continues‌ to use her visibility and influence⁢ to make a genuine difference.

Apart from⁤ her advocacy ‍for gender‌ equality, Watson⁢ is also involved in other ‍charitable efforts. She has been instrumental⁤ in several fundraisers, supporting ⁣organizations like‌ Comic Relief, Great Ormond Street ​Hospital, and‍ the ​Small Steps​ Project. ​Additionally, ‍she has used her‍ love‌ for fashion to foster⁤ change, launching ​a sustainable ⁤fashion line as a move‌ towards ethical​ consumerism. Emma Watson is ​truly a celebrity who⁢ uses her global ⁤fame for a worthy cause.

HeForShe campaignPromoting ⁤gender equality ⁤as a​ UN Women⁢ Goodwill Ambassador.
Comic ReliefActive participation in fundraising ⁢events.
Great Ormond Street HospitalFinancial ⁢support and⁤ public endorsement.
Small Steps ProjectBacking projects supporting children living on ⁤rubbish⁢ dumps around the world.
Sustainable Fashion LinePromotion of⁢ ethical consumerism through the launch⁢ of a‍ sustainable fashion line.


37) Bradley Cooper

bradley cooper

Known ‍for his undeniable charm and exceptional acting skills, Bradley Cooper ‌ has made ​his mark⁤ in Hollywood. However,⁢ it’s not just his ⁢on-screen presence ⁤that has deserved admiration, but his off-screen ⁤activities as well. With ⁣charity⁣ being a fundamental part‌ of his life,⁢ Cooper ​stands​ as a‍ true symbol of ⁢benevolence ⁤in the glittering world of‌ Hollywood.

He ⁣has supported several charitable initiatives over the years,⁢ exhibiting his benevolent side. Being a huge supporter of Cancer‌ research, Cooper has been closely associated ​with Stand⁢ Up To Cancer, a charitable program designed to raise funds for​ cancer research. Moreover, ‍he’s ⁢also contributed ‍significantly to Alzheimer’s⁢ Association, for which he ran the 2014 Desert‌ Run ‍ to raise funds. He’s often found organizing various fundraising⁢ events for‌ charities⁢ like UNICEF, ‍Homes For Our Troops, ⁤and Save‍ The Children.

Charity ⁤OrganizationContribution
Stand ⁣Up ​To CancerFundraising and active ⁣participation
Alzheimer’s ⁢AssociationParticipated in 2014 Desert Run
UNICEFOrganizes various fundraising events
Homes For Our TroopsActive support and contributions
Save The ChildrenFrequent donations

Furthermore,‍ Cooper is a‍ member of‌ Charity Miles, an app which enables ‍users to earn money⁣ for charity whenever they walk, run,⁢ or bicycle.⁤ Cooper has shown that​ he deeply believes in the power of ‌giving back, hence, his name rightly features among the Top 10 Most Charitable ⁢Celebrities.

38)⁢ Madonna


In the world ‌of music ‍and charity, the “Queen of Pop”⁤ has made a ‌live-changing difference with her philanthropic efforts. Globally ‌recognized as an altruistic ‍power,⁣ her works include promoting education in impoverished countries, advocating for ⁢the LGBTQ+ community and ⁣contributing⁤ to countless charities worldwide.

Through⁢ her ​organization, Raising Malawi,⁤ she has‍ supported orphans ‌and ⁢vulnerable children in Malawi with healthcare and education services. Despite ⁢facing criticisms from skeptics ⁤and bureaucratic ‍barriers, ‌her⁣ tenacity⁣ shone undeterred. The ⁤fruits ⁢of her⁢ relentless ​efforts is seen in the building of‌ 10 schools⁣ which‍ now educate 10,000 children annually.

Charitable WorksImpact
Raising MalawiBuilt 10 schools educating 10,000 children annually
Material ‍Girl’s Clothes CharitySupported veterans ⁣and ⁢homeless LGBT ⁢youth
The ⁤Ray​ of Light FoundationSponsored children’s education ⁤in Afghanistan, Pakistan,​ and other countries

Material Girl’s Clothes charity ‍is another humanitarian gesture from‍ her end. By auctioning her outfits, she amassed significant ‌funds which she generously donated to support veterans and homeless LGBT⁢ youth. Additionally, through The Ray ⁤of Light Foundation, named after one⁣ of her top-charting albums, she ⁣sponsors children’s education in many countries like Afghanistan, ⁣Pakistan and many others. Symbolizing⁣ integrity and generosity, Madonna rightly earns her ⁣spot in⁣ the ⁢realm of⁤ charitable celebrities.

39) Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga

In an industry ⁤often associated​ with glitz and glamor,⁣ it’s refreshing when ⁤a ​celebrity uses⁢ their platform to make a difference.​ Take Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, better known as pop superstar Lady Gaga, for⁣ example. Her ​philanthropic heart is as captivating​ as her⁢ eccentric performances. Despite her busy schedule,⁣ she consistently ⁢finds⁣ time‍ and energy to give back⁣ to causes that are near and‌ dear to her​ heart.

Center stage in her charitable endeavors‍ is the Born This ‍Way ⁤Foundation, which she co-founded with her ‍mother, Cynthia Germanotta. This non-profit organization empowers youth ‌and advocates for mental health, ‌a cause Gaga has⁤ been vocal⁢ about in‍ relation ⁤to her own struggles. But her efforts don’t stop there. Since her ‍meteoric rise to fame, she has:

    • Donated⁢ One million US dollars to⁢ mental health services after the release of ‘A Star​ is Born’
    • Supported HIV and AIDS research by collaborating with ⁣MAC Cosmetics
    • Donated meals to healthcare​ staff ⁤amid the COVID-19​ pandemic via her ‘Oreos’ ⁣initiative
    • Launched ​a mental health awareness⁤ campaign with Starbucks

A recipient ‌of numerous humanitarian awards, her ‍charity work has⁢ become as much a part of her legacy as her music. Whether she’s⁣ belting ‌out hits or ⁢fighting for‍ change, her dedications prove that she truly is a superstar – ⁤both on and offstage.

40) Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake

A celebrated singer, actor and recipient ⁣of ‌many Grammys, the multifaceted Justin Timberlake ⁢ also uses his influence to promote a variety of good causes.⁤ His efforts in charitable⁢ work⁤ are noteworthy, ‌from opening a‌ 25-acre inclusive camp for children ⁣with special health and ⁤educational needs ​to actively participating in‌ different fundraisers.

Hats off ⁣to his ‘Justin‌ Timberlake Foundation’, which aims at ‌promoting music‌ education in public schools. He also‌ has a⁢ special place in his heart for Shriners Hospitals for Children, for whom he has​ raised millions of dollars through his ⁣annual Justin Timberlake Shriners Hospitals for⁢ Children⁣ Open‌ golf tournament.

Charitable activitiesFunds ‍Raised
Justin Timberlake FoundationOver $9 ⁢Million
Shriners ‌Hospital’s Golf TournamentApproximately $10‌ Million

As a strong ⁣advocate for disaster relief, he donated $200,000 to ‍the Mid-South​ Food Bank’s Hurricane Laura⁤ Relief effort in his ‌hometown, Memphis. He has repeatedly been a part ‌of various ​other fundraising ⁣events including‍ Stand ‍Up to Cancer, ⁤MusiCares, and‌ the Make a Wish Foundation.

    • Funding the Mid-South Food Bank: $200,000.
    • Participation ‌in fundraisers: Stand ⁣Up to Cancer, MusiCares, Make a Wish​ Foundation.

The ‘Sexy Back’ singer definitely brings​ his‍ sexy back not just ⁢with his⁤ music and performances, but also‍ his continuous, selfless contributions and endeavors towards ​making the world a better place​ to ‍live.

41) Stephen King

Stephen King

Not ⁣only has Stephen King terrified many ‌with⁢ his suspenseful literature, but he’s also showered goodwill on a variety of​ causes. ‍Alongside ⁢his wife Tabitha, the renowned horror author established‍ the ⁣ Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation in 1986. ⁢This philanthropic ⁢venture supports‌ community projects and has provided tens of millions of dollars ​to non-profit⁤ organizations, libraries,⁣ and ​fire departments in their home state of⁤ Maine.

Generous and ​Humble Philanthropist

King’s charitable efforts ⁢extend beyond his foundation. He has donated substantial funds‍ to ‌several other charities such​ as The Haven Foundation, created ‌to⁣ support⁤ freelance artists in literary, performing and‍ visual arts‍ who⁣ are unable‍ to‌ work due⁤ to disease, accident or old ⁤age. ‌His immense generosity‍ doesn’t stop there, King‍ also silently ‌supports education‌ and literacy​ initiatives. The author‍ significantly contributes ‍to scholarships and ⁣educational projects, passionately ‌believing in ⁣the power of education.

Charitable FoundationDonation Area
Stephen and Tabitha​ King⁤ FoundationCommunity Projects
The⁤ Haven FoundationSupport for Artists
Educational and Literacy InitiativesScholarships and Projects

The “King‌ of Horror” has​ not only entertained us through his novels, but⁤ has also ⁤been a champion‌ of social⁣ causes and charitable projects.⁣ His ‌willingness to give back and ⁢support ‌those ‍in need reflects the heart behind⁣ the horror.

42) ​Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan

Widely renowned ​as the G.O.A.T.​ (Greatest ‍of ⁤All‌ Time) in the dazzling world‌ of basketball,⁣ Michael Jordan not only shines on‍ the court but also⁤ in the‌ field ‍of‌ philanthropy. Jordan’s charitable contributions are just‍ as⁤ noteworthy as ‍his⁤ remarkable sports career, demonstrating his genuine commitment to ‌making a tangible, positive impact⁤ in communities. His⁣ donations have supported a wide range of causes, from children’s hospitals ​to⁢ educational scholarships.

One ⁢of Jordan’s major philanthropic​ efforts is his⁢ family’s⁣ charitable foundation, the Michael ‍Jordan ‌Family Foundation, which is ⁤dedicated to ‍creating a lasting⁤ change​ in the lives of​ children, families, and communities. Over the years, it has granted millions to organizations committed to health, education, and youth services. In ‌2020, Jordan ⁢pledged $100⁢ million over 10 years to ‍organizations promoting ⁣racial equality,​ social justice, and ⁢increased access to education. This commitment underscores Jordan’s ⁢dedication⁢ to⁤ using‌ his⁣ influence and resources‍ to contribute to‍ positive societal change.

YearCharitable DonationBeneficiary
2016$7 ⁣MillionChildren’s Hospitals
2017$2 MillionHurricane⁢ Florence‌ Relief
2020$100 MillionRacial Equality‌ and Social Justice Organizations

Jordan’s‌ charitable nature extends beyond financial‌ donations; he has also used his⁤ fame and influence ​to shed light on​ critical issues. ⁢He’s spoken out​ on​ the issues ⁣of police‍ violence and racial inequality ⁢in ‌America. The Basketball Hall ⁢of ⁣Famer truly lives ‌up‍ to his status ​as a role model, both on and⁢ off the court.

43) Eddie​ Vedder

Eddie​ Vedder

Begining his entry ⁢into the world ⁢of philanthropy‍ with a‌ bang, Eddie Vedder, famous⁢ soloist and lead vocalist of the ⁤popular rock band Pearl Jam, donated $1.7 million from a ​single benefit ⁤concert. This outspoken advocate for homelessness ⁣frequently uses his musical talents ​to gather ⁢funds for charities.

His altruistic⁤ efforts include​ his tireless dedication to EB​ (Epidermolysis Bullosa)‌ research, an initiative‌ to find a cure⁤ for ‍a rare⁣ life-threatening skin disorder. In 2017, ⁣he threw himself into activism and advocacy by‌ holding a benefit concert for EB research that⁣ featured​ numerous high-profile ⁤musicians, which was a huge success. His ⁣involvement in other charities is⁢ also noteworthy. Here⁤ is a quick ‍list:

    • WhyHunger: An organization committed to ending hunger ‍and poverty by connecting​ people to ⁣nutritious, affordable ‌food.
    • Teenage Cancer Trust: Provides life-changing care and support to⁣ young ⁢people fighting⁤ cancer.
    • Vitalogy Foundation: ​Created by his own band,​ Pearl⁤ Jam, the foundation supports the ⁢efforts of ⁤non-profit organizations doing commendable ⁣work ⁣in fields like health and education.
2002$200,000Doctors Without ‍Borders
2017$1,700,000EB research

The chart above provides a ‍small glimpse into Vedder’s ‍contribution towards⁣ charity over the years. His philanthropic endeavors undeniably make him one of the ‌most‌ generous among celebrities.

44)​ George Lucas

George Lucas

The ⁤Creative ⁤Genius
Known primarily for⁢ creating the phenomenal ‌ Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises, George Lucas has generated billions ​through his films and later selling his⁤ company, Lucasfilm, to Disney. However, he isn’t just content with‍ making ⁣billions; ​he is‍ equally committed in sharing much of ​his wealth ⁢with programs ⁣that focus on education and creative ​arts.

  • In⁣ 2010, ‌Lucas‍ pledged to donate ​half ‍of ​his fortune to charity as‌ part​ of ⁤the Giving Pledge, started by ⁣Warren⁣ Buffet ⁣and Bill Gates.
  • Through his George ⁤Lucas​ Educational⁤ Foundation, he has continuously advocated ​for innovation in K-12 education and has significantly financed initiatives⁤ that can​ increase creative teaching methods and⁤ improve‍ technology in schools.
  • A firm believer in ⁤the ‍power of storytelling, he also⁣ supports​ activities‍ and organizations that are committed⁤ to the ‍preservation of film‍ and other ‌art forms for future generations.

Moving ​on to his ‌most significant philanthropic venture so far, Lucas has dedicated a whopping $1 ‌billion‌ for ⁣an art museum—The⁤ Lucas Museum of Narrative‌ Art. It’s a nonprofit innovation, ⁢designed to celebrate the power‌ of visual⁣ storytelling in every form of art.

Charitable‌ AvenueProjected/Committed Donation
Giving PledgeHalf of his wealth
Education & Creative ArtsSignificant (amount undisclosed)
The Lucas Museum of Narrative Art$1 billion

From galaxy‌ far, far away to classrooms and⁢ art corridors, George Lucas⁤ is making sure his wealth‍ serves a purpose and spawns a legacy of creativity, ​knowledge, and inspiration. One might say, “The Force” is strong with his philanthropic endeavors.

45) Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg

A world-renowned ⁤filmmaker, Steven Spielberg,⁣ is not only ⁢gifted with the magic of storytelling in movies but also carries a big heart for people in​ real-life. Coming from a humble background, Spielberg became ⁣one of ​the most successful directors in Hollywood, and ⁣his success did not come without philanthropy.​ He founded ⁢the Spielberg Foundation, initially to produce a film about ⁢the Holocaust, which later‍ turned into⁢ one of ‌Hollywood’s most generous charities.

Spielberg also co-founded the Righteous Persons ⁤Foundation, concentrating on Jewish ⁣causes in​ America, and the Survivors⁢ of the Shoah ⁤Visual ‍History Foundation, with⁣ the focus on⁢ recording ‍testimonies of survivors of the Holocaust. For his exceptional‌ philanthropic work, Spielberg has ‍been recognized with the American Film Institute Life Achievement ⁢Award and⁢ the Presidential⁤ Medal of Freedom. His giving​ extends beyond these primary ‌foundations, involving himself in⁤ multiple charitable events and causes.

Spielberg FoundationOne of Hollywood’s most ‍generous⁤ charities
Righteous Persons FoundationJewish causes in America
Survivors of ​the​ Shoah Visual ‍History FoundationRecording ⁣testimonies of Holocaust survivors


46) Johnny Depp

johnny depp

Best known for his captivating performances in films ‌such as “Edward Scissorhands,” “Pirates of ⁣the Caribbean” ⁣and “Sweeney‌ Todd,” prolific actor and producer Johnny​ Depp also‍ possesses a heart of gold.‍ Unafraid to use ⁤his ⁣platform to give back,​ Depp has repeatedly shown generosity ‌through his contributions to numerous charities‌ and ‍philanthropic endeavors.

With a specific focus on​ children’s charities, Depp has ⁢contributed ⁤significantly to causes​ like‍ the Children’s Hospice ⁤& Palliative Care Coalition and the Great Ormond Street Hospital, to which he made⁣ a mammoth £1 million donation after they saved his daughter’s life. His goodwill extends further, seeing him don head-to-toe Jack Sparrow attire to surprise children in hospitals, bringing ⁣joy ‌and a‍ sense ​of fantasy to ‍their day.

Children’s Hospice & ⁢Palliative Care CoalitionChildren’s CharitySignificant⁤ Donations
Great ⁣Ormond Street HospitalChildren’s Hospital£1⁤ Million
Various HospitalsGeneralPlays ‌Characters to Comfort Patients

Further ‍leveraging his ⁣influence, Depp has aided ⁤ Amnesty International in their campaign ‍against the death penalty and continually supports the‌ The Art of Elysium charity, an ⁤organization that helps artists, actors, and musicians volunteer their‌ time ‍to children ​battling serious medical conditions.‌ True⁣ to his distinctive‌ style, ‌Depp’s charitable works make waves, and it’s‍ clear that his⁤ philanthropic spirit​ is as large​ as ⁣his legendary career.

47) Cristiano Ronaldo

Known as one of the world’s best footballers, Cristiano Ronaldo has ⁢a ⁣heart that is just as golden as his sports accolades. He⁣ is​ heavily involved in philanthropic activities, often ⁤donating large⁣ amounts of his income to ​various ‌charitable causes, showcasing⁣ a compassionate side off the pitch.

His​ giving spirit was displayed when ⁤he funded the construction of a ⁣ pediatric hospital ⁢in Santiago, Chile. He’s​ also been a​ long-time supporter of ‌ Save the Children, Unicef ⁤and World Vision. Additionally,⁣ after‌ winning the Champions League ⁢in 2014, he donated ​his €600,000 bonus to charities. Here are some more of his remarkable charitable acts:

    • Donated ⁤ £5m to Nepal earthquake victims.
    • Helped raise $83,000 ‍for ‌a 10-year-old⁤ fan in need of⁤ brain surgery.
    • Sold his Golden ⁣Boot award to fund schools⁢ in Gaza.
YearCharitable ActBeneficiary
2015Covered treatment costs for a child with CancerErik‍ Ortiz‍ Cruz
2016Auctioned off his European Championship ⁤Silver BootMake-A-Wish ‍foundation
2017Donated⁢ Champions League bonusChildren’s hospitals in Portugal

Compassionate, talented, and​ humble, Cristiano Ronaldo’s philanthropic⁣ endeavors ‌go hand in hand with his soccer‍ legacy, ⁣making ‍him⁣ a true sportsman⁤ on and​ off​ the field.

48) Denzel ​Washington

Denzel Washington

With a⁢ warm and intense‌ presence that has ​captivated audiences for ‌decades, Denzel Washington ‍ is not ⁣just an‍ incredible‍ actor, but also a generous ⁣philanthropist. His charity work extends far‌ and wide, reaching all corners of the globe and touching⁢ a variety⁢ of ⁤causes. ​The Denzel ⁤Washington Family ⁣Foundation and Boys & Girls⁢ Club are among the major organizations ⁣he supports, ⁤paving the way for ‌future ⁢generations and providing ‌them with numerous opportunities for personal and‌ professional ⁤growth.

He donated $2 million to Wiley College to re-establish its debate team, reflecting his belief in the potential ‍of education and the power of words. His ⁣charitable acts ‌are not limited to monetary donations; he often devotes ⁣his time and uses his⁤ fame to raise awareness and inspire​ others to get involved⁤ in charitable causes. In⁢ particular, his ​involvement in the Fisher House‌ Foundation showcases his commitment to helping military ‌families, providing ⁣a network‌ of ⁣comfort homes where families can stay at⁤ no‌ cost while a loved one is ​receiving treatment.

Below⁢ is a table showcasing ⁢some of his most noteworthy charitable contributions:

Wiley⁢ College Debate Team$2 million
Boys‍ & Girls ClubConsiderable yearly donations and countless hours spent ⁢mentoring
Fisher House ‌FoundationActive involvement ⁣& financial​ support
Cedars Sinai Medical​ Center$185,000

It’s⁢ evident ‍that his philanthropic spirit ‍aligns with his⁤ on-screen tenacity, proving that Denzel Washington is a true superstar, both in Hollywood and​ in‍ the​ realm of ⁤charity.

49) Jay⁣ Z and Beyoncé

Jay⁣ Z and Beyonce

Jay Z and Beyoncé are not just well-known as successful musicians, but​ they are also notable for‌ their efforts in⁢ philanthropy. Together, their​ constant endeavors to use their platform in making a significant difference ⁢have⁣ left a lasting imprint on society. Beyoncé, through her​ organization​ #BeyGood, has constantly worked towards ‍providing clean ⁣water in ⁤Burundi, higher education ⁢scholarships, and ‌aiding ​in disaster​ relief. Similarly, Jay Z has used ‌his‍ Shawn⁣ Carter Foundation to facilitate ⁢the ​growth in communities through ⁢scholarship funds and awareness⁤ about incarceration and‌ civil rights.

Their efforts‌ extend beyond their personal foundations as ⁤well. The couple has​ also joined​ hands tabling‌ an interesting ​initiative On ⁢The Run⁤ II ⁣Scholarship program offering $100,000 to eleven high school seniors across America.‍ The program inspired by their ⁣joint tour allows students who ‍overcame unforeseeable hardships ‍to⁢ pursue their‌ college dreams. They’ve also produced advocacy documentaries‍ and ⁢dedicated performances to increase awareness of‍ social‍ issues.

Charitable Actions

Donation and help during Water CrisisFlint, Michigan
#BeyGood ‌initiativeBurundi, high⁣ school graduates,‍ disaster struck areas
Shawn ⁢Carter FoundationCollege students and⁤ awareness⁤ initiatives
On The⁢ Run II ⁢Scholarship programHigh school seniors across America

Their ​combined commitment to⁤ instigating positive change and⁢ providing‌ opportunities for others makes​ Jay Z and Beyoncé⁤ one⁢ of the most charitable celebrity duos around. Despite their fame and fortune, they remind us‌ of the power of‌ giving back, reinforcing ⁣that ⁢every bit‍ of help can make a significant difference.⁢ Their incredible philanthropy initiatives inspire and create a real life impact around the world.

50) Kim Kardashian West

Kim Kardashian and Kenny West

Typically known ⁢for her glamorous life and ⁤reality TV stardom, Kim Kardashian West has also made remarkable strides in philanthropy. ‌Beyond her‍ opulent lifestyle, ‌Kim is‍ deeply ⁤involved‍ in charities, often using her ⁣fame‌ as a⁢ tool for giving⁢ back and raising ‍awareness ‍on issues close to her heart. Her charitable endeavors encompass‌ a vast array ⁣of causes, including mental health, disaster ⁢relief and criminal justice reform.

The business mogul ‍has⁢ leveraged her KKW Beauty brand ​to support various causes. For‍ instance, in 2018, KKW Beauty released the Ultralight Beams⁤ collection, a portion ⁤of the ‍proceeds from⁢ which was ⁣donated to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. ​Additionally, in the wake of the ⁣devastating California wildfires and the Thousand ⁤Oaks​ shooting incident,⁢ Kim and her ⁣husband‍ Kanye West donated an⁢ impressive $500,000 to relief ‍efforts.

Charitable workNotes
KKW Beauty charity initiativesPart ⁢of the⁢ proceeds donated to ‍Los ⁤Angeles Children’s Hospital.
California wildfires & Thousand Oaks ⁣shooting.Donated $500,000 in ⁢aid.
Criminal‍ justice reformAdvocacy led ⁣to the release of Alice​ Johnson.

Moreover, Kim’s advocacy for criminal ‌justice reforms has been⁤ remarkably impactful. One of her⁤ most notable‍ acts of philanthropy was her⁣ role in the release of Alice ‌Johnson, a first-time nonviolent offender​ who was serving a life⁢ sentence.‌ Kim used her‌ clout to petition for clemency for Alice, eventually succeeding ⁢in her endeavor. Thus, beyond the glitz and glamour,‍ Kim Kardashian West embodies ‍an innate sense of compassion and a commitment to giving⁣ back.

51) Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

Known for her ​wild⁢ antics and rebellious style, Miley Cyrus is‌ also one⁣ of the most dedicated⁤ philanthropists ‍in⁤ Hollywood. She is particularly noted‍ for her commitment to youth homelessness and LGTBQ rights. Along with her fame and talent in music,⁣ Miley ‍established the Happy Hippie⁤ Foundation in 2014, providing‍ services‍ and support to homeless youth,⁢ LGBTQ, and other‌ vulnerable‌ populations. ⁣Miley spares ⁤no ⁢effort in leveraging her fame, ‌wealth, ​and social ⁢platform ⁢to champion those ⁣causes⁢ she deems important, proving that she is not only a pop star, but also ⁢a socially concerned​ citizen.

Charitable Works
Founder of the Happy Hippie Foundation
Mental Health Advocacy
Youth Homelessness ‌& LGBTQ Rights
Cancer⁤ Research Support

Her advocacy work goes beyond her foundation. Miley has ⁢been involved with numerous charitable projects, such​ as her collaboration with‌ MAC Cosmetics to release a lipstick, where ⁤all proceeds ⁢went ​to aid the ​MAC AIDS⁤ Fund. She has ⁣also boosted donations to charities like St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, ‌and ​in 2020, amid the‌ COVID-19‌ crisis, she donated to several food banks to⁤ aid⁤ those ‌in need.​ With her ⁣charity work ranging⁣ from LGBTQ ⁤rights advocacy​ to youth homelessness help, it’s clear​ Miley Cyrus has⁤ a heart as bold ‌as‍ her⁢ public⁢ persona.

  • Collaborated ‌with MAC ⁣Cosmetics for ⁢a ⁣charity⁢ lipstick range
  • Donated‍ to ⁣St. Jude’s Children’s ​Hospital
  • Contributed ⁤to several ‌food banks ⁢during‍ the COVID-19 crisis

52) Drew⁢ Barrymore

Drew⁢ Barrymore

One ​might only see‍ Drew Barrymore ​ as an‍ iconic‌ Hollywood actress with an impeccable, wide-ranging⁤ career​ and her range ​of successful beauty‍ products, Flower Beauty. But behind the scenes, ​Drew is⁣ a ⁢passionate⁤ philanthropist, ‌quietly dedicating her time and resources to various charitable causes. With ⁣a ‌steadfast commitment to making‍ a difference in the⁣ world, she emerges as ​a silent champion‌ of goodwill.

Barrymore is known for her​ deep involvement⁢ with the Charity: Water organization. ‌Having ‌travelled⁢ to‍ Kenya in 2011 on a quest ⁢to ​provide clean and ​accessible‍ water⁢ to ⁣underprivileged communities, she has ‌since⁢ donated over ‍$1 million ⁤to ⁤the​ cause. Additionally, she is actively engaged in both the⁢ UN⁤ World Food ⁤Programme and‌ the ⁣ Foster Care ⁣Children’s Campaign, manifesting her⁢ dedication towards battling hunger and providing ‌support for foster children.‍

Charity: WaterOver $1 million⁢ Donations
UN World⁤ Food‌ ProgrammeNutrition‍ to thousands ⁤of‌ children
Foster Care Children’s CampaignSupport for foster ⁣children

In addition to ​her‍ countless contributions, she​ extends her philanthropy through her ‍business as well. A share ⁣of ⁢the ‌profits from Flower Beauty is channeled ‍towards supporting⁤ women worldwide. ⁢It’s ⁢not just the sheer volume of her charitable contributions that⁤ make Drew ⁤Barrymore stand out – it’s the passion, determination, and personal involvement that truly encapsulates her giving spirit.

53) Robert Downey Jr

Robert Downey Jr

Well known for his role ⁣in Hollywood as Iron Man,‍ Robert Downey Jr ‌ proves that his⁣ heart is just as big as his box office⁢ success. ⁤Aside from being ​a brilliant ​actor,⁣ he is also a⁣ dedicated philanthropist. He has been⁣ frequently known⁤ to ‍use ⁢his widespread influence ⁤and enormous ⁢fanbase ⁢to raise awareness for different ⁤causes. He founded‌ the Footprint ‌Coalition, ‍an organization aiming​ to use‌ advanced⁤ technologies to clean up the ⁤environment. Downey also⁣ regularly supports charities addressing a variety of issues such as substance abuse,​ homelessness, and child abuse prevention.

In a ⁣grand show of humanitarianism, Downey Jr. pledged ⁤to plant a forest in⁣ one of the most ‌deforested⁤ areas in India. ‍A⁤ significant part⁢ of​ his charitable works put forward ‍to⁤ climate change ​and green initiatives. He via his⁣ Footprint Coalition Ventures invests ‍in sustainable technology⁣ and conservation projects ⁢to ‌combat environmental issues.

Known Charity WorksFocus Areas
Founder -‌ Footprint CoalitionEnvironment Preservation
Donations to ⁢Substance Abuse, Homeless, and Child Abuse ⁢CharitiesSocial ⁤Welfare
Investments‍ via Footprint‍ Coalition‌ VenturesSustainable Technology, Conservation
Pledged to⁣ plant a whole forestClimate Change

Robert Downey Jr. isn’t just a superhero on screen, his real-life actions reflect his strong commitment to making a better world. His ⁢passion is apparent in his charitable works, making him undoubtedly one‌ of the⁢ most charitable celebrities ⁤of our time.

54) The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones

As⁣ one of the most iconic rock bands⁤ in history, The Rolling Stones are not only known for their⁢ music, they ⁣are recognized equally for their ⁤philanthropy. Over the years, these rock legends have generously opened their hearts ⁢and wallets to aid numerous charitable ‌causes.⁣ They’ve‍ taken⁣ part in a slew of benefit concerts, including the Concert⁤ for New York City, which supported ⁣victims ‌of 9/11, and⁣ are known for donating ⁣their concert earnings⁤ to various charitable organizations.

Benefit ‍ConcertBeneficiary
Concert for New York CityVictims ‍of 9/11
12-12-12: The Concert for‌ Sandy ​ReliefVictims of Hurricane ​Sandy

Notably, ​in 2019, the band transformed ‍their “No Filter” tour into a philanthropic endeavor ⁣by​ collaborating with the Charitybuzz platform, where they auctioned special experiences, including tickets and⁢ meet-and-greets, with the‌ proceeds going to various charities. Some of the beneficiaries include the American Lung Association, Community Links International, and​ the Grammy Museum’s⁣ music education programs.

    • American ‌Lung Association: Campaigns for lung health and against ⁤tobacco use.
    • Community‌ Links​ International: ⁣Dedicated ⁢to the empowerment of‌ rural communities ​and the promotion ​of ‍sustainable development.
    • Grammy Museum’s Music ‍Education‍ Programs: Fosters​ learning about the enduring legacy​ of all forms of music, ​the ​creative​ process, the art and technology of⁢ recording, and the ‍interplay ⁣between‍ music and​ American‌ society.

55) Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey

Pop music queen and powerhouse, Mariah Carey, is much ⁢more than her chart-topping hits ‌and legendary ‍vocal range. Her⁢ penchant towards philanthropy ⁢has been noted all ⁤over ⁢the world as⁤ she constantly works towards ‌making an impact off-stage as much as she does when she’s performing. Her​ heart as much a powerhouse​ as her voice, Mariah⁤ Carey is instrumental in⁢ her contribution to ⁣the ‍betterment of⁤ society.

Mariah ​passionately takes up causes related to ‍ children’s education and health. She is an active supporter of the Fresh​ Air Fund’s Camp Mariah, a non-profit agency that provides free summer vacations for children from low-income families. Additionally, ‍she also ​dedicated time and funds for the Make-A-Wish foundation, which serves ​to fulfill⁢ the ⁤wishes⁢ of children‍ with critical‍ illnesses.Totaling over $5 ⁤million ​in donations, Mariah has also been‌ vital in providing for areas‌ affected by natural disasters and financially contributing towards fighting AIDS. In 2008, she donated royalities from her hit​ single, ‌ Hero,⁤ to families of ⁢the 9/11‍ victims.

Charity OrganizationCause
Fresh‌ Air Fund’s Camp ⁣MariahChildren’s Education and ‌Health
Make-A-Wish ​FoundationHealth‍ – Critical⁤ Illnesses in Children
American Red ⁤CrossDisaster ⁣Relief
Live ⁢AidAIDS ⁣research and support

Whether it’s her ‍music or her mammoth charitable contributions, ‌ Mariah​ Carey has ⁣truly earned her status as an inspirational and beloved ‌figure worldwide.

56) Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe
Daniel Radcliffe

Most famous for his⁢ role as ⁢the ​boy wizard in the ‘Harry Potter’ ⁢series, Daniel ⁤Radcliffe has ⁤not ‍just⁣ used his fame and fortune on himself but‍ also on various noble causes. Despite his youth, Radcliffe has⁤ demonstrated ⁤remarkable philanthropy,​ channeling ⁢his resources towards numerous charities. He ‍has passionately⁣ supported causes such ⁤as The Trevor Project, an organization ‌providing crisis intervention ⁤and suicide prevention​ services to LGBTQIA+ youth,⁢ where he‌ donated a‍ substantial​ amount as well as being personally involved.⁢ His work also⁤ encompasses ‍donations to cancer research organizations, Broadway Cares/Equity fights AIDS, and Book Aid ​International. This⁢ establishes him as a keen ally in a variety of initiatives, each seeking to ‌improve‍ the lives of ⁤the marginalized and ‍needy.

The esteemed actor also ⁢uses ​his notoriety for charity. One ⁢standout example is where he auctioned off a pair‍ of autographed jeans ⁢for the Jeans for Genes appeal, aimed at ⁣transforming ⁢the ‍lives of children affected​ by genetic⁢ disorders. His philanthropic ⁤efforts don’t ‌end here; he ​is often ⁢spotted⁢ signing autographs⁤ for various charitable causes ⁢and is also famously⁣ known to‍ support Demelza House Children’s​ Hospice. The actor’s ⁤charity work transcends ​borders, ⁢with him⁣ supporting ‌several worldwide ‌charitable ⁢institutions, ⁣reinforcing⁢ why ​he has⁤ made his‍ way to this‍ list of​ generous celebrities.

The ⁢Trevor ⁤ProjectCrisis Intervention & Suicide ⁢PreventionDonation ‌and Personal Involvement
Jeans for Genes AppealSupporting Children⁤ with Genetic DisordersJeans Auction
Demelza House Children’s HospicePalliative​ Care ⁣and‍ Family SupportFundraise and Advocate


57) Jimmy​ Fallon

Jimmy​ Fallon

If there’s one‍ person who lights up ⁤millions of smiles every‍ night, it’s Jimmy Fallon. Having skyrocketed to the helm of late-night television with his hilarious‌ gigs and engaging personality, Fallon is ‍equally well-known for his heartwarming philanthropy. From making donations⁢ towards disaster relief funds ​to mentoring disadvantaged youth, he‍ has turned his popularity​ into‍ a ⁣platform ​for driving social ‌change.

Particularly worth noting is Fallon’s involvement in ⁤ “DonorsChoose”, where he ring-fenced $1 million⁣ for⁣ public school teachers to⁤ procure resources for their⁤ classrooms. In ⁣addition,‍ he has⁣ been⁢ a ​significant contributor to ​charities ⁤like‍ The Robin Hood Foundation and Stand‍ Up to⁢ Cancer, leveraging his ⁤fan base to garner support for these ⁢organizations.

DonorsChooseAn online ⁢charity that benefits ‌public school teachers, who post classroom project requests⁣ on the site‌ and donors ⁢can choose‌ the ones they want ‍to support.
The Robin Hood ‌FoundationA philanthropic organization which alleviates poverty in New‌ York by​ partnering with nonprofits and building programs.
Stand Up​ To‌ CancerA ‌charitable⁤ program that raises funds to accelerate​ the⁢ pace of research ⁢in order ​to get new therapies ​to patients quickly⁣ and save ‍lives.

Yet, beyond the monetary value of his donations, what ​makes‌ Fallon stand ‌out is​ his‌ proactive participation ‌in ‌these‌ causes. He doesn’t‌ just donate⁤ money, he also⁣ gives his time ⁣and uses his comedic talents‌ to bring joy and hope to ⁢those in need.

58) John Cena

John Cena

Often recognized for his successful wrestling career and thriving acting presence, John Cena is truly a⁢ humanitarian at heart. ‌With his trademark phrase “Never ​Give‍ Up,”⁢ Cena literally lives and breathes it‌ in his generous acts that have touched⁣ the lives of millions across the globe. His philanthropic ⁤efforts are‌ arguably ⁣as mighty as his muscle-bound ‌frame, ‍and his​ positive⁢ influence extends far​ beyond the wrestling ring or the silver screen. ⁣

John⁤ Cena’s partnership with Make-A-Wish ⁤Foundation has ​made him a‌ veritable fairy‍ godfather to numerous​ children with critical illnesses. ⁢Having granted over 650⁢ wishes to date – the ‍most⁤ by any individual – his ‌dedication⁢ to‍ the cause ⁤is nothing short of admirable. Not stopping there, Cena is an active ⁤advocate for​ breast ⁢cancer awareness and often‍ dedicates his time supporting numerous‌ military organizations, proving once again ⁢that he is ‍indeed ⁤a world⁢ champion⁢ outside the ⁤ring, in truest‌ essence.

Organizations ⁤SupportedImpact
Make-A-Wish FoundationOver 650 wishes granted
Breast ⁣Cancer Awareness CampaignsMillions of dollars in‍ funds raised
Military OrganizationsConstant public support and activism


59) Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts, ⁢the captivating Pretty ⁤Woman, has proven that ⁣she’s ‍not just pretty on ⁣the outside but is filled with ‌inner beauty⁣ too.​ Known for⁢ her​ impeccable acting, she ⁢has also⁢ ardently ⁣been committed to ⁤philanthropy. Some of her notable⁣ donations include ‌gifting $2 million to ⁤the Global Fund for Women and⁤ in support of ‍Hurricane Harvey ‌victims. Also, she has also donated to charities like Stand⁣ Up To Cancer and​ UNICEF. ⁣She’s recognized ⁣for ⁤her support to AIDS ⁢patients and is a board member of Paul ​Newman’s Hole in the Wall Gang Camp,⁣ a charity for severely ‌ill children.

Global Fund for Women$2 million
Hurricane Harvey‌ Victims$2 ⁣million
Stand up to CancerUndisclosed
UNICEFRegular Donor

Not only does⁤ she use her wealth to support ‍noteworthy causes, but she‍ also uses her⁣ influential status to encourage others‌ to do ⁣the same.​ She has been‍ part of numerous⁤ public service campaign ads and often visits countries in crisis, shedding light on the adversities​ faced ⁤by⁢ people there.‍ Julia ​further spreads her altruistic spirit by educating her audience ​about⁢ the importance of charity, proving ‌that her generosity‌ goes way beyond financial support.

    • Board member of Paul Newman’s Hole in the ‌Wall Gang Camp for ⁣ill children
    • AIDS‌ advocacy and ⁣support
    • Participation in public service campaign ads
    • Visiting countries ​in crisis ‍for awareness ​and support
    • Promotion ‌of charity awareness

60) Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt

Known primarily ​for his stunning performances in⁤ films like⁣ ‘Fight Club’,‍ ‘Moneyball’ and ‘Once Upon a Time in‌ Hollywood’, Brad Pitt ‍wears another hat⁣ as a philanthropist. ​His significant contributions to ⁣various charitable causes exemplify ⁤his belief​ in⁢ giving back to the society.‌ His charitable work boils down⁢ to⁢ local, national, and⁣ international levels,​ marking Pitt as ‍one of ⁤Hollywood’s ​widely benevolent figures.

In⁤ 2004, ⁤Pitt along ⁢with Jennifer Aniston and Brad Grey founded the ‍ Plan B Entertainment, which has ‌supported numerous charitable causes since its inception. Post Hurricane Katrina, seeing the‍ plight of​ those⁤ affected, he established the Make‌ It Right Foundation ‌ to ‌rebuild eco-friendly ⁢homes in New Orleans. The‌ organization has built 150‍ homes till​ date. In terms of global outreach, he ‌has donated hefty sums‍ to Global Action for Children and Doctors​ Without Borders. ⁤Despite ⁤his packed shooting schedules, he manages to spend time ⁢on philanthropic ventures, proving that for⁤ Pitt,⁢ charity ‌truly begins at home, but definitely doesn’t end there.

Notable Charities Supported by Brad Pitt
Make It⁤ Right Foundation
Global Action for Children
Doctors Without Borders

This multi-talented star’s altruistic ⁤actions⁢ and his commitment ⁣to ​help⁢ those in need reflects ⁢the reason​ why he is‍ on this list. With a firm belief ⁣that⁤ every individual can make a difference,‍ Brad ‍Pitt ‌continues to reach out to society through his widespread⁣ philanthropic interventions.

61) Roger ⁤Federer

Roger ⁤Federer

Known as one‍ of the greatest tennis players to grace the sport,​ Roger Federer is also an incredible philanthropist.​ Equally competent ​and compelling both on‌ and off the ‌court, ‌his benevolent ​endeavours often take​ precedence in significance over ⁣his spectacular⁣ backhands ⁤and searing serves. Spearheading the Roger Federer Foundation since ‍2003, he has been instrumental in improving the quality⁤ of education ⁣for underprivileged children ⁢in Africa​ and his home country, Switzerland.

In 2014, he built a school in Malawi, ​Africa – the first of many to come. Today, his foundation has successfully established over 50 preschools ⁣in the⁤ impoverished regions of Malawi, providing ‌access to education ‍for thousands ⁣of children. The​ figures on⁢ the‌ impact ⁢are ⁢astounding:

Schools ‍Built81
Children ⁣BenefitedOver 200,000
Countries ⁤Impacted7

Not ‍just satisfied with infrastructural development,​ Federer ⁣ also vouches for high-quality teacher training and ‌parental community engagement ⁣programs to ensure a ‍holistic approach to education. This ​sport⁣ star’s philanthropic spirit certainly sets ‌a rally for ⁣others to follow, proving ⁢that his commitment goes far beyond just acing the tennis ⁣court.

62) Vin​ Diesel

Vin Diesel

Known primarily for his role⁤ as Dominic Toretto ⁣in the Fast & Furious franchise, ‌this hollywood powerhouse ⁣has carved‌ a name out for⁢ himself in the ‍world of philanthropy ⁤as​ well. Vin Diesel, ⁢real‍ name ‌Mark Sinclair, channels his‍ on-screen​ intensity ‌into generous charity work.

In 2006, he founded the⁤ non-profit organization,‌ the ⁤ One Race Global Film Foundation. This‍ organization offers programs⁣ that⁤ aim to‌ incentivize young people to⁣ pursue their ​passions ⁤in ‌the‌ arts and develop their talents. They have partnered with institutions like UCLA and the Tisch School of the Arts to empower underserved communities​ around the⁢ globe.

Charity AffiliationCause
One Race Global ⁣Film FoundationArts Education
Paul Walker’s Reach Out WorldwideDisaster Relief

Besides, ​he has ‌also been ‌notable for continuing ​the ‌charity⁣ work of his late friend⁣ and co-star, Paul Walker. ​Walker’s charity,‌ Reach Out Worldwide, provides rapid-response⁤ relief to ‌victims of ​natural disasters, ‍and​ Diesel​ has been instrumental in keeping Walker’s ​legacy alive. His ‍contribution⁤ to charity⁤ extends far beyond his own ‍foundation, ​making him a worthy ⁤inclusion⁢ in this list of ‍charitable⁤ celebrities.

63) Michael ⁣Phelps

Michael ⁣Phelps

Legendary swimmer Michael Phelps translates his victories in‍ the pool into meaningful ⁢initiatives outside‌ of ⁣it. ​Recognized worldwide for his extraordinary achievements in swimming, ‌Phelps has not been just resting on his laurels. Instead, ‌he‍ uses ‌his influence to create waves​ of change for the underprivileged, earning him⁤ a spot‍ on ‍our‍ list.

The Michael Phelps Foundation is a ‌testament‌ to‍ his⁢ golden heart.⁣ Launched after his triumphant performances at the 2008 Olympics, this ⁢foundation aims to promote swimming not only as a sport but as a⁢ medium⁢ to promote healthy ‌living and active lifestyles. It provides resources​ for water safety, and​ to date, has reached‍ over 30,000 children with their ‘im’⁢ program that inspires young people to imagine ‌their full potential.

Michael Phelps FoundationUnderprivileged childrenSwimming and water-safety ‍programs, mental⁣ health initiatives

Moreover, Phelps is also ⁢acclaimed ⁢for his strong advocacy for mental health. He openly ⁤shares his ⁤experiences with ​depression and encourages ‌others to seek help. His forthright discussions about mental health issues have​ positively impacted the lives of countless⁣ individuals.‍ Notably, he also ⁢partnered with Talkspace, an​ online ‍and mobile therapy company, to endorse⁢ the advantages of therapy and to‍ dissolve ⁤the stigma attached⁤ to mental health issues.

Indeed, Michael ⁣Phelps is not just an esteemed⁢ athlete but a ‍philanthropist⁣ at heart. His ‍charitable endeavors⁢ continue to make a striking impact, illustrating that his‌ real victories lie⁢ not just in ⁣the⁣ Olympic pools, but also ‌in the‌ hearts of⁤ the⁣ people he continually ‍inspires and helps.

64) Mark ⁤Wahlberg

Mark ⁤Wahlberg

Known for his roles in ‌films like “The⁢ Other Guys,” “Transformers,” ⁤and‌ “The Fighter,” this‌ former rapper doesn’t just hold fame in Hollywood — he’s ‍also gained‍ recognition ​for his heartwarming⁤ generosity​ over the years. From ⁣his⁤ own charitable ​foundation to supporting numerous causes,⁤ Mark⁣ Wahlberg is a star that‌ shines both on and off the screen.

In ‌2001, the actor established the Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation, ​ dedicated to improving the‌ quality ‍of life ⁣for ⁣inner-city children. Since⁣ its inception, ‌the foundation has raised⁣ over $10 ‌million towards youth services, ‍such as recreation centers and scholarships. Additionally, he has been heavily involved ​in initiatives‌ like Red ⁤Nose Day ​and ⁣the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, showing his commitment to enriching⁤ the⁣ lives of children nationwide.

Full⁤ NameMark Robert Michael Wahlberg
Foundation Established2001
Foundation’s Raised Funds$10+ million
Known Charity SupportRed Nose Day, ⁤Boys⁣ and Girls Club of America

Hailing from a‌ life of ⁢hardships, Mark ‍Wahlberg⁣ has not only changed his personal ‍life’s trajectory⁤ but​ has ‌also made it a mission to⁤ help others do the same.​ His involvement and generous donations to various charities have made a ‌difference ‍in ⁢countless lives. His charitable acts have earned ⁣him⁤ a ⁣deserving place on our list⁢ of​ top charitable ⁢celebrities.

65)⁤ Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez

With her ‍constant dedication⁤ towards making the⁣ world a⁤ better place, ‌ Selena Gomez rightfully earns a⁤ spot on this list. ‍Not only is‌ she a successful actress and⁤ singer, but she ‌is ⁣also a well-known philanthropist.⁤ She holds her ⁤role as a UNICEF ambassador close to her heart, dedicating‍ time and resources for children in ‍need all around the world. ⁤Moreover,‌ she⁤ has ‌consistently supported various causes‌ such ⁤as⁤ hurricane relief, lupus research ⁤and mental health awareness, making⁣ her‌ influence known beyond​ the realm of ​entertainment.

Expounding‍ further on⁤ her contributions, here ‍is a ‌table showcasing some of‍ Selena’s significant philanthropic endeavors:

UNICEFAs an ambassador, she‌ actively participates in campaigns for children’s rights and needs worldwide.
American Foundation⁣ for⁤ Lupus ResearchHaving battled with Lupus herself, Gomez remains devoted to ​funding research for the disease.
Mental Health AdvocacyShe promotes mental health awareness, ⁢candidly shared her own experiences to break​ stigmas.

In addition, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, she partnered⁢ with PLUS1‍ COVID-19⁣ Relief Fund ⁣to ensure⁣ that every dollar ‍from her “Dance Again” merchandise went towards those impacted‍ by the pandemic. Clearly, no matter⁤ what she does, whether in her music or ⁤in‍ her ⁣acts of charity, Selena Gomez truly cares⁤ about making a ⁢difference.

66) Andrew Garfield

Andrew Garfield

Perhaps best⁤ known for ‌his roles in “The Amazing Spider-man” and ⁢”The ​Social Network,” Andrew Garfield is‍ also hugely dedicated⁣ to⁣ using ‌his ‍visibility for‌ good. Despite⁢ his busy acting schedule, ‌Garfield always makes time ⁤to support ⁣various charities ⁣and important causes. Among them are ⁣Stand Up To Cancer,‍ which he’s been passionate about since losing his ‍mother​ to the illness, and Worldwide Orphans, ⁤an organization⁤ that lends support to ​orphaned children all over⁤ the ⁣globe.

However, ⁤Garfield’s charitable endeavors don’t ⁣stop there. Previously, the actor worked with the youth charity ‍project, ​the Worldwide Orphans Toy ‍Library, which endeavors ⁢to provide toys and play for children in orphanages and other institutions⁢ lacking resources. It shows inspirational dedication, ⁢as Garfield doesn’t⁤ just donate ​money, but also lends ‍his time ⁢to contribute to the variety of‌ charities he supports.

In fact, Garfield dedicates around 30% of his income⁤ to various⁤ charities, ‍showing a level of commitment that is very rare in⁢ Hollywood.

CharityMethod of‍ Contribution
Stand Up To CancerMonetary⁣ Donation, Participation in Media Campaigns
Worldwide ⁣OrphansMonetary Donation, Volunteering
Worldwide Orphans Toy LibraryMonetary Donation, Activity Participation

67) Orlando Bloom

Exceptionally talented both on screen and off, Orlando Bloom ‌ has been devoted to⁤ numerous charitable organizations⁣ throughout⁢ his career. ⁤An active ​supporter of UNICEF, Bloom became a Goodwill ‌Ambassador⁤ in ​2009 and has since been tirelessly working to improve⁢ the lives of marginalized ⁢children around ​the world. In addition ⁢to‍ UNICEF, he⁢ also⁣ supports The Red Cross, the End Polio Now campaign and other ‍non-profit organizations, making ⁣him a true⁢ philanthropist at heart.

Beyond ‌his financial contributions, Bloom also gives his time ​and influence to⁤ causes that are close ⁢to his ​heart. In 2010, ⁢he partnered with “Shoes4Schools” and donated several educational ⁢materials to students in need.⁣ Add to that, the ​commitment‍ he showed when he⁤ embarked on a ⁢potentially perilous journey‌ to Nepal, despite active ⁤civil⁤ unrest, to understand, ‍engage with, and bring​ light ⁢to the issues ⁣facing the⁣ country’s children.

    • Organization: UNICEF
    • Contributions: Financial⁣ support, Active Goodwill Ambassador
    • Other Supported ​Causes: The Red Cross, End ⁣Polio Now,⁢ Shoes4Schools
    • Field Work: ​ Visit to⁤ children in conflict zones⁣ in Nepal
Charitable​ Events ParticipatedSponsored⁣ Projects
UNICEF‌ Goodwill Ambassador InductionShoes4Schools
A Visit ‍to‌ Children in NepalEnd Polio Now

68) Arnold Schwarzenegger

arnold schwarzenegger

Known ‍across ⁤the globe ​for his‌ multifaceted career – bodybuilder, ⁤action star, and politician – Arnold Schwarzenegger ⁣ has never⁣ hidden his ⁢giving side. He has‌ established the‍ Schwarzenegger Institute​ to ‌address the critical global‍ challenges of⁢ climate change, health,⁣ political participation, and economic inequality. Convinced ‌that⁤ no problem ​is too ‌big to be solved ‍with smart policies and civic ⁤engagement, he⁣ has ⁢pledged millions⁣ of dollars ‍and countless hours to make a ⁤difference.

Arnold’s Charitable ‌Contributions

Annual⁤ Contribution to ⁤the Schwarzenegger Institute$1 ⁢Million
Support⁣ to After-School All-Stars$2 Million ​annually
Donation to‌ Global⁤ Warming ⁢Solutions Act$1.5 ⁢Million

In⁣ addition, ​the Austrian Oak is⁢ the⁤ founder of After-School All-Stars, ‍a nationwide‍ program providing free mentorship, ‌homework help,‍ and life-changing opportunities ‌to students from‍ low-income families. This program is a precious⁣ initiative that ​Arnold has proudly‍ been part of, reaching out to help children broaden their perspectives and possibilities,⁣ and ⁣enhance ⁤their education. His‌ charitable ‍endeavors and his dedication to impacting lives positively⁣ truly⁣ place⁤ him in the ranks ​of the most charitable celebrities.

69) Jared Leto

Jared Leto

When ⁤it comes​ to generosity, Jared Leto ‍is⁢ not ⁣only a talented ⁢actor and musician, but also quite ‍the philanthropist. Best known for his⁢ roles in movies‌ like Requiem for a Dream and Dallas Buyers Club, and also as the front‌ man ⁢for‍ the band ⁢ Thirty Seconds to Mars, Leto ​uses his platform to do a⁣ multitude​ of ​good deeds. In 2016, ​he used his band’s tour as a mechanism to​ support the charity organization Feeding​ America, ‍and ⁤he’s known for ⁢offering financial support to various other causes each‍ year.

Furthermore, Leto has​ been very vocal about⁤ climate change‍ and even launched his own​ project, Beyond the ⁢Horizon, which ‍seeks⁢ to initiate conversations ⁤about sustainability. He ‌also gave‍ a notably ‌generous donation to relief efforts in the aftermath⁢ of Hurricane Harvey in 2017. ⁤Moreover, Leto has expressed support for LGBTQ+ rights, ⁤often showcasing⁢ his solidarity.⁣

Charitable InitiativeBrief DescriptionYear
Feeding America Support Through Band TourUsed ticket sales to support⁢ the charity2016
Beyond the Horizon ‌ProjectA project focusing ⁤on sparking⁤ conversations about the ​environmental ‍crisis2017
Hurricane⁢ Harvey ReliefGenerous donation towards relief efforts after the ‍massive hurricane2017
LGBTQ+ rights‌ supportVocal about supporting‌ equality and ⁤rights ‍for allOngoing

70) ​Gwyneth Paltrow

Known for her work in Hollywood ​and her lifestyle brand Goop, Gwyneth Paltrow ⁤ is also ⁤known for her extensive philanthropic endeavors. She frequently supports​ numerous causes such as Stand Up To ⁣Cancer and the ​Robin⁤ Hood Foundation, showcasing her care for humanity.

Paltrow’s contributions ⁢extend outside cash donations.‌ She ​spent a considerable amount of time volunteering at food ‌banks, participating in‌ charity auctions,⁤ and devoting her time‌ and energy to promoting ⁢the causes she believes in.

    • Stand Up To Cancer: This‍ organization accelerates⁣ the pace of ⁤cancer research, and she is a founding ‌member of this organization’s⁢ executive council.
    • Robin ‍Hood Foundation: She has been‍ actively involved in raising funds for this foundation, which⁤ aims to​ alleviate problems caused by poverty in New York City.
    • Food Banks: She ⁤has ⁢spent time​ hands-on volunteering at food ‌banks, showing that her charity work goes beyond financial donations.
    • Auction Participation: She has⁤ donated personal items⁣ and ⁤experiences for ⁢charity auctions ‌to raise funds.
Stand⁤ Up To‍ CancerFounding member and⁢ financial contributor
Robin Hood FoundationFinancial contributor and fundraiser
Food⁣ BanksVolunteer
Charity AuctionsItem Donor


71) Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway

Known for her versatile‍ roles in Hollywood, Anne Hathaway ⁢is not just a successful​ actress but also an impressive philanthropist. A‌ long-time ‍supporter⁢ of various‌ charitable organizations, Hathaway uses her platform to contribute significantly​ to⁤ those ‌in⁣ need. ‍She is ‌a⁢ board member of ‍the Lollipop Theatre Network, a nonprofit ⁢organization‍ providing hospitalized children⁣ with‍ access‌ to premier films. ‌Additionally,⁢ Hathaway is a⁣ fervent supporter of human ‌rights, taking public ⁣stands against child marriage and supporting ​gender‌ equality.

Hathaway’s philanthropic efforts extend beyond child welfare​ and gender equality. She is ‍massively involved​ in multiple charities dedicated to ⁣mental health, cancer research, and disaster relief. Hathaway actively⁢ supports ⁤the St.‌ Jude Children’s ⁢Research Hospital and ‍the American Foundation for AIDS ⁤Research. She has also shown‌ commitment towards environmental causes by driving an‌ electric car and selling⁣ her wedding ‍photo proceeds to‌ fund​ same-sex ⁤marriage advocacy.⁤ Her immense ‍impact is evident ‌in the charities she⁣ supports, ​making her a true Hollywood‌ Heart of Gold.

Charity SupportedCause
Lollipop‌ Theatre⁤ NetworkHospitalized children
St. Jude‍ Children’s Research​ HospitalCancer research
American Foundation for AIDS ResearchAIDS research
Same-Sex Marriage Advocacy ​(proceeds from ⁣wedding photos)Human rights


72) Camila Cabello

Camila Cabello

From topping Billboard⁣ charts to grand philanthropy,‍ she is ​a standout star. The ​Cuban-American ​singer and songwriter Camila Cabello has proven her golden​ heart⁢ by‌ involving herself ​in acts of generosity repeatedly. ‍In⁤ 2020, she announced ⁣her partnership ‍with the non-profit organization, Save‌ the Children.⁢ The contributions from ⁢Cabello ⁤were directed⁣ toward Emergency Fund ‍initiatives to support children affected by⁤ the COVID-19 pandemic.

She never misses an opportunity to‌ give back. In 2018, she donated ‍the proceeds from her concert in Puerto ⁤Rico​ to ​Save‌ the Children’s Hurricane Maria ​relief fund. Other ‍charitable causes she⁣ supports ⁤include Children’s Health Fund, ACLU, and the ⁤Immigrant Legal Resource Center. ​Besides, Camila ‌is also part of the ‘Mental‌ Health Fund’ ​started by ​the‌ company, Shine,​ providing resources for the mental‌ well-being of people‌ affected by the crisis.

YearCharitable Act
2020Partnership with Save ⁣the​ Children for⁢ COVID relief
2018Donated ⁣concert ⁤proceeds⁣ to⁣ Hurricane Maria relief
2020Participated in Mental Health Fund


73) Dwayne The ⁢Rock Johnson


Over the‍ course ⁣of his transformation from⁤ WWE Champion to one ​of the highest grossing actors of all ⁤time, ‌ Dwayne “The Rock”⁣ Johnson has consistently shown his‍ benevolent side. Despite his busy ⁢schedule that involves a lot‌ of ⁤shooting, wrestling, and trips, he always finds time to ⁣give​ back. In the midst of​ his⁤ well-oiled ‌machine-like routine, Johnson has put his ‌fame‍ to fantastic ‍use, ⁢supporting numerous causes and charities.

Among the major recipients ‌of his philanthropy includes Make-A-Wish Foundation , a non-profit organization that arranges for⁣ experiences described as “wishes” to children with critical illnesses. Besides, he is‌ also heavily involved with ​the ‌Dwayne Johnson Rock Foundation, a⁢ charity that ⁢works to improve the ⁢self-esteem and empowerment ​of children and teens.​ Noteworthy⁢ is ⁣his generous contribution towards⁢ disaster ⁤relief efforts. An illustration to this is when he donated an entire gym ‌to a military ⁣base ⁤and his spontaneous acts of kindness like surprising fans ‌with cars.

CharityMajor Contributions
Make-A-Wish ‌FoundationGranted wishes⁢ to ​critically ill children
Dwayne Johnson Rock FoundationScholarships & Aid for‍ Youth Empowerment
Disaster Relief ⁣EffortsDonations & Emergency ⁤Aid

Again, Dwayne is exemplary ⁤not simply because he is generous, but he consistently uses his platform to feature charitable organizations and inspirational stories, therefore arousing others‍ to give as​ well. His philanthropy⁢ stretches past donations and steep into⁢ his everyday activities and public relations, a true ⁢embodiment of living an altruistic life.

74) ‍Channing ‌Tatum

Channing ‌Tatum

Heartthrob and high-profile actor​ Channing Tatum has more ​to offer ​than good⁣ looks and superb​ acting skills. He is also deeply committed to ​charity work, investing resources to help both individuals‍ and ‍communities. Tatum is notably generous‍ with his⁣ time, frequently visiting patients‍ in children’s ​hospitals and⁤ participating ‌in charity events ​focused on disease research and mental health awareness.

He is one of the founders⁣ of The Runa Foundation, an organization ‍focused on preserving the indigenous cultures ​in the Amazon and supporting⁢ their economic development.​ Tatum also supports charities like the⁢ Rainforest Foundation, ⁢Ditch the Label, and the Alzheimer’s Association. Furthermore, his philanthropy extends ⁣to animals, notably through his ‌support for the ​Best Friends Animal Society, which aims ⁤to end ⁢the killing of dogs and cats in America’s shelters. It’s⁢ evident ⁣that his compassionate ⁤heart extends far beyond the big screen.

    • The ‍Runa ⁤Foundation: ⁢ Co-founded by Tatum to support ⁤Amazonian communities.
    • Rainforest Foundation: Preserving rainforests and ‌supporting indigenous rights.
    • Ditch ‌the⁣ Label: Combatting⁤ bullying and‍ promoting mental health.
    • Alzheimer’s Association:⁣ Leader in⁤ Alzheimer’s research and support.
    • Best Friends Animal Society: Endeavoring to save euthanized animals from ⁢America’s shelters.
Charitable ActionsImpact
Co-founder of ​The ⁣Runa⁤ FoundationSupports economic development in​ Amazon.
Supports Rainforest FoundationPreserves rainforests and Indigenous rights.
Supports‌ Ditch the LabelHelps‌ fight bullying and ‌promotes mental health.
Supports Alzheimer’s AssociationAids in Alzheimer’s research and support.
Supports Best Friends⁤ Animal ⁢SocietyHelps save euthanized animals.


75) Zooey Deschanel

Zooey Deschanel

The angelic-faced actress‌ Zooey Deschanel does not just shine on⁣ your television ‌screens but ⁣also in the world of⁤ philanthropy.‌ Not keeping her success all ⁢to herself, ​she shares ⁤it with others through consistent and meaningful charity work.⁢ She is ⁣best known for​ her active participation in charitable ⁣foundations‌ like⁤ Stand Up To Cancer, to which ‌she’s a notable contributor. Moreover, she’s also ​deeply‌ invested in the ​fight against poverty and supports ‌foundations like The Hunger Site and Baby2Baby, helping needy families and children get the basic necessities in life.

Charity FoundationFocus Area
Stand Up To CancerCancer Research
The​ Hunger SitePoverty Alleviation
Baby2BabyChild ⁣Welfare

The ⁢”New Girl” star also expressed her ‍deep-rooted concern for animals. She collaborates ⁣with The Humane‍ Society to combat animal cruelty and promote pet‌ adoption. In addition, her affinity to the environment is evident by her consistent support to organizations‍ operating for ‌its preservation, such as Conservation International. Here is⁢ a list to highlight⁣ some of Deschanel’s charity work;

    • Stand Up​ To⁣ Cancer: Advocates for ⁣cancer research funding
    • The Humane Society: Works for ​animal protection
    • Baby2Baby: Provides essential ​items for children
    • Conservation⁢ International: ⁣Fights for environmental‌ conservation

Zooey ⁢Deschanel’s philanthropic ​reach is as wide ⁣as her talent, making a significant positive difference in various ⁣sectors – from disease research to ‍poverty alleviation, animal⁢ rights, ⁢and environmental protection. She⁢ is one celebrity⁤ who truly understands the‍ essence of giving back to⁤ society.

76) Ryan Reynolds and​ Blake Lively

Ryan Reynolds and​ Blake Lively

It’s not⁣ just‍ their striking good ​looks and‍ acting ⁣prowess⁤ that make the power couple, Ryan​ Reynolds and Blake Lively ⁤stand out.‍ Off-screen, these two are known for their large hearts and ⁤philanthropic endeavors. In 2020,⁢ as⁢ the pandemic hit hard, they ‍donated $1 million ​to food banks in‌ North America. This​ was also followed by an ‌additional​ $400,000 to hospitals in New York at ⁣the peak of the crisis.

CharityAmount Donated
Food Banks ⁣in‌ North‌ America$1,000,000
Hospitals in New York$400,000

Further​ showcasing their dedication and commitment ‌to⁤ positive ⁣change, the couple publicly expressed ⁣their commitment‌ to racial justice. They donated $200,000 to the ⁤NAACP Legal Defense Fund and openly⁣ discussed ‌their responsibility for unintentional racism. Not ⁤stopping‌ there, ‍Reynolds started the ‘Group ​Effort Initiative’ to train and ​hire⁣ marginalized community members​ for his film ⁢productions.⁣

    • Racial Justice Donation: ‍$200,000 to ‌NAACP Legal Defense Fund
    • ‘Group Effort Initiative’: ⁢An inclusivity program for ‍underrepresented communities in ⁣the film industry

Beyond these larger donations, they’ve ⁢consistently contributed​ to smaller⁤ community charities and emergencies. Whether it’s supporting ​education for girls, aiding disaster relief efforts ⁤or defending immigration rights, ⁤Reynolds and Lively are philanthropic heroes in their ⁢own right.

77) Robert‌ Pattinson

Robert‌ Pattinson

Known primarily for his roles ⁢in hit films ⁤such‍ as “Twilight” and “The⁣ Batman”, Robert ‌Pattinson ​ has⁤ also ‍shone off-screen for his charitable undertakings. Pattinson is a long-standing‍ supporter‍ of the “GO Campaign”, an organization committed to improving the lives ‌of orphans and vulnerable children around the ‌world. His⁣ dedicated involvement included auctioning a private meet-and-greet, which raised an impressive ​$80,000 for the organization.‍ He also leverages his star power to raise awareness and funds for ⁣causes close to his heart, including research for a cure for AIDS and assisting⁤ organizations which ‌aid displaced​ individuals following natural disasters.

Furthering his​ philanthropic ‌dedication, Pattinson is⁣ also a consistent contributor to⁤ Stand Up ​To Cancer, Cancer Research UK and PACT, an ‍advocacy group⁤ aiming to enhance the‌ quality of ‍life for children suffering with cancer. His‌ commitment towards these‌ noble causes indisputably places him ‌in this list of generous celebrities.

Charitable Organizations Supported
GO⁤ Campaign
Stand Up To Cancer
Cancer⁣ Research UK

Certainly, Robert Pattinson’s‍ dedication to ⁣making a difference illustrates that he has as much of a superhero heart in real life ‍as he does in ​his larger-than-life screen roles.

78) Ian Somerhalder

Ian Somerhalder

Best known for his smoldering looks⁢ and role as⁣ brooding vampire, Damon Salvatore in “The Vampire Diaries,Ian Somerhalder is not ​just ‍a pretty​ face. He’s also one of the most charitable celebrities, proving that he has a⁣ heart as⁤ big as his talent. ​Ian primarily champions environmental causes and animal rights, and has even established an eponymous foundation to drive his charity work.

    • The Ian Somerhalder Foundation, established in 2010, aims to educate and ​collaborate with ⁤individuals⁣ and projects to positively impact the⁣ planet and its creatures. The foundation also​ launched an‍ animal sanctuary to provide a safe ⁤haven ⁢for mistreated animals.
    • Beyond his foundation’s​ work, ⁤Ian has ⁣done significant ​work in disaster relief. After the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in⁤ 2010, he spent significant time and resources on ‌clean-up‌ efforts.
    • An ardent advocate for ⁣renewable energy sources, Ian also serves on the‌ advisory board of R20 Regions‍ of Climate Action, a non-profit environmental organization.

His relentless ​pursuit⁢ to make a​ change is clearly visible from his diverse⁣ involvement in various causes. Even ⁤his personal lifestyle choices, like​ being a part of the ‍clean-plate initiative, show his ⁤commitment‌ to‍ implementing needed ​environmental changes.

Animal RightsRunning an animal sanctuary
Environmental​ CausesActive ⁣part of the advisory‍ board of R20
Disaster ReliefActively participated⁣ in the ⁢clean-up​ after Deepwater Horizon oil spill

An A-list actor who dedicates time, energy, and ⁣resources ‍to protect this beautiful ‌planet and ‍its ⁣creatures is an ‍admirable figure. His selfless efforts⁤ tie ⁣him closely to ‌his character’s⁢ philanthropic endeavors, showing fans that he ‌may not be a vampire in ‍real life, but his ⁤intentions are ⁣just as ‌pure.

79) Celine Dion

Celine Dion

The powerhouse vocalist, Celine Dion,⁣ renowned for her angelic ⁢voice, has not only touched millions worldwide ‌through her music but also by her philanthropic endeavors. Known for ⁣belting⁤ out heart-touching ballads such as ‘My Heart Will Go On’ and ⁤’The Power of Love’, she has made admirable efforts behind the scenes ⁤as well. ⁣She has been affiliated with and consistently donated to over 250⁣ charities,​ showcasing her ⁢immense generosity.

United by her professional career as a⁤ singer and‍ the passion for giving,⁢ one of⁢ her notable ‍acts of‍ charity was the‌ release of a song, ‘Recovering,’⁢ with ‌proceeds generously contributed to Stand Up to ⁣Cancer, a non-profit organization. Moreover, Dion has ⁣been proactive in aiding underprivileged children through her own charity, the Céline Dion Foundation. Apart⁤ from⁤ this, ​she is an ardent supporter of⁤ the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Charity OrganizationCause
Stand Up to​ CancerCancer Research
Celine ⁤Dion⁢ FoundationSupporting underprivileged children
Make-A-Wish FoundationGranting wishes of critically ill children

Her‌ generosity⁤ extends beyond monetary contributions. She ⁢has leveraged her ‍global influence to raise ⁣awareness about debilitating diseases and the​ importance of⁢ research and support​ for the affected. All⁣ this showcases how passionately she utilizes her privilege‍ to⁣ make‌ a ​positive difference in society.

80) Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron is not only a successful actress, but also​ a⁤ fantastic humanitarian. Born and raised in South Africa, she ​states that her experiences⁢ growing up in an ‌environment ⁢marked by the ravages⁣ of Apartheid profoundly influenced ‌her ⁣philanthropic career. ⁤Theron ⁤has⁤ lent her help and influence to numerous‍ charitable causes, focusing much⁤ of‍ her efforts⁢ on advocating ⁢for human rights, especially⁤ that of ⁣women and children.

    • Through her⁢ Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project, she is deeply⁤ committed⁣ to supporting African ‍youth in the fight against ⁢HIV/AIDS.
    • She ⁤became the ​ United Nations Messenger ⁢of Peace in 2008 with a special focus on ending violence⁤ against women.
    • She donated ‍a whopping $1 million to⁤ the Covid-19 Relief Fund to aid vulnerable communities in the pandemic crisis. It’s a perfect ⁤example of her generosity.
CharityBeneficiaryBenefit /⁢ Cause
Charlize Theron‌ Africa Outreach⁤ ProjectAfrican⁣ YouthsFight against HIV/AIDS
United Nations Messenger of PeaceWomenEnding Violence Against Women
Covid-19 ⁣Relief ‌FundVulnerable CommunitiesPandemic⁢ Relief

Her efforts ‌and constant drive to make a difference in the world makes her a⁣ deserving person on our list‍ of charitable celebrities. ⁢The world is undoubtedly⁢ a ‍better place⁢ thanks to⁣ the dedication and passion of people like Charlize Theron.

81) Jessica Alba

Playing the‌ superhero⁤ in Hollywood movies is one thing, but displaying it in real life ⁢is⁢ a whole different ‍challenge that⁤ Jessica Alba has embraced wholeheartedly. Known not ⁢only for‍ her acting prowess but also for her business acumen, ​Alba ⁢is a renowned⁤ philanthropist, always on the front lines of charitable initiatives. As ‌co-founder of The Honest⁣ Company, she combines​ her entrepreneurial ‍spirit with her⁣ commitment to environmental sustainability and ‌safe consumer products. ​On numerous occasions, she has ‍donated portions of ‌the company’s revenues⁣ to charities like Baby2Baby, providing children⁤ living in⁢ poverty with diapers, ⁤clothing, and other‍ basic necessities.

Jessica⁤ Alba’s charitable endeavors do not stop at her‌ company’s​ doors, however. Her personal charitable efforts reflect a‍ deep sense of compassion. She ⁣lends her star power to assist and⁢ raise funds for different causes, essentially ​using her influence to⁢ shed light on issues‌ that often get ⁤overlooked. Alba has volunteered with organizations like Safer‌ Chemicals, Healthy Families to campaign for the toxic-free environment. These efforts have also seen ‍her⁢ work tirelessly ​towards ⁣providing safe water​ &‌ sanitation through charity:‍ water and education ‍and scholarships⁤ to ‌deserving students through Step Up Women’s Network.

Charitable ‍EndeavorsCauses
The Honest‍ CompanyEnvironmental‌ Sustainability and Consumer⁢ Safety
Baby2BabyChild⁣ Welfare
Safer Chemicals, ‍Healthy FamiliesToxic-free Environment
Charity: WaterSafe⁣ Water &​ Sanitation
Step Up ‌Women’s NetworkEducation and Scholarships


82)‌ Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling

It’s⁤ no​ news that our favorite ‘The Notebook’​ star turned‍ heads not only⁢ for his ‌dashing good looks​ but also⁢ for his‍ big-hearted endeavors. A true star both on and off camera, he adds charm to the⁣ cause of justice and humanity. Ryan has shown immense support​ and donated generously towards various charities and appeals.⁣ PETA,‌ Invisible Children and SickKids Foundation are just to‍ name a few. The‍ talented actor‌ uses his platform for raising awareness on⁤ mental health‍ issues and campaigning⁤ against the inhumane treatment‍ of animals.

PETAAdvocated against fast food chains for the inhumane ⁢treatment of chickens.
Invisible ChildrenActively participated⁣ in rallies and donated for the wellbeing of war-affected children.
SickKids ‌FoundationFrequently visits‍ and donates for better medical facilities ‌for​ sick⁣ children.

He’s been photographed numerous times wearing Invisible Children’s merchandise, ⁢meeting with sick‌ children and helping out at animal shelters. It is safe‌ to⁤ say that ⁢the star puts his money – and his⁣ heart into ⁢causes he truly ⁤believes⁢ in. His humanity isn’t⁤ just limited ⁤to his charitable contributions. One ⁤memorable instance of his character was when he bought a ⁣cow to ⁣save it from being slaughtered. His ‍dedication⁤ to doing good extends ⁤beyond his fame, making him ⁤a role ⁣model ⁣for⁢ many. Ryan proves it doesn’t ⁢take superpowers to be⁢ a real-life​ hero, just ​ a strong​ will and kindness in⁢ your heart.

83) Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada Pinkett Smith

Best known for ​her acting prowess and musical⁣ aptitude, Jada Pinkett Smith has ​stood as an icon ‌in the entertainment ‍industry for many years. However, what‌ elevates her fame further is her unwavering drive for ‌philanthropy. From education to social justice causes, Pinkett ⁢Smith⁣ has been generous, not ‍only ‌with her funds but also her time and influence.

Born into​ a family that stressed the importance of giving⁤ back, Jada Pinkett-Smith ⁢co-created the Will⁢ and Jada Smith Family ​Foundation with her husband. The foundation is dedicated to improving lives and investing in organizations and initiatives that empower traditionally overlooked ‍communities. Additionally, their Don’t Wait, ⁣Educate initiative⁢ advocates⁣ for ⁣improving ⁣education ‍accessibility and quality worldwide.

The vibrant actress ⁣is also a notable supporter of Chime for Change, a global campaign ‌that ‍aims to raise funds and awareness for girls ⁢and women pursuing their ambitions. Furthermore, she has shown great advocacy ‌for human ⁢rights and ⁢worked hand⁤ in hand with organizations ‌supporting victims of ‍human trafficking.

Charity Organisations SupportedKey Initiatives
Will and Jada Smith Family FoundationDon’t Wait, Educate
Chime for⁣ ChangeAdvocacy for Women’s Rights
Various Human Rights ⁤OrganizationsFight ⁣Against ‌Human⁢ Trafficking

Whether it’s her relentless fight⁢ for‌ education, ⁢women’s rights, or against human trafficking, ‌Jada Pinkett‌ Smith’s​ humanitarian efforts show her strength⁢ and determination, making her one of the ‍top charitable celebrities who have used their platform to effect monumental‍ change.

84) Idris ⁢Elba

Idris ⁢Elba

Proudly stepping ‍into ⁤the realm of philanthropy, Idris Elba ​ is a​ renowned​ British‍ actor, ⁤producer, and⁣ musician ​who has channeled ⁤his fame towards⁤ an⁤ assortment of charitable works. ⁤A multi-talented personality with an impressive profile, Elba advocates humanitarian causes through his active participation ⁢and generous,⁤ simply showing‍ us that he is not just a heartthrob on the ‍screen ⁤but also a soft-hearted nobility ⁢off the ​screen.

Apart from his ⁢successful career in Hollywood, Elba has shown great concern towards issues⁣ related‍ to⁤ health ​and poverty. In⁤ 2019, he collaborated with the ‍United​ Nations ‍International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) as their Goodwill Ambassador, aiming to help combat poverty and improve food security for rural communities ​in developing countries. Moreover, Elba has been ​actively involved in‍ battling Ebola. In 2014,‌ he collaborated with the IFRC’s Africa United campaign ⁤against ‍Ebola, and later in 2020,⁤ he ‍launched a successful COVID-19 fundraising campaign together with his wife Sabrina, collecting fund to ‌support ​the rural ⁤poor afflicted by the pandemic crisis. With such​ acts, Idris⁣ Elba has‌ manifested the ⁢true⁢ meaning of stardom by ⁢creating ⁤a substantial impact ⁢on‍ society.

Charitable WorkOrganizationYear
Advocating ​agricultural‌ development for rural communitiesUnited Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)2019
Battling EbolaIFRC’s Africa United campaign against Ebola2014
COVID-19 fundraising for the rural poorJoint​ initiative with Wife Sabrina Elba2020

85) Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck

Despite his demanding ​Hollywood career, this Oscar-winning actor‌ found the time and heart to‍ offer substantial aid⁣ to those in need. Ben Affleck co-founded ​the Eastern ‍Congo​ Initiative ⁤(ECI) back in 2010, which works towards providing grant management, strategic‌ advice and advocacy for groups operating in the⁢ Democratic​ Republic of ​Congo. ECI’s ⁣primary focus is ensuring the local community’s access to healthcare, education, and economic opportunities, working to enhance their⁢ ability⁢ to live with dignity, ⁣justice, and balance.

Moreover, ‌Affleck’s​ compassion ⁢extends ​beyond his co-founded initiative.‍ He’s​ been known to support ‍charities such‍ as Feeding America, a ‌campaign dedicated to eradicating ‍domestic hunger and ‍A-T Children’s ⁣Project, focusing on reducing the suffering of children with ataxia-telangiectasia.

Charitable WorkOrganisation
Grant Management, Strategic SupportEastern⁣ Congo Initiative
Advocacy ‌Against HungerFeeding America
Children’s Health SupportA-T Children’s Project

In ​addition⁢ to these actions, Affleck has participated in several fundraising events and⁤ has⁢ used⁣ his influence to raise awareness about pertinent issues. Whether it’s by ‍giving speeches in the US ⁤Senate about Congo’s ‍strife or ⁤by using his​ platform to advocate for Boston-based charities, Ben ⁤Affleck’s philanthropic ⁢dedication is both noteworthy and inspiring.

86) Simon Cowell

Simon Cowell

Not everyone knows, ⁢but‍ the hard-nosed⁤ X Factor judge ⁤has a heart‍ of ⁣gold⁢ when‌ it comes ‍to donating‍ to ⁤causes ⁣he cares about. In‍ spite ⁣of being recognized largely for​ his abrasive demeanor‌ on reality TV, ‌the titan of music industry ⁤doesn’t shy away from demonstrating his generous side.

Simon is the patron of‌ the UK-based ⁢charity, Together For⁣ Short​ Lives, which provides care⁢ for ‌children ‍and young ⁣people who have life-threatening​ or life-limiting conditions. Despite his​ busy schedule, he devotes considerable time and resources towards​ the cause. He’s also known​ for giving​ his backing to the Katie ⁢Piper Foundation ​which ⁤aids ⁣people ‌dealing with burns and scars, giving silent,​ anonymous donations that have made a massive difference.

Charities ‍supportedTotal donations
Together ​For ​Short LivesUndisclosed
The Katie⁢ Piper FoundationUndisclosed

Besides⁤ these, Simon staunchly ​supports animal rights. He ⁢has donated⁣ £25,000 ‍to the Humane Society International and ⁤consequently became‌ a strong⁣ spokesperson against the dog⁣ meat trade⁤ in Asia.⁣ His generous contributions to organizations like PETA hint at a ⁤depth to Simon⁣ Cowell that ‍belies the stern exterior we watch on TV.

Day by day, he consistently proves himself ‌to ​be one of the celebrities that‍ sincerely⁢ use ‍their influence and wealth to ⁤create a positive impact in the world.

87) ⁤Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks

Often referred to as “America’s Dad,” ‌ Tom Hanks ⁢ has always ‍been known‍ for his charming on-screen personality. However, off-screen he is equally ⁢impressive with his notable charitable efforts. The⁤ two-time Oscar winner is famous for helping ⁤and giving support to numerous charities, highlighting his philanthropic spirit.

Some of‌ his significant contributions include the‍ creation of​ the Playtone ⁤Fund ⁢ alongside his⁢ wife, ⁢Rita ‍Wilson. This charity helps people⁤ suffering from⁣ various traumas, such as‍ the veterans who⁢ fought ⁢in World War​ II.‍ He also‌ supports the ‌ Motion Picture⁣ and Television Fund, taking care of people who devoted their lives to‍ entertaining others. Not ​to mention his constant support ⁢for cancer research and ⁣children’s charities.

Besides monetary donations, he often takes part in charity events ​to show ⁢his ‌support. To add to‍ his benevolent stature, Tom Hanks always​ makes time to return​ to‌ his community and ​contribute his⁣ own creative energy towards these philanthropic efforts. Truly, these actions firmly establish him‍ as one of the⁣ most charitable celebrities.

Playtone FundSupports Trauma Victims
Motion ⁤Picture ​& Television FundSupports People in the⁤ Entertainment Industry
Various Cancer Research CharitiesFunds and Supports⁤ Cancer Research
Various Children’s CharitiesSupports Children in Need


88)⁢ Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez

Giving back to the community and using her fame to bring light to important issues, Jennifer Lopez is another​ notable altruistic star. Best known ⁤for her‌ roles in music, film, and television, Lopez has shown a huge⁣ heart​ for years now with her dedication to‌ numerous charitable causes.

She is the co-founder of ⁤the Lopez Family Foundation, an‌ organization dedicated to⁣ improving the health and well-being ‌of women and ⁤children. ​The Foundation advocates for ⁤and delivers key‌ services — including healthcare and education — to​ underserved populations.

    • Jennifer Lopez has also provided substantial support ‍to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, AmFAR,⁤ and⁣ the American Red Cross.
    • Beyond her work‍ with her own foundation, she has shown an unparalleled commitment to a ‍number ⁢of humanitarian causes.
    • In 2020, she⁢ teamed up with her ⁣then-fiancé, Alex Rodriguez, to ⁢donate meals to frontline healthcare​ workers battling‍ the COVID-19 pandemic through a partnership⁢ with ⁣ Tiller & Hatch.
Charitable Highlights
FoundationLopez Family Foundation
Supported CausesWomen and Children’s Health,⁢ Education, Disaster ⁢Relief
Notable CollaborationsTiller & Hatch, ⁤Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, AmFAR, American Red Cross


89) David and⁢ Victoria Beckham

David and⁢ Victoria Beckham

The ​Power Duo‍ in Philanthropy: ‍Although well-known for their success in the worlds of football and fashion, the renown couple, ⁤ David ​and Victoria Beckham, have also ‌made indelible‌ marks ​in the field of⁤ charity. Over several years, the ⁤pair has been significantly‌ involved in⁢ various philanthropic endeavours, making notable ⁢contributions to support⁣ numerous causes. The‍ couple’s charitable ⁤spirits ​are clearly reflected in ​their dedicated actions, ⁢from giving large ‌amounts‍ to charities, to⁢ collaborating with various nonprofit organizations to raise awareness ⁢about pressing global issues.

David ⁢Beckham, one of the most recognized and ‍well-loved athletes globally, serves​ as​ a⁤ UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador,⁤ passionately advocating for ⁣children’s‍ rights worldwide. He has involved his ​family ‌in ⁢his‍ charitable⁢ work,⁤ launching projects such as 7: The David Beckham Unicef Fund, aiming at providing a safer environment for children‍ around the world, focusing on health, education and‌ protection aspects.

On the⁢ other hand, Victoria Beckham, an acclaimed fashion designer ⁣and ex-Spice​ Girl, has used⁣ her ⁤high-profile status to champion ⁢causes ​related⁢ to HIV/AIDS. Working with charities ⁢like Born Free Africa and⁤ Mothers2Mothers,⁣ she has‍ helped in the fight against mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

Below is a ⁣brief highlight of some of their significant ‍charitable work:

YearsCharity ​Works
2005 – PresentDavid‍ becomes UNICEF ⁣Goodwill Ambassador
2014Victoria becomes UNAIDS Global Goodwill ⁤Ambassador
2015Launch of 7: The David Beckham Unicef ​Fund
2016Victoria’s collaboration with Born Free Africa

Their ‌exemplary ‍work in the world⁤ of ⁤charity continues ​to inspire others, setting a powerful example ⁢for many. They truly embody the notion⁤ that success measures not just by personal achievements, ⁣but also by how​ many⁣ lives one can touch ⁣positively.

90) Lupita Nyongo

Lupita Nyongo may be ‍best known for her ‌Academy Award-winning performance in‌ 12 Years a Slave and her work in ‍Black Panther, but her influence extends‌ far​ beyond the silver screen. Despite her star status, ‌her humility and⁤ compassion might be the most‍ impressive facets⁢ of​ her persona. Nyongo’s philanthropic efforts primarily focus on arts, education and health.

Nyongo has been involved with many notable⁤ charities including ‌ Wildaid ‌ and⁢ Maisha ​Foundation. Wildaid is an organization dedicated to‌ reducing global consumption⁤ of wildlife products, while⁣ the Maisha ​Foundation⁤ offers art education and ‌resources to East​ African children. Devoted to‍ her Kenyan⁣ roots, she also empowers⁢ the​ women of Kenya by being an ⁣ambassador⁣ for ​Lancôme’s Roses ⁢for Education Program, which aims at sending Kenyan girls to school. Additionally, Lupita teamed ⁤up ⁤with ⁤the ONE Campaign, an⁤ international, non-partisan, non-profit fighting against ‌extreme poverty and preventable diseases. She uses⁣ her platform strategically, whether​ that be by ⁣speaking out about societal issues, supporting global health and education, ​or ⁢advocating ‍for animal conservation and human ⁤rights,‍ revealing her ⁣true integrity ⁤and dedication to making ⁣a difference in the world.

Charity OrganizationArea of Focus
WildaidAnimal⁣ Conservation
Maisha ‍FoundationArt Education
Roses for Education ProgramEducation ⁤for Kenyan Girls
ONE ⁣CampaignGlobal Health and ⁣Poverty


91) Chris Martin

Chris Martin

Known predominantly for his tantalizing musical‌ talents as​ the ⁤front-man of the popular​ band Coldplay, Chris Martin has been consistent in his philanthropic gestures⁢ over⁣ the⁣ years, making⁣ a positive difference ⁣in society. The British musician has ​been ‌active ‍in several fundraising‌ events ‍and charity ⁤concerts, ‌lending ⁣not just his name, but also his time and​ resources to a ‍cluster of honorable causes.

One ⁢of the most prominent ‌organizations that Chris has ‍been ardently⁢ supporting ‍is Oxfam International,​ a confederation‍ committed to dealing with ⁤poverty‍ and ⁤injustice. Chris frequently travels with Oxfam‌ to visit their initiatives ⁢in countries ‌such as Haiti and India,​ raising⁣ awareness about pressing issues like⁤ fair trade‌ and ⁤climate change. For Make Trade Fair, he auctioned ⁣his first guitar, raising substantial ‍funds for the charity. ⁣Furthermore, he has given​ standout performances‌ in numerous charity concerts including Hope For Haiti Now and The Secret Policeman’s⁤ Ball.

Charity ‌OrganisationsKey Contributions
Oxfam InternationalTravels and‌ raises awareness, participated in numerous ⁢fundraising events
Make Trade FairAuctioned his first ‌guitar for fundraising
Hope For ​Haiti ​NowPerformed in the charity concert⁤ for ‍raising ⁤funds ⁣and awareness
The​ Secret⁣ Policeman’s BallPerformed in​ the ​charity event focused⁣ on human‌ rights ‍issues

Be⁣ it⁢ through his⁤ voice that resonates with⁣ millions or his actions that speak volumes,‌ Chris ⁢has‌ made a significant impact‍ in the charitable sphere. ​At ⁤the crossroads of ​stardom and compassion, he⁢ certainly is Making A​ Difference.

92)‍ Colin Farrell

Colin Farrell

Irish charmer Colin Farrell ‌ may be known ⁤for his captivating performances and smoldering good looks but ​he ⁤also‌ has​ a heart as ‌big as his talent. His philanthropic work, much like his acting​ prowess, spans​ across borders. The ​versatile actor is particularly‍ active‌ in supporting causes related⁢ to children’s health and well-being.

In ‍his home⁣ country, Farrell has⁢ been⁢ an ardent​ supporter ⁤of ‍ Special⁢ Olympics Ireland. He ⁢has​ made numerous public appearances and generous donations to ⁢the organization, helping them⁢ fulfill their mission of ​empowering individuals with intellectual disabilities. Apart from that, he has also⁢ extended his helping​ hand to organizations such as the Children’s ​Hospital Los Angeles and UNICEF.

Colin Farrell’s Philanthropic Initiatives ​

Special Olympics IrelandRegular financial‌ contributions‍ and participation in various fundraising events.
Children’s Hospital ⁤Los AngelesDonation of funds and valuable time ⁢to interact with the hospitalized children, bringing smiles ⁤to ‌their faces.
UNICEFSpearheaded campaigns and made⁢ direct ‌contributions toward children’s welfare worldwide.

Colin Farrell’s compassion ‍for‌ those in​ need is inspiring,⁣ reminding ⁤us that genuine kindness can go a lot further than fame or acclaim. The dedication he shows on-screen is mirrored in his commitment to the‍ causes he‌ supports, proving ‌that he is a⁤ star in every⁢ sense.

93) Kendrick Lamar

Well ⁣known for his insightful lyrics and iconic music, Kendrick Lamar ⁣ is also impressively charitable. He often‍ uses his fame and fortune as avenues to create positive changes in⁤ society. His efforts ​span from supporting music‍ education to advocating for ⁣increased mental health​ awareness,⁢ making⁢ him⁣ a⁣ prominent figure not only in the music ‌industry, but also in philanthropy.

One ‌of ⁣the‍ most notable contributions​ of Lamar is his unwavering ⁤support​ for⁤ the Compton Unified School ‌District. Moreover, he generously ⁢donated to the‌ VH1 Save ‌the Music Foundation and Homeboy Industries, an intervention program for high-risk youths. In addition,⁢ Lamar is dedicated to⁣ raising mental health ‌awareness, lending his⁢ voice​ to uplift⁤ and give hope to those silently suffering from mental health issues.

Compton ‍Unified School DistrictEducationFinancial and mentoring support
VH1 Save the Music FoundationMusic EducationFinancial contributions
Homeboy IndustriesIntervention for ⁢high-risk youthsFinancial contributions and partnerships

Indeed, Kendrick Lamar’s ‍ humble beginnings and rise to fame have not made‌ him distant from⁢ real-world issues. ⁤Instead,⁢ he continuously ⁣proves⁤ that his heart is as big as his talent, gifting‌ the world with ‌his benevolent contributions while he expresses⁤ his thoughts and‍ emotions through his music.

94) ‍Adele


Despite her massive ⁣success as⁢ a ⁣singer,‍ Adele has not let​ fame‍ dull her philanthropic spirit. She has ⁣used her platform to champion countless ‌causes, ensuring that giving back remains at the heart of her story. Raised in an underprivileged part of London, Adele’s history has often ⁢informed her giving⁣ and has allowed‌ her to touch countless lives in⁢ a meaningful way.

Adele’s noteworthy donations and activism efforts include:

    • Drop4Drop: Adele​ became an ambassador for this nonprofit which aims to provide access to clean ⁢water in ‍impoverished communities around‍ the world.
    • Musicians Against ⁢Homelessness: She backed⁤ this ⁢UK-based charity by contributing‌ and⁢ promoting gigs and ⁣events⁢ in order to raise⁣ funds and increase⁤ awareness about ⁢homelessness.
    • Grenfell Tower: ​Not only did she donate a substantial amount of‌ money after the tragic London fire, she also showed up to comfort⁢ survivors and join the‌ community⁤ in their hour of⁤ need.
    • Stand Up To Cancer: ⁣ In‌ addition to ⁢her‌ financial contributions, she regularly lends her name‌ and voice to​ cancer​ charity events, helping them gain exposure and raise funds.
OrganizationAdele’s‍ Contribution
Drop4DropDonations and ⁢ambassadorship
Musicians Against ‌HomelessnessContribution and event promotion
Grenfell Tower ReliefMonetary⁢ donations and personal support
Stand Up⁢ To ⁢CancerCharity event participation and donations

From⁤ supporting local ⁢communities ⁤to impacting ​global change, Adele’s⁢ philanthropy underscores her exceptional kindness and ​humanity, showing that she truly deserves‌ her spot on this list of most ‌charitable celebrities.

95) ⁤Harrison⁢ Ford

Harrison Ford

When it comes to philanthropy, ‌ a man of many roles, yet singular in his generosity—Harrison Ford. Despite an acting‌ career that has brought him fame⁣ and ​fortune, he never forgets the importance⁣ and ​power ‌of giving‍ back to others. Ford’s philanthropic ​efforts have ⁢reached broad spectrum, spanning from environmental ‌conservation to aiding Search and Rescue​ operations.‌ His ‌time, resources and passion have shined light in many desolate corners.

Not one to hold back⁢ from decades of ‌advocacy for environmental conservation,⁢ Ford has been involved with renowned organization like Conservation International. As Vice Chair, he contributed significantly in ⁢preserving biodiversity‍ hotspots across the​ globe. His ‌relentless work‍ in environmental preservation did not go ⁤unnoticed, earning him the‌ Jules Verne Spirit of Nature Award.

Conservation InternationalVice Chair, constant contributor
Jules Verne Spirit of Nature AwardRecognized for his dedication to environmental preservation

Another area of Ford’s⁣ dedicated service​ has been ⁤in aviation, specifically search ‍and rescue operations. As a skilled pilot, ‍he has conducted numerous rescue missions in his private helicopter. ⁤His ​efforts gained media attention when he rescued⁢ a⁢ dehydrated hiker ‌in Wyoming. Talk about⁣ a real-life⁤ hero!

96) Matt Damon

Matt Damon
Matt Damon

Renowned ⁢ Hollywood actor Matt Damon is not only ‍known for his evocative performances but also for his enormous generosity. Best recognized for ⁣his roles in movies such‍ as the Bourne series, Good Will Hunting,⁤ and⁤ The Martian, ⁤Damon uses his influential platform to improve⁣ the lives of others, establishing himself as⁤ one of the most ⁤charitable celebrities.

In particular, his co-founding of, a non-profit devoted to providing access to safe water and sanitation ‌around the globe, has ​had‌ a profound impact. He ​also ‍co-founded ‍ Not On Our‍ Watch, ‌an organization aimed at‌ preventing mass atrocities. Beyond ⁤this, he ​supports a myriad⁤ of ‌causes such as Poverty, AIDS & HIV, ⁤and ​ Human ⁣Rights through donations and‍ public appearances.

Water.orgCo-founder, providing clean‌ water and sanitation services to those in need.
Not ⁤On Our ​WatchCo-founder, actively ⁢working towards ⁣preventing mass atrocities.
One CampaignActively Involved, reduces⁢ poverty‌ and preventable diseases.
REDSupporter, fights⁤ to ‍end AIDS.

Each of the ‍causes and ⁢organizations Damon ⁤supports shows his broad commitment to ⁢ philanthropy, and his actions certainly‌ resonate with the⁢ spirit of giving ​back. Through his determination and ⁣compassion, Matt Damon sets ⁢an extraordinary example for both his‍ fans ⁢and fellow celebrities.

97) Quentin Tarantino

Quentin‌ Tarantino

Known⁤ for⁤ his unique and ⁤controversial‍ style in filmmaking, Quentin Tarantino is ​equally unorthodox when ⁢it comes‌ to ⁤his⁤ philanthropic endeavors. Tarantino’s⁢ charitable​ inclinations have ​been⁣ kept under the‌ radar, but ‍that ⁤does not hamper his impactful contributions.‍ His ‍generosity has multiple destinations,‍ from art influence to directly aiding individuals in need,⁢ demonstrating his variety‌ of ​interests outside of film.

Charitable ‌ActionsImpact
Donation ⁢to The Film​ FoundationHelps to restore, ⁤preserve, and exhibit classic ‌films
Support for the UCLA School of ‌TheaterFunds provided‌ for ⁤film and theater studies development
Private Financial Support to IndividualsAids‍ people ⁣in ⁤real-time crisis management

Despite ⁢the diversity of his charitable contributions, the thread ‌of Tarantino’s genuine ‌love⁣ for cinema ‍and⁤ arts ​forms a‍ consistent⁢ pattern. In‍ his own way, he is ensuring that the magic of cinema is‍ kept alive and accessible ‍for the future generations.

Based on his background and his public persona, it’s no ⁤surprise⁣ that‍ much⁢ of the “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” director’s ‌philanthropy is geared towards supporting the arts. Tarantino’s support to The Film ⁢Foundation and ⁢the UCLA School‍ of Theater bears an unusual,‍ yet heartening, testimonial to his belief ‌in ⁢nurturing artistic talents and preserving cinematic history.‌ His softer side,⁢ however, is revealed in ⁤his private financial support to individuals, affording ⁣them the help they need in ⁤difficult times. This dbkind‌ of a distinct ‌blend⁤ of generosity helps to paint ⁤a ⁣fuller picture⁢ of‍ the enigmatic figure that is Quentin Tarantino.

98) Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig
Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig might spend his days portraying​ the suave and sophisticated secret agent ‍James Bond, but⁣ offscreen, his philanthropic efforts are equally impressive. Maintaining a relatively low profile ⁤in the charity‌ sector, Craig still ‌manages to‌ use his⁣ fame for greater causes. ‌He is involved with multiple ⁣charities and ⁢causes spanning across various sectors including healthcare, ⁣education, and the fight‌ against poverty.

In 2009,​ Craig was appointed⁣ as⁣ the first global⁢ advocate for the Eliminate Project, ⁤a joint effort between ⁣UNICEF and Kiwanis International ‍aimed at⁢ eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus. Moreover, he supports the Opportunity Network, a nonprofit ⁣that helps low-income ⁣students get into and graduate from college. His support also extends to organizations such ⁤as Artists for Peace and ⁤Justice, S.A.F.E,‍ and Cardboard Citizens⁣ – ⁣helping‍ marginalized ⁢communities, promoting ⁣peace, and supporting arts in impoverished regions respectively. In⁣ addition,​ on numerous occasions‍ Craig‌ has auctioned off⁤ personal items including his Bond suits, watches, and ​even his iconic Aston Martin, with all proceeds⁤ directed towards​ charitable foundations.

Eliminate⁢ ProjectHealthcare
Opportunity NetworkEducation
Artists for ‍Peace ‍and JusticeArts and⁤ Peace Promotion
S.A.F.ESocial Equity
Cardboard CitizensArts and Poverty Alleviation

Beyond his‍ financial donations, Craig’s dedication to these causes is evident in his personal involvement. The time, energy,​ and‍ platform he ⁢donates make‌ him a ‌valuable figure in ‌charitable ⁤circles – a⁢ Bond not just​ on screen, but offscreen as well for countless ⁣lives bettered through his philanthropic efforts. Daniel Craig is indeed a⁤ celeb that gives back, ‍proving‍ he’s not just⁢ a‍ star in Hollywood but also in‌ the world ⁢of philanthropy.

99)⁤ Maroon 5

When⁤ it ​comes to philanthropy,⁣ it’s not⁤ only individuals who make an ⁤impact, it’s also⁢ groups like‌ multinational pop band Maroon 5. Renowned worldwide for ‌their hits like “Sugar,” “She Will Be Loved,”‍ and “Moves Like Jagger,” Maroon 5, led by frontman​ Adam Levine, are among the big-names in‍ Hollywood who are‍ extending their‌ reach well beyond the music industry.

Deeply‌ involved in charity work, Maroon ​5 is associated with numerous philanthropic causes. They’ve⁢ contributed to ⁢ UNICEF to provide critical-care nutrients‌ to malnourished ​children and also‌ participated in the Re*Generation Music Project, to help homeless youths. They’ve been champions⁣ for the ⁤environment, with‌ their support for⁤ Global Cool, an environmental ⁣initiative.⁣ The band uses their concerts as platforms for charitable causes too, donating parts of their revenue to aid disaster relief⁢ efforts.

    • Charity participation: UNICEF, Re*Generation Music ⁤Project, Global Cool.
    • Type of involvement:⁢ Donations,‌ concerts‌ for​ charity, environmental support.
Charity ProjectDetails
UNICEFDonations to provide critical-care nutrients to malnourished children
Re*Generation⁤ Music ProjectParticipation and⁢ contributions to ‌help homeless youths
Global CoolSupport ‌for ⁣the environmental⁤ initiative


100) ⁢Chris Evans

Chris Evans
Chris Evans

Commonly known for‌ his role as Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic⁤ Universe, Chris‌ Evans doesn’t just play a⁢ hero on screen – he is ​one in real life​ too. He leverages his fame and wealth to ‍make ‌a positive impact on society. His‌ most ‍notable work​ includes commitments to charities like Christopher’s Haven, a nonprofit organization that provides support for families with children⁤ battling ⁢cancer. He also⁣ spends his time visiting children⁤ in hospitals, often coming‌ in‍ costume as Captain America to lift their spirits.

Equally impressive is his ⁢work with⁢ Mending Kids International, a charity that⁢ provides free life-changing surgeries for children worldwide that ⁤can’t afford medical care. Additionally, he ⁤is‌ also ‌part of the ‘Got Your 6’⁣ campaign, advocating ‌for veterans. His generosity ​doesn’t⁤ stop here, he has also used social media to facilitate fundraising efforts,⁢ such⁢ as the ⁣ #IceBucketChallenge to generate donations ⁣for‍ ALS ⁢research.

    • Christopher’s ⁤Haven: A non-profit that supports children battling cancer and their families.
    • Mending ⁢Kids International: Charity providing free medical care to ‍children worldwide.
    • Got Your 6: ‌ Advocacy‍ for veterans and their families.
    • Social Media Fundraising: Utilization of ‌social ⁣platforms‌ for causes like ALS research.
Christopher’s‍ HavenSupport for families ​with children battling cancer
Mending‌ Kids InternationalLifesaving ​surgeries for ⁢children⁣ in need
Got Your 6Veteran advocacy
Ice Bucket ‍ChallengeFundraising for ALS‍ research

Without​ a doubt, Chris⁢ Evans shows⁢ the world‌ that⁣ you can be a superhero off-screen by giving something back to society. His charitable ⁢works ​echo with his superhero persona,​ creating a positive and inspirational image ⁤for​ his fans worldwide.

Insights and⁢ Conclusions

As we wrap up our list of the ⁢top 100 most charitable​ celebrities, we are inspired by the incredible generosity and compassion‍ demonstrated by ⁣these individuals.⁢ From donating their time and resources ​to causes they are passionate ⁣about,⁤ to using their platform to ​raise awareness for ‍important issues, these celebrities are⁣ making a ‍real impact in the world. Let’s continue to⁢ support ‍and celebrate those who are making a difference, and‍ perhaps even find ways to give back in our own way. Together, we can all ‍make ⁣a​ difference⁤ and create a‍ more compassionate ‌and generous world.‍ Thank you for joining ⁢us⁤ on ⁢this journey of celebrating kindness and ‌generosity in the world of celebrities.



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